1 The Man

I sat in the coffee shop as I normally did on weekdays. I sip on my black coffee, reading a book. I look up from the book, my gaze shifting over, looking around the coffee shop. I take notice of this man staring at me. He seemed in his mid 20's, as I had only been 23. I quickly look away, making sure not to make any eye contact. He also looked away, back at the crossword puzzle he had been solving. I look back at him, studying his face. He seemed concentrated, but looked back up at me. My face turned a slight shade of pink, but I had been snapped out of my thoughts as a waiter had spilled coffee on me. "Oh! Oh my god! I'm so sorry ma'am, let me go get some napkins!" The waiter exclaimed, she had looked embarrassed. I stayed calm and I gave a reassuring nod to the worker, it had only spilt on the sleeve of my jacket, and I could always get it to the laundromat. I used the napkins she brought me and cleaned myself up. "Would you like a free refill?" She asked, referring to the cup of coffee that was set on the table, now finished. "Oh, no, that's alright. Thank you, though." I gave a small smile, then the worker nodded, heading back to the kitchen. I looked over at the same guy, noticing he had been watching the whole situation. I was curious, who was he?

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