

Hello everyone! This will be my first time writing here on web novel, but I have written on royal road before, so I'm hoping it's not to different. Please, if you could, wish me a bit of good luck with this novel. Thank you! Oh, almost forgot, Please enjoy reading this! By the way, this story has romance, but romance ain't the main thing here. There will be school life (in disguise) which I find to be very exciting because of secret identities and murders, a little bit of slice of life, but action is key.

FYI there will be more info chapters later on, but what I mean is that it will be an updated version of this chapter. This will usually occur when a few things "change" or are "discovered"

Onon: mysterious beings, enemies of humankind and heroes of other species. Humans view them as villains after the Great Humanoid War. (FYI GhW=Great humanoid War

Angel of death: ???

Great Humanoid War: As humans are the most abundant species apart from the infinite monsters, they decided they are superior, and decided to show that. AKA by utterly destroying all other races. Guess what? Onons allied with humans, at least the ones that did, but after humans showed their immense greed, they promptly switched sides turning the tide of war causing humans to look like idiots.

Clara Monticia: our MC

Hello everyone! This will be my first time writing here on web novel, but I have written on royal road before, so I'm hoping it's not to different. Please, if you could, wish me a bit of good luck with this novel. Thank you! Oh, almost forgot, Please enjoy reading this!

Woojexocreators' thoughts