

Reincarnated into the Naruto world, Yami navigates existence with detached curiosity, unperturbed by the human experience. Yet, within the confines of this emotionless state lies a potent force, as Yami's journey unfolds, revealing the enigmatic depths of a soul devoid of sentiment.

Htk_Kksh · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs


Yami is currently eating with Yoshino and her parents inside his house. He cooked dinner for them with his past skills.

"Wow Yami-chan! I still can't believe that a child knows how to cook this well"

Hanako, Yoshino's mother praised Yami as she helped him serve the food on the dining table.

"Yeah, you are going to be an amazing husband to your wife one day"

Kuroyama added as he sits on cross-legged beside the table, waiting for the delicacies to be served to him.

"Thank you, I learned from my parents-"

"I told you mom, dad, Yami here would be my perfect husband!"

Yoshino interrupted Yami's humble words and once again declared a ridiculous thing as a child.

Both the parents were surprised at her words.

Silence descended into the room. But of course, Yami seems to not mind Yoshino's words. Not because he agreed, but because he didn't really care for now.

"Let's eat"

Yami decided to break the tension with his nonchalance.


Yoshino's parents agreed awkwardly, while Yoshino only looked at them oblivious.

"Uh by the way mom, yesterday we confirmed that Yami-chan here has chakra!"

Yoshino brought up in a delighted tone.

Hearing this, the rest were surprised, especially Hanako, the one who wasn't there yesterday.

"Really? How? I'm pretty sure we even had a Hyuuga look at him... Is that true Kuro?"

She turned towards Kuroyama for answers.

But unfortunately, even he was shocked by that revelation and can't seem to find an explanation, and so he could only postpone talking about it.

"Th- that is still not confirmed"

He replied while looking at Yoshino dejectedly.

"Hah? But father you said that that technique requires the stimulation of one's chakra to heal wounds right? Then wouldn't it make sense that Yami has chakra because you healed him? "

Yoshino pushed further, which made both Kuroyama and Yami feel uncomfortable.

After the events yesterday, Yoshino's beliefs were basically incorrectly proven. Since being healed by that technique requires a person to have chakra.

But one person thought otherwise.

This girl.... I need time find a way to stop this conversation now.

"That is tru-"

"Then we should take him to Hibiki again, to confirm if what happened yesterday was true"

But before Kuroyama could verbally agree, Hanako interrupted.

She sensed the growing tensions in the atmosphere, and so to break it, she interjected and proposed an arbitrary solution.

Hearing this, both the boys was shocked and nodded in agreement. Since the both of them actually agree to such solution.

"Then let's continue eating then, and Yoshino stop talking too much while eating, that's a bad habit"

She proposed and scolded Yoshino for her insensitivity, albeit cryptically.


Wondering why Yami also agreed to be checked despite being at risk of being proved to have powers? That is because of the events that transpired yesterday in Yami's first training.


"In order to condition ourselves to the relentless and tiring job of a ninja, we must first be both physically and mentally capable"

Kuroyama explained in a serious tone as both the children listened to him attentively.

"And the first regimen that I propose to the both of you is Rigorous Physical Exercise"

Hearing this, the both of them gulped in nervousness, knowing that they will be subjected into treacherous exercises from now on.

"While exercising, not only will you increase your physical capabilities by destroying and rebuilding your body into a better shape, but you will also be upping your mental strength by conditioning yourself to fulfill your exercises...And so for today, I want the both of you to run 20 laps around this backyard, after that 5 minutes rest, and after that 50 pushups! "

Kuroyama adamantly declared to which the other two followed with focus.

"Hah hah"

"Hah hah hah"

Both Yoshino and Yami ran around in circles within this medium-sized backyard. Initially, the both of them were fine with the first 7 laps, but as soon as they exceeded that, the physicsl differences between them gradually showed.

Yoshino, having chakra and being more resistant to fatigue with her chakra, did not feel tired up to the 15th lap. While Yami, with his ordinary civilian body and nonexistent chakra, could only ensure up to the 13th lap, until he finally succumbed to fatigue.


The body of Yami descended onto the dirt floor after he fainted in extreme exhaustion.

"Hah hah hah"

Yoshino panted heavily while she continues running around even though she just saw Yami faint. This was by her father's order that the moment one of them collapses, that the other one shouldn't stop for the other to help.

This was for the both of them, especially for Yoshino, since he is not only training them to become ninjas, but he is also training them to become the ninjas that always survive certain situations.

As for Yami's case, this was both a lesson and a stark reminder for him of the great demands in both physical and mental strength he needs to possess in order to become a successful ninja. Basically, this was something devised by Kuroyama to discourage him from becoming a ninja.

Kuroyama then went up to Yami's body to pick him up away from the middle.

I didn't know what happened earlier with how he healed so fast, but even with that, he will still have problems keeping up with ninjas who have chakra....being a weak ninja already signs you up for death, but being a Chakraless ninja? You are calling for an immediate disappearance, no one will even know that you are dead, much less knowing if you are still alive

Kuroyama cruelly thought to himself as he observed the poor child laying on the ground beside him.

But before he could even touch Yami, Kuroyama saw the child rising up once again.


Kuroyama was surprised by this turn of events.

"I'm not done yet"

Yami spoke with a resolve.

Kuroyama saw this and felt more perplexed compared to earlier about this child.

"You are.... Determined"

He commented with an increasing smile.

Strange, why am I feeling chakra from him?... Is it from him? No, this feels like Yoshino's.... She hasn't unlocked her chakra yet but I already know the feel of her chakra as a sensor-nin myself..... And Yami's body, I felt a trace of her chakra..... Okay maybe I'm just overly thinking now.... Maybe she just leaked some of her chakra in the area

Kuroyama shook off the ridiculous thoughts.

Let's just stop being pessimistic and believe in the child. I should also stop on trying to stop him from his dream, the child got conviction, I shouldnt interfere with that.

He declared inwardly with a smile as he watched Yami continue his laps with Yoshino.

Continuing his laps, Yami felt exhilarated with what he just discovered.

Did I just...did i just indirectly manipulated her chakra and absorbed some of it into my body? This power....

It turns out that earlier when he was running with the girl, Yoshino being in front of him was being quickly drained of her physical and mental energy. And as a result, her unlocked chakra was shaken up and forced to help her body produce more of the two energies, making some of her chakra leak into the atmosphere. These leaked chakra was then absorbed by Yami's mystical powers residing in his body, making him able to utilize this to heal and replenish his energy. And all of these explanations, we're the deduction running within his head as he is running laps.

I knew it! The reason that I was able to heal completely earlier was because I unknowingly absorbed some of Kuroyama-san's healing chakra. And now as we were running laps, Yoshino emitted some of her chakra which I accidentally sensed. Some of the chakra passed by me and I involuntarily absorbed some of it again, making me able to replenish.

Now, he discovered three more functions, one isAbsorption, the second one is Imitation , while the other is Perception.

He can absorb the chakra of others, imitate its functions, and utilize it by indirectly manipulating it with his shadow powers. While for perception, somehow, he was able to sense the chakra of the people he has been mingling with. It turns out that he has been absorbing the Chakra of Yoshino and her parents, thus he is now able to perceive them and even utilize them.

"I should name these powers from the seven deadly sins"

He mutters under his breath as he pants running around.

Why? Because it sounded appropriate for him, and cool, nothing else.

As for the religious connections to those words, he didn't really care about the implications of the meaning of those words in his previous world, as he wasn't even Christian nor religious to begin with.

Yoshino vaguely heard his words and wanted to ask what he just mumbled, but because she was too busy managing her body while running, she postponed asking about it for later.


Yami's shadow powers (Officially Unnamed) :



Gluttony- Absorption

Greed- Replication (Partially Discovered)

Envy- Imitation


Pride- Perception (Partially Discovered)

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