
Starting A New Life [Updated 2/10]

Third P.o.V

At the beginning of time and when the world began to form, higher beings known as gods and goddesses appeared and created the stars and universe.

As one of the gods' thoughts of creating planets, they wanted to create various races and a remarkable thing called magic; they call this planet New Gaia. At first, it was but a formless void.

From this emptiness, the primordial entities of Creation and Innovation emerged. They wove the fabric of this world, intertwining the strands of magic and science. As they danced through the cosmos, their movements gave birth to the stars, the planets, and finally, New Gaia. This world was their masterpiece, a realm where every drop of water, gust of wind, and grain of soil was infused with magical essence yet pulsated with the potential for technological marvels.

After the creation of New Gaia, a world born from the intricate dance of magic and technology, the myriad races began to carve out their existence. As centuries unfolded, these beings nurtured a civilization that was a testament to their resilience, creativity, and the harmonious blending of their diverse cultures.

The dawn of civilization saw the emergence of an era where magic and martial prowess were paramount. Humans and other races honed their magical abilities, weaving spells that could heal, harm, or transform while also mastering the art of swordsmanship and combat.

This era laid the foundation for a society where strength and knowledge were highly valued, guiding the development of a unique magic and technology-based civilization.

Despite the profound mastery of magic, the inhabitants of New Gaia never shied away from technological innovation.

Magic-powered machines and enchanted artifacts became integral to their way of life, enhancing everything from agriculture to warfare. This blend of magic and technology propelled New Gaia into a golden age of prosperity and discovery, where the impossible became commonplace.

But sadly, even if societies grew, there was still a political system that took root, mirroring the old Earth's medieval hierarchy but infused with the unique elements of this new world.

Kings and queens ruled over their realms with the support of noble families, each controlling vast lands and owing allegiance to their monarch.

This system was underpinned by a complex network of loyalties and duties, with knights and mages serving their lords and peasants working the land.

The feudal system fostered a rigid social stratification, distinguishing between the nobility, the clergy (comprising powerful mages and priests), and the common folk. Power was often concentrated in the hands of those with magical abilities or technological prowess, leading to a society where the ability to wield magic or command advanced technology determined one's social standing.

Amidst the political machinations, New Gaia flourished culturally and economically. Markets teemed with exotic goods, from enchanted artifacts to technologically advanced devices, reflecting the diverse contributions of each race. Art, music, and literature thrived, capturing the essence of a world where magic and technology coexist harmoniously.

Despite its advancements, New Gaia was not without its challenges. The feudal system, while stable, often bred conflicts among the nobility, leading to power struggles and territorial disputes. Kingdoms vied for dominance, and intrigue was as much a part of court life as formal diplomacy.

Additionally, the divide between the powerful and the powerless fostered undercurrents of unrest, setting the stage for rebellions and revolutions.

But that is another time to tell as we go into a large forest area where monsters, magical plants, and more exist in that forest called the Death Forest: A Land of Terror and Treasure

Death Forest stands as an enigmatic and foreboding threshold on the outskirts of civilization. To the untrained eye, it presents itself as a mere expanse of wilderness, lush and inviting. Yet, legends whisper of its true nature a realm where beauty masks the deadliest of secrets.

The Dichotomy of Death Forest From the outside, Death Forest resembles any other woodland: towering trees, the serene chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind.

This façade, however, belies the reality that awaits within. Step beyond its borders, and the air thickens, shadows lengthen, and an oppressive silence takes hold, as if the forest itself warns intruders of the peril they face.

Monsters of Death Forest Within its depths, the forest harbors monsters of immense power, creatures that have roamed its shadowy paths for eons, evolving into beings of unparalleled ferocity.

Among them is the Nightshade Lurker, a beast that melds into the darkness, its whispers driving unwary travelers to madness.

The Ironjaw Behemoth, with skin impervious to magic and steel, roams the deeper parts, guarding ancient secrets with brute force. These creatures, among others, ensure that few who enter Death Forest find their way out again.

Flora and Fauna Yet, for all its dangers, Death Forest holds treasures that lure the brave and the desperate alike. Rare herbs capable of curing the incurable, such as the Luminescent Lifeweed, glow faintly under the moon's light, their properties unmatched in the known world.

The Silverthorn Bush yields berries that can enhance magical abilities, but harvesting them is a gamble with life itself. Amidst the peril, these rarities offer a glimmer of hope, a promise of power and healing for those daring enough to claim them.

Adventurers and Explers Tales of fortune and doom alike emanate from those who venture into Death Forest. Adventurers, drawn by the promise of untold riches and forbidden knowledge, form expeditions laden with hope.

Many are never heard from again, swallowed by the forest's insatiable appetite. Yet, there are those few who emerge, tales of horror and wonder interwoven in their accounts, their successes serving as beacons for future quests.

Each story adds to the mystique of Death Forest, painting a picture of a land where the greatest of rewards demands the highest of risks.

The conclusion Death Forest remains a paradox, a place where the line between life and death is as thin as the morning mist. It is a testament to the world's untamed majesty and brutality, a reminder that for all the advancements of civilization, there are still corners of the world that defy control, offering up their treasures only to those willing to face their deepest fears.

The allure of Death Forest, with its potent mix of terror and temptation, ensures that its legend will endure, beckoning the bold and the reckless into its embrace.

Yet there was someone laying on the ground...

" What is going on?" the figure's voice was soft and feminine as she slowly got up, her consciousness emerging like a phoenix from ashes.

" So bright..." she groaned as she opened her eyes, revealing her stunning green eyes as they adjusted to the light,

"An I in a forest?" she said as her eyes reflected a world unfamiliar yet mesmerizing.

She began to get up as Her long, reddish-purple hair cascaded over her shoulders, contrasting vividly with her pale, almost luminescent skin. Feeling the cold wind blowing onto them making, she shivered. Her lips, full and strawberry red, parted slightly in awe.

" Wow, this is an interesting forest," she said as the sun shone more, enchanting her beauty and curvy figure outlined by the soft, ethereal light surrounding her. Wearing a black off-shoulder and dark blue jeans shorts, she looked down and saw that she was lying on a bed of glowing moss under a large, huge, towering tree. Its leaves sparkled with a magical light,


She jumps in shock as she looks up to see a giant flying, sliver automobiles-like machine flying past in a slow yet loud as the wind blows harder than ever. She almost got blown away as she held onto the trees.

" Is that a spaceship!? Or something!?" she yelled as it passed through; as it slowly passed by, she fell to the ground with a loud thump as she groaned

" Wow," she groan as she looks up, her face covered in dirt, leaves, and her hair messy now. As she got up, she saw a

Illuminating the skyscrapers and flying vehicles that defied gravity.

" What the?! So, Am I in some space area?" she questioned as her ears picked up noises behind her. She turned to see a bright red fur-like rabbit with a longhorn, and her eyes froze

" oh my god, is that a red rabbit with a horn?" she stared at it as it was nibbling on grass. As she walks back a little, a holographic interface screen appears before her face, showing her name and others.

[Name: Layla ]

[Level: 1]

[Gender: Female]

[Health Points (HP): 100/100]

[Mana Points (MP): 120/120]


•System (Rank ???)

•Appraisal (Rank D )

•Power Magic (Rank E)

•Basic Combat Training (Rank E)

[Core Attributes:]

•Strength: 10 - Layla has average physical strength, sufficient for basic combat and daily activities.

•Stamina: 15 - She possesses above-average endurance, allowing her to perform physically demanding tasks for extended periods.

•Agility: 12 - Layla is reasonably agile and capable of quick and reflexive movements.

Intelligence: 18 - She is brilliant, aiding in her quick mastery of magical concepts and strategy.

•Perception: 14 - Layla has keen senses, allowing her to be aware of her surroundings and notice details others might miss.

[Elemental Affinity:Primary Element ]


Her eyes blinked at the bright blue scene that appeared in front of her eyes as she took notice of her stats

"This might be useful, but I'm kinda weak..." Layla sighed as she tried to think of what was going on; a pounding of pain entered her head as her mind gained some memories of her previous life flooded back like a head rush.

As images of cities, people, etc., entered her mind, she saw herself waiting at a crosswalk as the light was still green. It was raining that day, and the street became a rain-drenched street as people crowded around her, waiting as well.

Her ear flinched as she heard the terrified meow of a cat, and the loud honk made her look as she saw it coming in fast as the blinding headlights of an oncoming truck. She had acted instinctively, saving the cat but sacrificing herself, her body laying on the ground broken and bleeding as the cat walked over, meowing at her.

Layla smiled as she was glad the cat was safe. Her eyes began to fade as people rushed over, yelling to call help and trying to talk to me, but sadly, she couldn't keep me awakened or anything as her eyes slowly turned dark, and she took her last breath.

As darkness took over her, she felt a warm, bright light wrap around her as it whispers

" Don't worry, my child, you are safe."

Then that is all she can remember until she awakens now. Layla took note that she was not in her world but now in a world where magical different creatures lived with high technology that was a year's advance from where she came from...

" I remember... I died from saving the cat," she mumbles in a sad tone as now she can't believe she died; she finds herself in this surreal world where the boundaries of magic and technology are with strange creatures. She is still trying to get used to it, but her eyes scan their area and back to the rabbits.

" Let's see if I can use one of my useful skills," she said as her eyes glowed gold

Layla looks at the Rabbit horn as a screen pops next to it

[ Flame Horn Rabbit Lvl 10]

• A horn rabbit with flame magic, there are various types of hirn rabbit

" Interesting..." Layla said as she was about to turn around, she felt a hot air blowing down her neck. As she turned a little, she saw a giant dark green dragon starting down in her, its mouth slightly open as it was drooling, dripping down as it was sending fear down her spine

" Fuck..." she said

To be continued...

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