

'I Don't Know's victuals were almost gone, he was trying to manage the little he had, so he ate only once in a day. After passing a night under a tree, he got up in the morning, and started on his way, as he continued, he fell upon a path not quite clear, but it seems promising.

Going a mile, he came across a sign 'TRUTH', he was so excited and was rejoicing; finally I have found the right path to follow. As he continued, he met a middle age man on the way resting under a shed, he seems quite peaceful, and unperturbed by the world of evil around him.

After a cordial salutations, 'I am I Don't Know', and you? The man introduced himself, 'I am I Know'. Since you've decided to take this path, I know The Way, he will personally lead you to the Golden City, and he is the very Son of DukDuk, the great ruler of the entire world.

'I Don't Know' was so excited about the news, and was eager to meet 'I Know', it wasn't up to a mile and they both came to a place to rest for the evening. While they were sitting and discussing, 'I Don't Know' thanked 'I Know' so much that he began to shed tears. 'I Know' cut in, you don't need to do that; this is my main assignment, to bring many people to 'The Way'. As they journeyed along the way, the path of TRUTH, 'I Know' said to 'I Don't Know', the path of TRUTH is all over the world, but many people couldn't walk in it because of their way of life. The path is less travelled by many; they prefer to follow short-cuts, than to follow the path of TRUTH.

With 'I Know' leading the way, there's nothing 'I Don't Know' have to be bothered about, but just to follow. He was free from the tortures of Yote and his cohort, he thinks of no evil again because he had gotten the right path, the right knowledge, and on the way to the Golden City.