

Autor: 禾木以北
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What is 青权天下杠上冷情公主

Lesen Sie den Roman 青权天下杠上冷情公主 des Autors 禾木以北, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.三月的大江刺骨的寒冷如万年冰凌刺入她的每一根神经,火红的嫁衣在水中飘荡犹如一道道血痕,周围的江水张狂肆虐像恶魔抓着她拽往深渊,萧珞看着岸上那个崩溃的人越来越小最后模糊了视线,一个声音出现在耳边:你有没有爱过我?“我是爱你的。”身体快速下沉,在水里掩饰了她留下的最后一行眼泪,这一次只是为了他,萧珞蠕动着嘴唇终于承认了,之后她闭上眼睛等待死神把她带走。人在离世时最清楚自己的心意,若是我不是我,你不是你...


三月的大江刺骨的寒冷如万年冰凌刺入她的每一根神经,火红的嫁衣在水中飘荡犹如一道道血痕,周围的江水张狂肆虐像恶魔抓着她拽往深渊,萧珞看着岸上那个崩溃的人越来越小最后模糊了视线,一个声音出现在耳边:你有没有爱过我? “我是爱你的。”身体快速下沉,在水里掩饰了她留下的最后一行眼泪,这一次只是为了他,萧珞蠕动着嘴唇终于承认了,之后她闭上眼睛等待死神把她带走。 人在离世时最清楚自己的心意,若是我不是我,你不是你,没有那场战乱,没有那次相遇,许会好很多吧!她忍住不去想,可过往的种种如周身的江水霸道的灌入她的大脑里,就像是他当初一样霸道莽撞的闯入她的生命里。 赫连烨青,如果还有如果,你会不会还在原地等我?之后她没了意识,这场噩梦,这世纠缠,与这个人的一切都变成泡影,再见了。 是不是总会遇上这样一个人,像恶魔一样闯入你的世界,占据你的内心,霸占你的生活,最后给你留下一身伤痕,留得独自舔舐伤口,爱过,恨过,但却无法割舍,等时间过后,那是否还会与他在最初的地方相遇!

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A Mildly Odd Reality Breaker

Omar receives an unexpected visitor who comes baring a gift—a "registration ticket"—in the form of a small metal card that is itself an offer to participate in the game, "Reality Break." Accepting this offer means that Omar will be able to perceive the true nature of reality where there is not one, but two dimensions of time, and in this second dimension history changes (and somewhat "frequently"). Along with this, he will also gain access to the "chronopause"; another reality that is not so much parallel to our own as it is perpendicular, which acts as both a place and the natural boundary between non-sequential points on the timeline. Using the chronopause, Omar will become a chrononaut with the ability to travel through time, and as a player, he will be given a cybernetic interface and his own portable extradimensional storage space. It's a strange conversation, but due to Omar's dismally short attention span, he only consciously hears that last bit about the portable pocket space, and that's only after the physics-defying void is opened in his living room and literally waved in front of his face. Reality is certainly stranger than most people realize, but then again, so is Omar. Thankfully, he responds well to shiny things, and for better or for worse, his chronic inattentiveness is the least of his psychological issues. Omar also has a mild form of "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" which presents itself as an occasional, arbitrary need to disobey others (especial authority figures). However, his oddest psychological issue by far is his "abnormally hyperactive" subconscious mind. Outwardly and consciously, Omar is a lazy, apathetic man-child prone to mildly asinine behavior. Subconsciously, he's some sort of genius capable of extraordinary feats of cognition. Omar is able to live as a, technically, functioning adult, but to do so he must rely entirely upon unusual abilities he's completely unaware of, despite the fact that he uses them regularly. Up until now, his life had merely been ridiculous, but now it was also a game. Note: The narrative style is that of a reliable narrator with a "3rd-person sarcastic" POV. This story takes place in the Reality Breakers/Chronopause universe.

Special_Kev · Spiele
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2 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 1 :山河碎,红颜泪
Volumen 2 : 命何处,几时回
Volumen 3 :入深门,莫回头
Volumen 4 :诡异云,府中斗
Volumen 5 :黄沙没,玖鳯现
Volumen 6 :黄沙没,玖鳯现
Volumen 7 :乱世情,人可哀
Volumen 8 :风云起,乱世情
Volumen 9 :战黄沙,定天下
Volumen 10 :问苍天,饶过谁
Volumen 11 :莽红尘,青衫湿
Volumen 12 :放歌纵马,十里桃花


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