

Autor: 壹月而
Laufend · 8.6K Ansichten
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What is 零点五十九分

Lesen Sie den Roman 零点五十九分 des Autors 壹月而, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.著名编剧乔奚见和新兴大众男神陆旸仅仅用了不到两个月的时间就完成了日久生情,可足足五年了居然还在暧昧期。陆旸:“我们俩爱情的起点在零点五十九分。”乔奚见:“对不起,那是我事业的起点。”书友交流群:1077657350...


著名编剧乔奚见和新兴大众男神陆旸仅仅用了不到两个月的时间就完成了日久生情,可足足五年了居然还在暧昧期。 陆旸:“我们俩爱情的起点在零点五十九分。” 乔奚见:“对不起,那是我事业的起点。” 书友交流群:1077657350

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Mohini & Thakurani.

In the enchanting world of storytelling, where imagination weaves intricate tapestries of characters and lands, there lies a tale of a kingdom known as Thakaran. It is a realm that defies conventions, a land where women reign supreme, and unity and diversity are celebrated with unmatched fervor. The heart of this story beats within the lives of two exceptional queens, Thakurani and Mohini, whose bond and leadership shape the destiny of their kingdom. Thakaran, a kingdom nestled amidst verdant valleys and majestic mountains, was unlike any other. It was a realm where the traditional roles of men and women were rewritten, a society founded on principles of cooperation, acceptance, and strength. At its core, Thakaran was a woman-only kingdom, a haven where women thrived as leaders, warriors, scholars, and creators. The kings of old had long relinquished their thrones, giving rise to a dynamic era where the queens' wisdom guided the nation. Thakurani, known for her unmatched wisdom and empathy, was a ruler whose heart beat in rhythm with her subjects'. She was a queen who didn't simply govern from her palace; she connected with her people, listened to their stories, and understood their concerns. Her court was not just a place of law and governance, but a haven where voices of all kinds found solace. Thakurani's love for diplomacy and alliance-building forged connections with neighboring kingdoms, ushering in prosperity to Thakaran's borders. In stark contrast stood Queen Mohini, a beacon of courage and strategic prowess. Her eyes held the fire of determination, and her leadership extended far beyond the palace gates. Mohini was a military leader of unparalleled might, ensuring that Thakaran's defenses were impenetrable. Under her watchful eye, the borders remained secure, and any threat to her kingdom was met with a force to be reckoned with. But her strength wasn't just in her skill with weapons; it was in her unwavering dedication to her people, a devotion that earned her the loyalty and admiration of all. The dynamic between Thakurani and Mohini was a testament to the beauty of collaboration and understanding. They complemented each other in ways that only the closest of friends and partners could. Their council meetings were more than discussions; they were a symphony of wisdom, a harmony of insight. Thakurani's analytical mind combined seamlessly with Mohini's practical approach, resulting in choices that balanced the needs of the kingdom with the aspirations of its people. Yet, amidst the grandeur of the kingdom, there lay a secret known only to a few. Within the palace walls, a special bond flourished - that between the queens and their daughter, Leelavati. The young princess was a blend of her mothers' finest qualities, embodying Thakurani's wisdom and Mohini's courage. Her laughter echoed through the corridors, a reminder of the love and care that surrounded her upbringing. The soul of Thakaran, its heartbeat and its strength, lay within its formidable soldiers. This kingdom was defended by a legion of lesbian women, fierce warriors who stood unwaveringly on the front lines. Led by Queen Mohini herself, they were not only protectors but also symbols of the unity that defined Thakaran. Their skills were honed to perfection, and their loyalty to the realm was unbreakable. As time wove its threads through the tapestry of Thakaran's history, the kingdom flourished. The queens' legacy was etched into the very stone of the palace walls and the hearts of the people. Thakurani's commitment to knowledge birthed libraries and centers of learning, while Mohini's strategic brilliance ensured the kingdom's continued safety. The tale of two queens ruling a woman-only kingdom, alongside their daughter and a legion of fierce warriors, became a legend that traveled far and wide, inspiring others to imagine a world where unity and love prevailed.

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What Genre Is This Anyway?: Duel of the Warring Systems

Lyla just wants to fade into the background and enjoy a quiet life at her new school. Due to her mother's chronic illness, they have moved to a large city to be closer to the best doctors in the country. Due to this Lyla is changing schools in the middle of her senior year. After years of being pitied or bullied for her situation in life, she's tired of people's attention. She received a scholarship to a prestigious Private Academy in her new hometown. At first, everything is going well that is until she comes across one of the most popular boys in the school getting beaten up in an alley. She steps in before she can stop herself and by some miracle, she and the boy get out of there unscathed. Later that night while she is asleep a mysterious figure appears above her sleeping body. The next day she wakes up to something very strange, floating above her head is a green holographic window announcing itself as the "Hero Cultivator 7.2!" but as soon as she reads this the graphic glitches and is replaced with a bright pink one that says. "The Attraction Master, Become a Love Goddess!" The glitch happens again and the two screens keep switching before they settle into a strange state of sharing her? As her life goes on both systems force her to accept challenges and quests, even though she doesn't want them. One of the systems is focused on making her stronger and the other wants her to collect love interests. The penalty for failure ranges from death to being pantsed, what genre is this anyway? What is the goal of both these systems and can their ultimate purpose coexist in one person? Lyla has no idea, but her quiet life just got tossed out the window.

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3 Chs
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