

Autor: 不敢说爱的猪
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What is 这个大唐有点迷

Lesen Sie den Roman 这个大唐有点迷 des Autors 不敢说爱的猪, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.书友群:1013093303,欢迎大家加入万界大道殿堂看门人李霖穿越大唐成为一个萌娃驸马,本以为是个普通大唐世界,可接下来的一切让他更加凌乱,为了能够好好的活下去,只能开启全民修仙科幻武装之路,一路走到最后,李霖只想大吼一句,“作者我跟你说,你要让我逮到你,你看我会不会打死你!”(注:本文内容作者已经想了两年,不用担心辣眼睛什么的,如果辣到你的眼睛,不用担心,作者这里包洗包换^-^)...


书友群:1013093303,欢迎大家加入 万界大道殿堂看门人李霖穿越大唐成为一个萌娃驸马,本以为是个普通大唐世界,可接下来的一切让他更加凌乱,为了能够好好的活下去,只能开启全民修仙科幻武装之路,一路走到最后,李霖只想大吼一句, “作者我跟你说,你要让我逮到你,你看我会不会打死你!” (注:本文内容作者已经想了两年,不用担心辣眼睛什么的,如果辣到你的眼睛,不用担心,作者这里包洗包换^-^)

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The Magi-Tech Chronicles

"The Magi-Tech Chronicles" weaves a captivating tale set in a world where magic and technology exist in delicate balance. The protagonist, Leo Alder, a young Arcanist with minimal magical ability, finds himself thrust into an ancient conflict as he discovers a hidden lab that blends arcane arts with forgotten technologies. Leo's journey is marked by the awakening of unique abilities that allow him to fuse magic with technology—a feat considered heretical by many in his world. As Leo explores this newfound power, he attracts allies like Aria Vancroft, a renowned Techmancer, and adversaries such as Marcus Eldrin, a powerful Arcanist purist who views Leo’s abilities as a threat to the natural order. Together with Aria and other allies, Leo embarks on quests to unearth more ancient labs and artifacts, facing challenges from both the environment and factions opposed to his fusion of magic and technology. The narrative deepens with the discovery of a lost city, suggesting that the divide between Arcanists and Techmancers is artificial, fueling Leo's mission to bridge this divide. However, the brewing war, fueled by fear and ignorance, soon escalates to a climax as Marcus Eldrin attacks a major Technopolis. Leo and his allies must defend their vision of a harmonious future, showcasing the potential of their united approach. "The Magi-Tech Chronicles" is not only a journey of magic and innovation but also a reflection on unity and the pursuit of a better future, exploring themes of innovation vs. tradition and the power of collective effort over isolation and fear.

Kan_Tubtimthong · Fantasie
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6 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1 :初入普通大唐
Volumen 2 :普通大唐之六扇门
Volumen 3 :诸国来敌


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