
::Episode 1:: Introduction to Hannah's Life

**🎶buzz buzz🎶...🎶buzz buzz🎶** Hannah:"ughh.." Lizz:"Hannah will you turn your stupid alarm off it's been going off for the past ten minutes!!" Hannah:"Okay, shut up!" Lizz:"whatever..." That's my sister lizzie, I call her lizz though. I'm always missing my alarm in the morning. Even though I'm homeschooled, I still have to wake up at a certain time. usually around 8am so it's not that early, I'm just a heavy sleeper. Someone could probably break in the house and I'd still be asleep. Hannah:"mom, what day am I on?" I'm taking about the day I have to do for school, my homeschooling is set up a certain way. There is a certain amount of school work I have do each day, and that amount of school work I do is titled day one, all the way to day 195. Which means I have 195 day of school. Mom:"all you have to do today and until you're finished is write that english report with your dad." Hannah:"oh, okay..." This suck,s I would rather just do a normal day of school work. I like to listen to music when I work, but I can't because I have to work with someone on the report. It's 8 pages long. I know I shouldn't be complaining. (<The next day>) *Saturday* Dad:"Hannah, do you want to go to the store with me?" Hannah:"sure." Dad:" okay, get ready." Hannah:"okay." nothing really happened at the store except one little thing and I still laugh at it. Dad:"do we have milk?" Hannah:"umm..no." so we go to the milk and someone is coming so I just smile and he opened his mouth really wide and said in a raspy quiet voice..."haah" and I swear it scared me so fucking bad. so we walk away a little and I said, that was kinda scary. Dad:"I'm gonna be like that one day." Hannah:"oh hell no." Dad you're not gonna let me get like that?" Hannah:"nope!" We chuckle and walk on. (<back home>) Lizz:"are you going to finish harry potter?" We tried to watch all the Harry Potter movies together but her phone wouldn't connect to our PlayStation so we decided to watch it on our phone. There was a slight problem...since we were watching it on two devices something kept popping up saying I had to retry. At first I didn't really mind, but then it started popping up 6 times a minute. it started to put me off a little until eventually I told my sister and all she said was " oh really? that only happened to me once." Then turned back around. It kind of hurt my feelings, because if she would have told me that I would've asked her if she wanted to watch it my phone or try to connect again. She decided not to. I decided to just not watch the movie and go outside. After that my sister kept bothering me about it. to the point that I didn't even want to be around her. I talked to my sister about it and she told me I should apologize to her...so I asked her why and she said I should be watched it with her. that made my feelings hurt worse. Eventually something as small as not watching a movie made every think I should apologize to my sister. So I watched the movie and made all go away for them, but not me. that night I stayed up watching harry potter until 5:30am so everyone forget about it. I don't know why I thought I would be free of my trouble... I got in trouble for staying up late and waking up at 1:30pm. The only reason I did that was because the movies were rented and my dad told me he wouldn't rent them again, I knew they wouldn't let that got, ever.

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