

Autor: 辛木辞
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What is 海潮归来汐假面

Lesen Sie den Roman 海潮归来汐假面 des Autors 辛木辞, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.这是一部容易让人精分的作品。女主的心情就是她的容颜。她愤懑,绝对比无敌还丑女;她甜蜜,又是自带十二级美颜全天绽放。女主的心情也是文笔的风格。她开心,字里行间就是无厘头搞笑;她难过,整个世界就陷入虐心模式。希望看完全文的你还是那个少年,尽管心插着刀脸还带着笑。...


这是一部容易让人精分的作品。 女主的心情就是她的容颜。她愤懑,绝对比无敌还丑女;她甜蜜,又是自带十二级美颜全天绽放。 女主的心情也是文笔的风格。她开心,字里行间就是无厘头搞笑;她难过,整个世界就陷入虐心模式。 希望看完全文的你还是那个少年,尽管心插着刀脸还带着笑。

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Gods Sins and the Devils Virtues

The seven virtues and the seven sins Chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility. Pride, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony, lust, and sloth. The seven sins were taken from God's own mind and body. God's flaws were removed to create the perfect being. A being that only aligned, and followed the seven virtues. A being so pure and holy that it became the second sun, showering the world with warmth and life. The Devil on the other hand did the opposite. Having been tossed out of heaven, the Devil wanted nothing to do with the goodness of Angels and the purity of God. The Devil's seven virtues were removed and the Devil became a creature of only sins. The second moon was created, something that only existed in the darkness of night. God's sins became the Demon Lords, servants of the Devil. Striking fear into humans. The Devil's virtues became the Archangels, servants of God. Leading the way for the humans who committed to religion and God. In a conflict of interest, a war broke out between light and dark. Angels and Demons. But neither the Archangels nor Demon Lord could kill each other. An Angel could never kill a being from God. And a Demon Lord would never dare touch something that previously belonged to the Devil. So the Humans and Demons did their bidding. And war it was. Hundreds of years passed and blood was continuously spilled. It seemed like nothing would end the war that cursed the world... Until a classroom of students from earth got summoned. Blessed by God they tore through the Demons and managed to lay ruin to everything related to the Devil. But even God's chosen couldn't kill the Demon Lords. So they were imprisoned. Bound with chains that could never be broken. Chains that never rusted. Chains that even the Devil himself would have trouble with. The war was over. And it was. For many years, many hundreds of years. Until one man slipped up. A priest of God couldn't contain and control his sins. His lust got the better of him. And one poor woman almost paid the price. Her pain and anger awakened something that would help her turn the world upside down.

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