

Autor: 读书明智
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What is 明末山贼

Lesen Sie den Roman 明末山贼 des Autors 读书明智, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.回到了大明,成了一个山贼。为了生存,拔刀出来,刀锋所指,即为抢夺对象! 地主,抢。 士绅,抢。 贪官,抢。 鞑子,抢。 抢出一个历史,抢出一个未来。 子坚语录:跟着首长,有“肉”吃。...


回到了大明,成了一个山贼。为了生存,拔刀出来,刀锋所指,即为抢夺对象! 地主,抢。 士绅,抢。 贪官,抢。 鞑子,抢。 抢出一个历史,抢出一个未来。 子坚语录:跟着首长,有“肉”吃。

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Perspective: The Lost Records

An alternate earth where medical devices and diseases are living thing, the history of medical has been rewritten once again. Now the diseases are spreading through out the entire world, only doctors could stop them from infecting mankind. But... Is that really all of it? In a vast world of [Perspective], lies with many characters and stories came from many different viewpoints. However there was a legend who had been disappeared from this world's own records. ... Took part at the start of The Happy Days, the world have finally come to a boost in advanced technology, people are living in peace after the decades of diseases roaming around, but do they really know who keep them alive all these times after so long? Welcome to [Perspective: The Lost Story]. A hiding story that no one in [Perspective] knows of. Only you (Yes you, the one who behind the screen and reading this description), a wandering reader who somehow find this, will know. ... That's just the background story, what really happened here is just a struggle between the author of this novel, who wants to die and his creation, Vaccine, who wants him to live. *** Caution: This novel has many breaking 4th wall which not the only things will make you confused, also this event takes place before my main project: [Perspective] Also all of the interactions are real, you can say some part are actually my own experiences like the first chapter, so I hope you can make yourself comfortable when reading this messy thing. *** [ As The Founder snatched the back of his head ] "You've just started to work on Another one after first the draft of [Perspective]'s chapter 1, stop working yourself out." Don't worry, I think I can handle this much in my hand. Beside its quite necessary for the main project. "Right, as you said..."

Mr_Author · realistisch
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