

Autor: 大飞艇
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What is 帝国之心

Lesen Sie den Roman 帝国之心 des Autors 大飞艇, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.大陆的史诗拉开帷幕,获得七族基地,戴恩的心脏中藏有整个帝国! 圣堂、部落、地牢、森林、炉堡、墓园、深渊……奇幻史诗战争游戏,《皇朝之心》的七族基地都由他掌控,帝王宝座就展现在他的眼前! 精灵游侠拉开长弓、重装骑士正在冲锋! 凯撒帝国解体,列王纷争的时代拉开序幕。王国征伐不休,北方联盟不甘寂寞,深渊和死亡蠢蠢欲动、窥视着大陆,阴谋、诡计、宗教战争……纷争大势之中,王者方能称雄! 戴恩扛着滴血...


大陆的史诗拉开帷幕,获得七族基地,戴恩的心脏中藏有整个帝国! 圣堂、部落、地牢、森林、炉堡、墓园、深渊……奇幻史诗战争游戏,《皇朝之心》的七族基地都由他掌控,帝王宝座就展现在他的眼前! 精灵游侠拉开长弓、重装骑士正在冲锋! 凯撒帝国解体,列王纷争的时代拉开序幕。王国征伐不休,北方联盟不甘寂寞,深渊和死亡蠢蠢欲动、窥视着大陆,阴谋、诡计、宗教战争……纷争大势之中,王者方能称雄! 戴恩扛着滴血的战刀,呲牙道:“他娘的,老子一定要用屁股试试,最上面的那个座位到底舒服不舒服!” …… 新书《幻想娱乐帝国》已经上传,求新老读者支持啊! 《最终猎杀》已经完本,有兴趣的读者请移步一观!

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"Gue bisa pinjemin lo topi tapi ada syaratnya." Dira membuka tas mengeluarkan topi, mengibaskan benda itu. "Oke...Syaratnya apaan?" Dara langsung setuju, tak ada waktu untuk mempertinbangkan tawaran dalam masa genting seperti ini. Dira membetulkan posisi topinya. "lo jadi pacar gue, Gimana?" Tanpa sungkan Dira memberitahukan syarat mutlak pada cewek didepannya ini. Tentu saja persyaratan ini bikin Dara syok, siapa juga yang mau berpacaran sama cowok aneh kayak Dira? Selama setahun lebih sekelas dengan cowok itu, mereka tak pernah berbicara hanya menyapa sesekali. "Gue nolak." Dara langsung menjawab sambil melotot. "Yaudah, gue cabut dulu ya. Btw..Gue denger hari ini siapapun yang nggak make atribut lengkap pas upacara bendera bakal kena sangsi berat yaitu nggak boleh ikut mata pelajaran pertama sampai jam istirahat. Hari ini kan bakal ada ulangan Matematika, lo tahu kan nggak ada ulangan susulan. Bisa-bisa lo dapat nilai D atau E." Shit.....Dara langsung ingat bahwa hari ini memang akan diadakan ulangan MTK dan Pak Mail paling anti ngasih ulangan susulan. Dara gak mungkin gak ikut ulangan. Bell berbunyi tanda upacara sudah dimulai. Saat Dira baru saja dua langkah berjalan keluar kelas sambil membawa topi. "Tunggu, oke gue setuju." akhirnya Dara menyerah. Menahan pergelangan tangan Dira agar tidak pergi. "Good."  Dira melepaskan gengaman tangan Dara. Memberikan topi miliknya pada Dara lalu pergi begitu saja. Sikap cowok biasa saja, tak ada raut kesenangan karena berhasil memaksakan kehendaknya. "Dasar cowok aneh super nyebelin!."

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Their homes had been destroyed, her families killed. Everywhere and everything had been burned down to ashes. And worst of all, they've been taken captive. Elsa's life had crumbled down in one swift moment. She was the only survivor left among her family. Along with other survivors, The Cyprus Park took them all to their domain where they intend to work them to the bone. Elsa being a human, didn't have time to moan her family. She couldn't tell either, where the sweet, masculine scent that was invading her nostrils was coming from. Lucan was the greatest, brutal and most handsome Alpha of the Cyprus Park. Thinking that the moon goddess is punishing him for his brutality and not giving him a mate. His hardened heart seize to soften. And finally He got a wiff of a scent. One he hadn't smelled before and one who drove him crazy. Who has this smell? His Mate? He wasn't too happy when he found out it was his captive, a maid. Extract: Lucan was ready to go down to the gathering, all set and ready to go,with Lewis by side. He left his bedroom and began walking down the hallway towards the stairs. "I hope," Lewis began, "Your mate will be at the party tonight" he said tentatively studying the ALPHA'S mood before talking. "Uhmn" Lucan answered, whenever he started a conversation with 'Uhmn' it meant he want it to go no further but Lewis was adamant. "Oh goddess of Cyprus, do provide our Alpha with the most beautiful maiden that one has ever come across.Our Luna must be a strong She wolf like our Alpha"Lewis prayed loudly. "The messenger has he arrived?" Lucan said nonchalantly like he hadn't had the prayer Lewis just made. "Any minutes from now he will be here" Lewis answered. As Lucan walk down the stairs with Lewis, his Wolf sprang up at instance. The scent, our Mate, beautiful, sweet scent filled his nostrils. She must be somewhere along this part, He thought as he walked down the steps. The scent grew more heavenly and he looked around to see who it May be. Then he saw her. The Maid, his Mate, She was standing close to the bottom of the staircase, holding a tray filled with glasses of wine at her front. Her short, tiny maid outfit that sent her pretty legs on display was maddening and he became furious. He walked faster down the stairs, and as he got nearer, he stared at her small frame, long slim neck which was cascaded by few strands of hair plastered to her neck with sweat. Her hair, tied up in a bun on her head, gave away the view of her delicious neck which he wanted to grab closer and sink his fangs into them. But that would only frighten her to the core. She turned around at the last minute and bumbed into him. Spilling wine all over his expensive robe. As soon as she looked up and saw it was him, her eyes grew wide and She screamed and got on her knees. The only thing Lucan could think about was her marvelous scents which took all over him, and his Wolf kept dancing and with outermost joy. As much as he wanted to grab her to himself, he kept his cool and looked away from her. "My Lord! I'm......I'm sorry......" She stammered. "Mate" Was the only word Lucan could muster. "What?!" Lewis, said. The party was already In a chaos. A maid had spilled drink on the ALPHA'S robe. The maids had all gathered, shivering. All waiting for the booming of the Alpha's voice for the unfortunate to be beheaded. Lady Monica came spluttering towards them. A mixture of anger, fear and anxiety boldly written on her face. "I'm sorry my Lord, she's just a new maid and she's still wet behind the ears, kindly let me punish her. We are truly sorry" Lady Monica stuttered, then bowed deeply. Lucan stared at the faces staring at him. This was his mate, as much as he wanted to claim her, he needed to keep this within him for now. Turning towards Lewis, who was also anxiously waiting for his decision, he stated blankly. "Cancel the party. I've found what I'm looking for"

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The Enigmatic Arcana

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Latest Update
Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1 :扬帆起航
Volumen 2 :海上领主
Volumen 3 :第三卷 辛德莱尔之王
Volumen 4 :第三卷 辛德莱尔之王
Volumen 5 :荒土霸权
Volumen 6 :王之征途
Volumen 7 :灭世之战


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