
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasie
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21 Chs


''so, you guys know your history, right? said by his teacher as he sat down with them


''not all of it''

''cato, can you just explain to them''

''should i do it since the beginning or...''

''just do it from the beginning''

as cato started, issac went on his back and started mimicking cato saying as when doing, he sometimes dances as he went back on mimicking..

''so, thousands of years ago, we beast not only our kind other kind as well used to live together with humans, we co-exist together, we work together, we used to do the heavy thing for the human as the human used their mind to do things around, it was good so far until dungeon arrived.it changes everything right after the dungeon arrived, we had an increase in our physical ability like increase in strength and so on and we got this ability as our monkey ability was an bloodlust state''

as he saw ethan, sun holding their laughs while the teacher is smiling. he looked back and found issac mocking him as he said '' come on you serious, issac'' in disappointed tone

''i'm just kidding, just kidding'' said as he sat down with sun and ethan..

''wait why bloodlust state when we transform, we don't get bloodlust''

''when we transform bloodiness furor inhumanity ruthlessness atrociousness bloody-mindedness mercilessness lust for blood barbarousness brutishness cruelty heartlessness so in the end, we just call it bloodlust state but that was in all in the past''

''i like that''

''so the strange thing was all beast kind got this different ability but as we got this ability we were marked with strange thing on our body, but human didn't but eventually the human and we were too curious on what was inside of that dungeon that we beast people first went off course and to our surprise we found riches and new ability that only lasted an hour or two on us as time passes, we eventually took human with us and protected them from the monster in those dungeon. As time passes by, we were eventually afraid of human they were getting too powerful way powerful than us we were scared that they might do something, so we appease them just like how they did to us and we beast kind went into dungeon hiddenly so we could get power as well but no we never got any power, the only power we got lasted for an hour or two and that made us angry and that angry lead us trying to get more dungeon and trying to get more power, we were never really safe from human as they always try to do something from behind but now they were telling us right under their nose to not go to dungeon anymore, what could we do we were too weak now compared to human but we didn't stood back, we fought as the greedy this humans have as they all wanted the power themselves knowing we beast couldn't have any of it. At last war was always meant to come as it did, we beast kinds were getting slaughter right here and there but there were few who could put up a fight against human. We resented the gods for doing this to us, we resented the dungeon, we resented the human but more than that we resented ourselves for not killing them before as we never saw them as threat..the war continue for years as each years pass by their power grew more, we were sent back as we were pushed back from each place we literally cross 3 continent as the human follow us till until we were on ocean going as we finally reach here this place that human didn't follow us here''

''i can't believe this'' said by sun

''you missed something Cato, almost all beast kinds got extinct only few kinds survive till the end which including us''

''so what happen to human and us''

''so after we settle here, the marked we got eventually slowly started to go away as we got a new ability to transform into human as only looking like them as some of us travel to human place to get power but no one ever return, the only people who ever return was the people who only went there to check on human and their activities not for dungeon as we were angry more the fact that the human new place they have dungeon there as well but here where we settle we don't have it we were angry but what can that angry do so the angry we had slowly washes away as we come to realize the human were now fighting among themselves that we were at peace at last''

''so couldn't we capture some normal human here to see if dungeon will arrive''

''i don't think it could work but maybe it could work but that was impossible doing in that time since the most powerful human were right there over that side of ocean' 'said as he pointed towards the ocean

''we did actually, after the many years pass by, we beast actually manage to get some normal human as some of the human now didn't have any power, but it didn't work out so in the end, we just kill them all'' said by his teacher

''did the war just ended there like that'' said by ethan

''no, sometime the human would come here and sometimes we would go there but nowadays it is peaceful, but the human does send some monster here but i am pretty sure that the human is waiting for one day to get every human together and attack us and wipe us all but that is not going to happen because of you guys''

''because of us'' said by cato

''you guys are going to be way stronger than those humans even i am way stronger than them so naturally as i am your teacher, you will be too and when that times come, we will be the one doing the slaughter not them''

''but didn't cato say that they are way stronger than us''

''in the past yes but now they are much weaker well that is what i heard so far so that is why they haven't attack us''

''so why didn't they attack us in that time''

''they were busy fighting among themselves after they figure out that we were nothing to them as now their priorities were not us but themselves just like how the human are, greedy''

''so why don't we go to these dungeons and get power since the human are too weak''

''we don't really need it since we can get stronger as we train but those dungeon power would increase our strength a lot as many of us did went but were kind of disappointed when they came back so we never had the need to go there at all, these boats you see are used to go there but now they are all old as no one cares anymore''

''are we still going, or we don't ''

''some are still going in hope of getting strong abilities and power but in the end that is all a dream as in my opinion dungeon are great, but we can always work out ourselves and make ourselves stronger this is what differences us between human and beast''

''yeah, that's what separate us from those humans''

''yeah, that's right''

said as they were shouting and laughing as sun was quiet as his teacher looked at sun and call him as they were walking towards the beach

''you temp?''

''me no''

''so, what you thinking about''

''i..i was thinking if i could get those dungeon power it could help me on my journey to become strong''

''that's true but sun i believe in ourselves than relying on those power, why don't you rely on yourselves than relying on those powers but if you can't then i won't stop you, we don't know everything, so it is better to rely on ourselves than relying on the things that we don't know ourselves fully''

''i am sorry''

''i said to not be sorry but sun if that comes a day where you believe in other things than yourselves that will be the day where you will be ruin''

as they were walking as they looked at the ocean as issac call for them as they went back..

as issac gave them an apple as each took it and bite it

''my apple is rotten'' said by sun as he had a face of disgust as he throws the apple from his mouth

''mine too'' said by issac

''i think it just started to rot but it is not healthy or good"

''yeah, i think it just started being a bad apple with each other'' said as he laughs

''well i don't have mine''

''well, mine is good till the end''

''i have a good end with you guys'' said by teacher

''it is strange''

''why is that, issac''

''the apple's came from the same tree so the tree should have a good relationship with all the apple but some apple are bad and some are good ''

''cato, you are stupid''

''what? explain''

''when you pick them, they were all fresh and good but as time passes after you pick them, some apple of course gonna rot''

''but it didn't looked like that''

''sometimes what we see is not what we think it is'' said by teacher as he finishes his apple and looked at them

as cato and ethan just looked at their teacher and their friends as they also finishes their apple as sun and issac looked at each other and looked their rotten apple..

damn would like to write another different novel for this shit

RecklessInsanitycreators' thoughts