
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasie
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21 Chs


sun finally reached his village after an hour as he ran full speed...

everyone was outside and seeing sun, they all felt relieved...

''ah what's going on''

''ah you were kind of late, so we were worried about you'' said by Isaac

''oh, you didn't have to anyway where is grandpa''

''ah the elder went to your way to search for you and i guess you didn't meet him in the way''

his new teacher came over to sun and pat him in the shoulder.

''so how was it''

''ah i didn't really find anything good, teacher''

''oh, it is all good i mean you tried ''

sun was laughing nervously as he tries to hide his one hand since it was shaking, and it also hurts.

sun was now in his room training himself until he heard a door opening as he went out of his room and saw the same boy in his house carried by his grandpa

''sun, I found this young man in the forest, i thought it was you but when i check he had injury so i bought him''

sun didn't move, he just kept staring at them...


''oh, wait i will bring medicine''

sun went to his grandpa room and bought some medicine to use for it as the boy rested....

''i don't know why he is all injured, it looks like someone did this to him''

''it-it must be''

''who could it be''

sun was trying to hide one of his hands since it also had injury from hitting...

''hm sun, why are you hiding one of your hands''

''me no i am not hiding grandpa''

''mm it seems like it, did you get injury''


''show it to me sun''

''i got injury when i was going but it is nothing''

''sun, you don't have to hide anything from me just show it to me''


sun was just going to show but the boy his grandfather bought woke up and made some noises

his grandfather went to check on him as sun was following up behind, he didn't enter the room he just kept looking from the door...

''are you alright''



sun didn't believe what he was hearing, his one hand that was shaking. he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth as he was frowning looking at him...

''ah'' he let out voice in pain

as his grandfather heard, he bought some medicine for him to take as soon as he took it; he slept again...

he was now with sun again talking...

''did he mistakenly call me his grandfather''

''i think he miss his grandfather''

''that must be it''

''well i think sun you should rest, go to bed since you were outside the village the whole time ''

''ah yes and you too grandpa''

''i will''

''oh sun, can you bring the candle and lighter from the kitchen''


as sun came back to the room as he passes the lighter to his grandpa as his grandpa said '' can you hold the candle'' as sun nodded at his grandpa

as his grandpa lights the candle as both sun and his grandpa were looking at the candle burning brightly as it caught them both in the eyes as the burning light reflected on their eyes.

''oh'' said by his grandpa as he took the candle from sun and put the candle near the boy.

his grandpa smile at him as sun smile at him as well and went on to his room.

he went to sleep but he couldn't sleep at all as they were multiple thought coming as his heart was beating so fast that he could not sleep at all...

''what if he told grandpa the truth'' ''will grandpa hate me and resent me'' ''what will i do after that'' ''why is my life always like this'' ''i didn't even do anything to deserve any of this'' ''why is it all confusing'' ''i thought i finally have a good life but no everything has to fall apart'' why am i like this'' ''who am i'' ''what am i'' ''i don't even know anymore''

many thoughts were coming in sun mind as his heart was also beating rapidly as he couldn't sleep....

he stood up standing in his room, suddenly he started training in his room...

as he did for several hours, he was thirty as he went to kitchen to get water, he saw his grandpa sleeping as he drank his water quietly.

he looked at the room the boy was sleeping, he quietly went to the room and looked at the boy...

he kept staring at him as he slowly moves towards the boy that was sleeping...

he slowly moves his shaking hand towards his neck as he kept staring at him until he reaches his neck, the boy let out a voice in pain as sun realize what he was doing.

he snapped out of it ''what was i doing''

he was now breathing heavily as he couldn't believe what he was trying to do, he went on to his room as he wipes his sweat as he took several deep breathe as he looked through his closed window as his dream comes in his thoughts ''if he told my grandfather everything then i don't know what is to become of my dream'' as he looked outside as he was getting hot, he half open his window as he looked outside ...

he didn't sleep at all, he just kept thinking, worrying and to avoid all he kept training all night....

sun was outside early in the morning walking around the village as he was tired, he went on to his friend's house to call them and they talked around and walked their tree house...

after several hours, he came back to his house...

he didn't saw his grandpa, so he checked to his room, there he saw the boy and his grandpa talking.

he was kind of froze as something similar like this has happen to him before, the way they talk, the way they care about each other, the way they don't care about their surrounding, the way they looked perfect, more and more was coming in his thoughts as he kept looking both of them...he kind of felt lonely as he has been in this similar situation when he was being replace by another when he was just a kid...a sense of darkness started creeping inside of him..

''real'' said as he was looking at them

as the boy looked at sun as sun was looking at him...

''sun come here''


''meet primus and primus meet sun''


''ah hello''

''primus, can you stop the burning from that candle since it is all morning now''

''i will do it'' as he uses his thumb and index finger to end the candlelight.

the elder just looked at both of them ''is something wrong here''

''nothing'' said by sun

''ah elder, can we talk alone for now''

''if that is what you want'' said as he looked at sun...

''oh alright'' said as he exits the room and close the door, but he couldn't help himself but try to hear it as he put his ear to the door...

he couldn't hear anything as he couldn't, he went outside in disappointment

''i don't know what he will really do'' sight as he can't help himself but worry.

as he was now getting all tired, he went to the house tree his friends made.

he entered there as he was all tired from the training and yesterday being all outside the village...

''how-how about I sleep for a while and forgot all this that is happening''

he fell asleep a few mins later...

tear come falling down* ''i don't know what to really do''

''what do you mean primus''

''i am confused about what to do or what not to do, i came here with something to do but now i don't know if i should do or not''

''you should do what's right, I know it is easy to say but you must build up the courage to do what's right even if the situation is not in Favour to you''

''i-i am your...''


he let out a breath '' I am your simple but a humble Traveller''

''at such a young age, isn't it dangerous to go alone''

''as long as i kept my distance and act safe, it is not dangerous to do so, and my father loved to travel as well''

his grandpa smile at the word of it.

''perhaps you relate to it as well''

''it was not me but my son who love to travel seeing new places, he used to do it alone since i couldn't gather up my time to spend with him''

''but still, he loves to travel right''

''yeah, he loves doing it'' the elder smile at it....

''ah i should probably go since i have a lot of distance to cover''

''you should take a rest or two''

''if i did that, i would be lazy'' he laughs after saying it...

''i can't help but seeing you remind me of someone''

''just the way things work'' said by him as he let out a small laugh

''ah elder what should i do to be a somehow a great person''

the elder looked at him and pat his shoulder as he looked his grandfather in the eyes as both of them were looking at each other...

''devote yourself to making progress'' said as both of them were getting tear on their eyes somehow looking at each other, they were both getting emotional as they both felt a bond they never had as if they were not strangers but more than something...

''i am sorry''

''no i am too''

''it just, can't help but you remind of my son''

he said nothing but smile at it....

''if you want to, you can stay here as long as you want''

''i would love to but i am afraid i can't''

they said nothing for a while...

''ah i will pack something for you so you can travel, i can't stop a young man like you''

''thank you for that''

as his grandfather went out of the room...

''thank you, grandfather,'' said as he let out a tear from his eyes

as his expression was total sadness than before which was happy...

sun was now sleeping for several hours until his friends came and wake up him as his grandfather was searching for him...

sun was now awake

''sun, your grandfather is looking for you''



''your grandfather is looking for you''

''my grandpa'' as he heard it, he was now fully awake and now went to outside...

as he was getting near and near his house, his heartbeat was getting louder and louder and faster and faster as he let rapidly breathe in and out which he started getting several thoughts on what's about to happen as he already imagine several scenarios in his mind....

he finally opened the door as he was getting sweat and looked at grandpa which was working on something as his grandpa looked at him...

he just kept staring at him as he let rapidly breathe in and out.

''sun why are you standing there, come inside and help me pack for him''

''ah'' he finally let out as he was relieved that he told nothing...

after several minutes of waking, sun was now going with him together to take him to till he wanted...

they were walking but not talking not even a single word...

''i know what you said was a lie''


''the elder, my grandfather is not the way you speak of him, but he is very kind and wise''

''yeah, i lie to you''

''i didn't tell him the truth because i want to let you know I will return one day and when that day comes, i will defeat you in combat and let my grandfather know how you really are as a person''


''i will devote myself into making progress until i am strong enough to defeat you and that day i will proudly tell my grandfather that i am his grandson''

''i have nothing to say but good luck to you''

''and you want to know the other reason to why i didn't tell him what you did to me and the truth''


''i didn't want my grandfather to hate you, i don't want to be the cause'' stopped as he clenched his fist and release it and point his index finger to him

''all those years of love to be forgotten in a minute of hatred'' he looked at sun...

''my grandfather to you, as i talked i realize my grandfather loved you very much and i didn't want him to hate you so this is also another reason for me to do so''

sun said nothing but breathe in and out several times hearing his words as he was also happy to hear that his grandpa still loves him very much as it was not how he thought it was...

they were walking, sun thought ''it is my thoughts that make it seem worse than it is in reality, it is just kind of funny to think about it''

as they walked half an hour, he finally said that ''this will be enough'' as he started walking until he was no longer seen...

''i kind of regret on what i did as i acted on my emotion rather than think about it as i did, i have also kept thinking on the way what will you do since you lost your mother and have no place to live but i hope that you find something and i am sorry for what i did and thankful for what you did''

As Sun was going and the wind was blowing, he looked back again at where he left; he smiled and said '' thank you''

Primus was walking but stopped as he was getting all tear on his eyes as he wipes his tears off

''i acted all tough but i don't even know what to do from here, no this is not the time for this...'' he clenched his fist ''it is time to make progress, it is time to get stronger''

but still tears were coming on his eyes as he looks up in the sky as he closes his eyes

''ma, I met grandfather. He is very kind and wise''

he opens his eyes after a while ''i hope you and my father is there looking after me and that my father has attained peace overcoming his hatred for grandfather as i have no hatred for him''

''i would like to know more about my grandfather since you didn't like to talk about it but well all will be good just like you said, mother''

he looked back '' all will be good if it is not good then it is not the end''

he let out a breath and begins his journey...


his grandfather found something in the bed, something he gave his son right after his mother dead...it was a necklace that his mother made for him before she died...

''is this the one I gave my son'' said as he looks at the necklace

''i still remember the day i gave this to my son as it happens just yesterday and remember how you cherish it as it is the last gift your mother made for you without you even knowing it''

he started shedding tears '' why am i crying'' as still tear drop by ''my son forgive this failure father of your as i couldn't understood what you were going through as i couldn't give you the love and care you wanted''

he took a deep breath as he wipes his tears off '' the things that i have overcome has now come back to overcome me as I am tired''

he breath in and out....

''is he really somewhat related to me, or did he come here to give me this or maybe he is my grandson''

he holds the necklace as he sat down on the bed ''i don't know why you didn't tell me anything of it but there must be a reason for you to not tell me but one day i hope that you find the courage to tell me the truth as i will not force you to do so''

as he put the necklace on the table and went outside, there was villager outside of his house.

''so elder what are we doing today''

elder smile at seeing the villager face...

''we got a lot to do but let's do it slowly but make progress as we do so''

all the villagers had a happy face as the elder was also indeed happy...

sun quickly rushed back to the village and saw the elder talking to the villager.

''sun...'' shouted by an elder as his grandpa was looking at him as sun was looking at him..

sun quickly rushed towards his grandpa despite there being villager and hug him

''ah sun..'' said as he looked sun hugging him more tightly as he was now relaxed and hug him as well...

''i lost my son but still i have my grandson here with me...Sun'' in the elder thoughts

The villager seeing this was smiling as sun was hugging his grandpa as his grandpa was hugging sun..

just wanna say that from here it is gonna be kinda change i mean i know the plot and all but i did wrote character profile and right now i am at different place and i dont want to stop so i am gonna write new chapter but it might be different than what i was supposed to write so might edit later tho...peace out lol to anyone reading

RecklessInsanitycreators' thoughts