
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasie
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21 Chs


as sun was in the tree house, his teacher came.



''sit down sit down''

''ah teacher what''

''i know no need to say''


''sun, i want you to apologize to your grandfather''

''what i did was nothing wrong, my grandpa is the one who should apologize ''

''you had good intention behind doing that, but your grandfather is also very worried because who knows what that monster could do''

''he is...''

''he is very scared to lose you''

''lose me?'' as he was getting tears on his eyes

''so go now''

as sun was going, ''sun'' as sun looked at his teacher '' your friend issac wanted to see you so bad but i stopped him since i wanted to be first and your other friends too are worried so go and meet them after you fix your things with your grandfather''

as sun smile listening '' i will''

and ''and sun, always remember that everyone here loved you, everyone''

as sun smile at it and start to head back.

back in the home.

as his grandpa was done lighting the candle as he was going to sit, the candle falls on the ground as he looked at it as the candlelight was still burning brightly as he picks the candle up and put it in the table as he heard a knock as he horridly open the door '' sun'' as he looks it was not sun as it was another villager as the person told him of today farms as after he went on to sit on his chair.

as he heard a knock as it was sun this time as the wind was blowing very fast as he looked at it ''sun''


as he went inside and sat down ''grandpa, can you close the door the wind is blowing very much'' as he closed the door as the candle was still burning brightly in the room as they both looked at each other.


''grandpa, i am sorry''


''i am sorry that i made you worry''

''no, it was also my fault as i acted without thinking''


''sun, i wanted to say thank you for protecting this village, you were truly a hero tonight''

''grandpa'' as sun hug his grandpa as his grandpa hug him.

as sun was now on door ''i will see you later''

''go on'' as sun left as he looked at the candle that was burning brightly.

knock on door* ''sun''

as door open* ''issac'' as issac hug him as sun was shocked as he slowly hugs him as well

''what you did was great so don't mind the elder word okay sun''

''okay okay i don't mind it''

as he let go of sun as he looked at sun as he smile as sun smiled at it

''let's go meet with the others''

''let's go''

as they were going..

''i want to show you my human form as well''

''you did it huh''

''what did you think of me huh''

''let's go''

as they were all in the tree house as sun show them his human form

''sun, you didn't though of your heigh huh''

''even i change a little but you didn't change at all''

''i didn't feel like changing''

as they all laugh in the tree house as morning eventually came.

as they all went to the lake side.

''today i want you to catch it either you bring it alive, or dead doesn't matter but you must bring it to me if you don't you will get nothing to eat today''


''let's go''

''pick a stone everyone''

as they all follow the teacher as the teacher picked a stone as he throws the stone at one of the five crow birds as the bird who got hit died on the spot.

''go...'' as they grab the stone hardly as they ran...

as ethan, cato and issac catches the three bird that went other direction as sun went other direction to catch the other bird

as ethan and cato was hitting that one bird, the two bird came out of now where and hit the two birds as the one bird who they aimed stop as the bird look at his birds as issac also hit the bird with stone as it gets hits.

''guess we both hit too hard'' said as cato nodded as they looked at the two bird they hit as the two bird was dead

''well, mine is injury but still alive''

as sun also catches the bird with just his hand ''i caught a bird alive, i think i am the only one who could do it and those other will just bring a dead one or maybe they won't even bring it''

as sun return first as he shows the bird to the teacher

''you grab it too hard; it is hurt a little so put this medicine it will be fine'' as he opens his backpack as he gave the medicine.

as sun got the medicine, he started to put in its leg where he grabs it too hard as the bird rested.

as those three came, the teacher looked as ethan and cato bough a dead bird

''you will eat only little to eat''

''but you didn't say anything about that''

''it is what it is''

''ah come on teacher''


''issac, you will eat nothing today''

''wait, i bough a bird that is even alive''

''i though you didn't bough anything''

''oh, come on teacher'' said as Ethan and Cato laugh listening to it as the teacher looked at them as they quiet down.

''it also has injury give it to sun he has medicine''

''okay'' as happily as he said

''wait, you bought an alive one''

''Haha yes i did''

''I did as well''

''well, that is expected of you sun''

''damn right''

as sun was applied medicine on its body ''let it let for a while here''

''okay'' as sun put his right arm on his shoulder as issac looked at sun as he put his left arm on sun as they both went to where the others were.

at night they were eating as issac was showing ethan and cato the food he was getting as sun was giving food to those two-injury bird as the teacher called him.



''your goal is to become strong, isn't it''

''yes, i want to become strong''

''after that, what will you do''

''after that, i-i don't know''

''i heard that you want to be a hero''

''hero? when did you''

''that is not the problem you should be worried but after you become strong after you become the strongest what will you do?''


''our beast kind needs a person''


''a kind of person who will lead them, who will unite them. Yes, we need that kind of person''

''you want me to be that person''

''yes, i want you to unite the four kingdoms of our kind to one not only that i want you to unite all the beast kind in this continent''

''all of it?''

''you want to be a hero right and that is exactly what we need''

''but why teacher''

''because our own monkey kind is divided into four and we are at the lowest of the food chain and the other kind are. When the human will work together and attack us, we are bound to go extinct like the other beast kind that got extinct in the war''


''that is why i want you to be that person, that very person that this beast kind is desperate of, is in need of, the one who will unite not only our monkey kinds but all the beast kinds into one and that day when we are one, we will be strong, stronger than anything that even if the human attack us one day we will stand tall and still''


''but that is just a dream again, we are looked down by other kind and our own kind is divided and constantly wanting to go war with each other, but that person to unite them all is what I...''

'' what, teacher''

''forget it all, sun''

''no teacher, thank you''

as the teacher looked at sun

''when i become the strongest, not only i will unite our kind but all the other kinds that exist''

the teacher smile at it ''that means the training needs to be even harder, i will train you to be the strongest and your friends shall also help you in this''

''teacher, i like the fact that you want to train us harder but think about other that they may not be able to take it''

''who cares, the weak dies anyway''

as eventually morning happen, as they let the bird go as the bird that issac hit first fly away as the other bird looked at it not moving as the bird looked at the other bird flying away.

''why is he not moving''

''go go'' as they move their hand around it as the bird looked at them as the bird finally fly but moved to other direction than the first bird.

''it is strange''


''i thought they would go together since they were together but now, they are going separate ways''

''it is not so different; it is always like this so don't mind''


''let's go back''

as they were all at home as it was eventually night.


''you said that you wanted to be strong right''


''the other local city is inviting us for a local fighting competition that is for under 15 years only''

''what a-a competition''

''yes, i got this a week ago and since you said you also have to face these kinds of things so i think you should go there''

as he looked at the letter that his grandpa was holding ''i am going to beat them all''

''you bet that but remember sun, they are also going to be strong people''

''that is the fun part, i will beat them all strong people since i am the strongest''

''Haha alright alright take rest now''

''when is this exactly''

''it is like next week''

''next week'' sun shouted as he horridly went towards the door

''where are you going, sun''

''i am going to tell teacher and other about it and to train''

''wait train right now''

''yeah'' as sun got out

''wait...'' as sun was already gone out as the grandpa let a little laugh as he looked at the necklace that was hanging on the wall as the candle burn brightly...