

Autor: 新驷
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What is 史上最牛杂货铺

Lesen Sie den Roman 史上最牛杂货铺 des Autors 新驷, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.  周天从一个八竿子打不着的舅舅那里继承了一个杂货铺。  而杂货铺里的东西没有一样是真的,各种假货琳琅满目,像什么“康帅傅方便面”“飘杂洗发水”“万事可乐”甚至还有两桶“胡姬巴”花生油。  当然,这还不是最惨的,最惨的是这个杂货铺还会经常发布一些无聊的收集任务,收集一大堆像“秦始皇的裹脚布”“汉武帝的尿尿(此字读sui,尿头的sui)盆儿。”之类的东西。  为了完成这些任务,周天便开始了惨无人道的...


  周天从一个八竿子打不着的舅舅那里继承了一个杂货铺。   而杂货铺里的东西没有一样是真的,各种假货琳琅满目,像什么“康帅傅方便面”“飘杂洗发水”“万事可乐”甚至还有两桶“胡姬巴”花生油。   当然,这还不是最惨的,最惨的是这个杂货铺还会经常发布一些无聊的收集任务,收集一大堆像“秦始皇的裹脚布”“汉武帝的尿尿(此字读sui,尿头的sui)盆儿。”之类的东西。   为了完成这些任务,周天便开始了惨无人道的穿来穿去!   降临到秦朝,你让我穿到赵高身上。   飞奔到汉朝,你让我穿到司马迁身上。   好不容不当太监了,你竟然让我扑街到了武大郎身上。   呜呜,怎一个惨字了得!   

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Command Spell

Our mc died and was reincarnated with the possibility of making some wishes, the usual, he decides to use his wishes to create the "Command Spell" (I don't know how to name it, so for now it will be the same name) and so on. seeking power in order to guarantee their security. -------------------- I don't have any definition for releasing chapters regularly, I'll just post when I get it. -------------------- Well, this is going to be a standard reincarnated mc fic, only it's going to be what I would try to become if I were reincarnated and couldn't ask for an immediate power to ensure my safety. I don't know if this will have romance because it's not the focus here, but it's possible, but it would only happen after the mc manages to reach some point where he would feel safe to have someone close to him. Don't expect big things here as I don't think I'm a good writer and I'm doing this more for fun, before I was always thinking of some stories and ideas in my head but this time I decided to let it out. -------------------- The "Command Seal" is just a power that I invented in case I can't ask anything too strong as I wish for the ROB, basically it's a power that while it can guarantee my safety it also makes me have to fight to gain that strength of definitive way. I will explain this power in an auxiliary chapter. -------------------- *The image is not mine, so if the creator wants me to take it, just let me know* *English is not my first language and not my second, so what I'm going to do is write this fic in my first language use a translator and use grammarly to try to be readable, so I apologize in advance if it's not readable.

Jiogo · Anime und Comics
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暗恋一个不喜欢自己的人,或许是一场漫长的告白,亦或许是一场漫长的告别。 2028年夏天,26岁的倪笙要结婚了。 颜色鲜艳的喜帖上,女孩漂亮的面庞上挂着甜甜的笑,身边的男人高瘦而挺拔,棱角分明的脸庞上有着俊朗的五官,一双桃花眼正低垂着,满目深情地注视着身前的女孩。 新郎不是江亦源。 高中班群里炸开了锅。 一群人纷纷送上祝福,就连一直潜水的班主任,也冒出来送上了一大段煽情的祝福词。 不一会,消息便传遍了一中的各个校友群。 “倪笙和许时修,当年劳资最看好的一对。” “卧槽倪笙终于和男神在一起了!!!” “妈妈我想哭,呜呜呜!!” …… “十二年了,妈的太不容易了。”林南抹了一把泪,转过头问江亦源,“七月九号,一起去?。” 江亦源看了一眼没有一条微信消息的手机,淡淡的开口,“那天我有事。” “唉,算了,我给你带喜糖。”林南叹了口气,兴奋的继续在群里聊天。 江亦源将手机关机,走进卫生间,将门反锁,洗了一把冷水脸,瘫坐在浴缸边,抽完了身上的一整包烟。 很久之前他给了她一包糖,很久之后她吃完最后一颗过期了很久的糖,抬头含着泪说了五个字。 “终于结束了。” 她爱情的最后,是许时修。

哆啦妳 · Allgemein
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66 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 1 :历史收集任务
Volumen 2 :VIP卷
Volumen 3 :神话剧情任务


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