
The Lady of the House

Katherine led me to my room, which was on the second floor.

As I opened the room, it looked similar to my old room in Tokyo, just that the balcony was replaced with a large window instead.

Looks like they already knew my interests.

I walked in and placed all my stuff down.

"Make yourself at home. In about thirty minutes, a servant will come to your room and bring you to Lady Asami."

"I see."

Katherine nodded, and she shut the door.

I yawned as I inspected the room. Looks like I wasn't able to get any sleep, I mean, we left Tokyo at night and arrived here at sunrise.

I close the curtains and flop onto the bed, tired.

Maybe I'll put my clothes in the closet after I get some rest.

Slowly, I fell asleep.


Man, I wish I had more time to sleep.

I followed this girl dressed up as a maid to the top floor.

Walking past other servants, I noticed that there were only a couple of male servants. If I did my math, the ratio of girls and boys in this place is 7 to 3.

Eventually, we arrived in front of a particular room.

The maid knocks on the door,

"Lady Asami, I have brought him."

The maid waits for approval through the wooden door. Then Asami replies.

"Yes, come in."

The lady opens the door and I'm shocked when I follow her into the room.

There was a large chandelier in the ceiling, a fireplace, luxurious couches, etc.

Sitting on the sofa was Asami, wearing a beautiful white dress.

Behind her were Katherine and two others. A white-haired man with a longsword attached to his hip and a busty azure-blue-haired lady.

Thing is, I'm getting a big sister vibe from her. Something tells me she's older than me.

"Please take a seat."

Asami said to me as she sipped on her tea.

I sat down on the sofa across from her.

As soon as I sat on it, this weird sensation filled my body and the next thing you know, I almost fell asleep.


Katherine smacked the back of my head, and I sat right back up.

The blue-haired lady and Asami chuckled at me. I feel embarrassed now.

"How does it feel?"

Asami asked me.

"This sofa is amazing."

The sofa was so soft; it feels as if I'm going to sink into it.

Asami chuckles again, I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"I meant, how does it feel to be a Daemon?"

"Hmm... well, I feel the same. Nothing really changed about me."

"Is that so? Most humans that reincarnate into Daemons often have body changes. There are cases that they also go through personality or mental changes."

Personality? Mental?

Maybe that explains this awakened perverted nature of mine!

"Well, I may have gone through one of those..."

"Oh really? Tell me more."

She said with curious eyes.


Should I really tell her I became perverted?

No, that'll just make me weird. It'll ruin my first impression, though this isn't our first time meeting.

Asami read my face and nodded.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me.

Glad she understands me.

You know, now that I think about it. I wonder if everyone here speaks Japanese. So far, everyone I've talked to so far has spoken perfect Japanese.

"Does everyone speak Japanese here?"

Asami holds her chin, thinking.

"Yes, and no."

Yes, and no?

"When you become a Daemon, you gain the ability to understand any language in the world, whether it's English, Chinese, Japanese, etcetera. You will also learn the ability to speak those languages as well."

That sounds familiar, maybe something out of a novel or manga. I forgot which, but I'll figure it out soon since I brought all of my novels, mangas, and anime.

Well, it's a useful ability, regardless.

"So um, is there a reason you called me here?"

"Oh, yes."

The maid pours some tea for Asami.

"Do you know the meaning of the word Daemon?"

"Hmm? Umm, I don't know."

"Well, some people mistake Daemon for Demon since they sound the same. But they are very much different. Daemons are beings that have transcended a nature beyond human, but below a god."

Transcended beyond human?

"What lady Asami is trying to say is that you've become a superhuman."

Katherine simplified.

That makes more sense.

"So, I have like superpowers?"

"You can say that."


Now that is sick. I have superpowers!

"But we don't know that yet."

...What? Did I hear that correctly?

I had a worried expression on my face.

"Not all Daemons have the potential for a soul force."

Asami sips on her tea.

Well, that's not good, if I'm not going to get a... a...

What's a soul force?

"What's a soul force?"

The man behind her clears his throat.

"A soul force is the core of a Daemon's power. You could say it's the source of a Daemon's powers."

The man said with a friendly, soft, polite voice.

Oh, I see.

Then I started panicking. What if I don't have a soul force?! What's the point of living if I don't have a superpower?!

"Please calm down. It's only a slight chance that you might not have a soul force."

"What percentage is that slight chance?"

The man opened his mouth but didn't say anything. Then an ashamed expression crossed his face.

"Twen-Twenty percent."

And there I was, doing an Orz.

(Note: Orz is an emoticon that represents someone who has fallen over or is bowing down on their knees and perhaps pounding their head on the floor. The O is the head, the r is the arms and upper torso, and the z is the rest of the body and legs. The emoticon is of Asian origin and frequently used in Asia.)

"That twenty percent might affect me..."

Well, there goes my chance of having amazing powers.

"Even if you don't have a soul force, you still have wings."


"All Daemons have wings, whether they're reincarnated Daemons or pure-blooded."

"Pure blooded?"

"Yeah, not all Daemons are reincarnated. There are some that were born Daemon. Those Daemons have more authority over reincarnated ones."

"So which one are you guys?"

"Oh, we're all pure-blooded."

"So, I'm a lower being than all of you?"

"You... could say that."

There I was, back in an Orz. Depressed.

My spirit was completely shattered. Maybe I was just born to be lower than all people.

"P-please get up, I don't like it when people do that."

Asami said with a panicked tone.

I sat back on the couch, and Asami cleared her throat. She'd continue explaining.

"There are 3 types of Daemons."

"3 types?"

"Yes, we determine which kind of Daemon you are by your wings. When you become a Daemon, you are either one of the three. An Angel. Aiden."

Aiden turns around. His back started glowing white.


At that moment, wings made out of white feathers came out of his back, each wing measured about 5 feet.

I've never seen an angel in my life. This is starting to get crazy.

"Then we have the Devil. Lucy."

The blue-haired lady and Katherine turned around, and her back emitted a dark presence.



Black wings sprouted from their back, they kind of resembled the wings of a bat. They were probably the same length as Aiden's wings.

My reactions were no different. No one has ever seen a demon or an angel with their own eyes. Until now. This is an amazing view.

"Then we have the Draconian."

After that there was silence. I tilted my head in confusion.

Asami scratched her head and snickered embarrassingly.

"We uh, don't have any Draconians. But from the name, you can guess what it means."

Well, I heard that term before. I think it's something related to dragons.

"You don't have any Draconians?"

"Yeah, are you disappointed?"

I shook my head no. I mean, I could guess how they look like.

"What about you? What kind of Daemon are you?"

I'd ask Asami since she hasn't shown me her wings yet.

Asami smiles.

"I'm none of them."


"I'm not an Angel, a Devil, or a Draconian."

"Then, what are you?"

Katherine, Aiden, and Luna retracted their wings and backed away from Asami. Asami stood up from her seat.

I looked at them. Why were they backing up?

Then a bright light filled the room.


When the light died down, I looked at Asami and my jaw gaped open.

Asami has wings similar to an angel, but they weren't exactly like Aiden's.

Sprouting from her back were wings of an angel, except they were transparent and you could see the intense energy surging through her wings. The energy surging through her wings gleamed with many colors.

I was just dumbfounded by the beauty of her wings.

"I am actually a goddess. A being greater than a normal Daemon."

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