

After spending nineteen years in New York, I knew it was finally time to go home. I have successfully packed everything am going to need. I was going to miss this place no doubt but it is best I go my father's land in Korea.

I slept throughout the whole flight,I got to the airport and saw my best friend,Na bi, waiting for me .

"Am so glad that you finally made it" she said while grinning.

"Am so tired" I responded while we sat in the cab in order to go home.

"You will rest when you get home only if you promise to tell me all the juicy details about New York" she said.

"There is no juicy thing about New York" I said flatly.

"SUMI" she whined like a baby.

"Alright, am going to tell about everything when I get the rest I deserve" I said and she grinned.

The apartment Na bi got for me is very small but yet cozy, beautiful in and out and has all that I needed. The perfect kitchen to test my cooking skills, the great couch, the bedroom, I could literally see myself sleeping for about twelve hours on that bed and obviously the study or should I say office for my fashion designing work. The place is nice and I absolutely love it .

"So do you like it?" Na bi asked.

"I love it" I said.

"Whew, for once I thought you were going to say you hated it" she said while breathing a sign of relief.

I immediately went to shower and after then was out like that.

I woke up a little bit early the next morning and decided to do some grocery shopping.

I picked out everything that I needed and left . I was on my way home when I bumped into a guy.

"Am sorry" I said while staring at the God in front of me. This guy is a total killer with his muscles and....snap out of it .

"It was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going so am sorry" he said and helped me pick up my stuff's that fell down.

"Thanks for helping me and sorry again" I said and we parted ways....

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