
For real

NAHHHH!!! ❌❎❌❎❌❎❌ Still April fool

Okay, okay, stop! Don't kill me A short author's note and you'll have your updates. Yes, for real, no kidding.

First of all, I'm terribly sorry for not updating in such a long time. College life has been killing me like always, tons of homework like always. This covid-19 really are cancelling everything except my assignments

Second of all, how are you? Hope you doing fine.

Third of all, I might gonna rush this story and end it fast... Idk I don't have plans.

Awee... Don't be saddd, even after this story ended I will write another fanfiction. Probably not gonna be Supercorp tho,  I want to try something new. You can leave a suggestion if you want. I'm thinking about Micheang or Moonsun?

But I'm up for suggestions. Maybe I should focus on writing my original stories... Eh... Yes, I have no life

That's all. Love you, awesome nerds thank you for the votes and reads and simply everything!