

"Life is such a pain..." I silently muttered those words under my breath.

As the rain fell down from the sky, I tightly held my umbrella. Not wanting a single drop to fall on me. I guess I'm trying to act cool wearing mask and headphones pretending not to give a care in the world. I kept on walking, just giving that "stay-away-from-me vibe."

I might be dramatic for a high schooler but, suicide has been on my mind lately. I just find living useless. People would be questioning me who's my parents and why do I act like shit? Well they're dead so that's probably the reason why I turned like this.

They probably didn't expect it too. I have an older sibling; he's currently pursuing his dream in London while I'm over here. They had high hopes for me but, I put it all into nothing. I was decent at first but ever since my parents died things changed.

Still walking on the side of the road, I silently observed the cars passing by. They were all careful due to the slippery road. I finally reached the end of the pedestrian lane. I silently wait until the lights were green.

While waiting I saw a car that was fast unlike the other cars. Not wanting to be in trouble, I took more steps back. Until a little boy start to cross the road, the car was near him, by reflex. I quickly jumped and caught him pushing him across the road.

I was kneeling on the ground. I felt like my time went slower as if everything went in slow motion. Now I'm in real trouble acting like a hero trying to save the child.

I might die now and I do at least I didn't die on a pathetic way like suicide. I have nothing else to do in this world anyways.

Accepting my fate, everything finally turned black.

Even so, I still heard a commotion. I opened my eyes to see a crowd of people surrounding MY body. Confused, I waved around my hands showing that I'm still there and...

Oh... am I dead...? Finally realising it, my dead body was just lying on the ground right in front of me.

"Irene Amano, 15 years old, died by a car accident." The voice came from a man who was wearing a black cape and was looking at me.

"What...?" I asked confusedly. "Are you the Grim Reaper? Like the ones in the movie?"

The guy kept a straight face and held my arm. He started flying towards a portal. Entering it, we landed on a large room with a huge throne in front of me.

"Irene Amano, right?" The person asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yes," I replied.

"Welcome, I'm the queen of the underworld. This is the place where I decide on where a person would go." She explains.

"Irene Amano due to your actions that you did while you were on Earth. You have one place to end up on, hell." She said with menacing eyes.

I looked down. I was already accepting that, I was aware of my actions.

"But, you're an exception. I've watched you live in Earth and I know you still have a good heart just hidden in there. Just like when you saved that boy's life without any hesitation. I've said it right? Irene Amano. I judge where people go either heaven or hell."

I quietly listened. I have no idea on where is this leading to.

"Well, Irene Amano I have a question for you."

"What is it?" I politely asked.

"If I gave you another chance to be reborn and live your life once again, what would you do?"

Hi, I wanted to rewrite each chapter that I had just in case you're confused on tf is happening. I will be updating once a week this time. Thanks

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