
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · Urban
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24 Chs





"She rapidly hid the medicine in her hands and crossed them at the back as he asked.

"Sinclair couldn't see "what" she hid but he did notice that she hid "something" and he knew it.

"What are you hiding" he asked sternly while staring right in her eyes.


Both were staring each other as if want to see that who'll lose in this staring contest.

"Look Hazel"!!/Don't make me use my force!!! He rubs his forehead as he spoke.

She just smirked hatefully looking to the side, finally breaking the eye contact.

But she wasn't ready for what was going to happen next, with her.

Hazel?! He asked as if it were his last warning.

She didn't utter a word.

Okay then!!! He and murmured and suddenly bent onto her. He grabbed her hands which were behind her back

This scene seemed as they were hugging.

"huh..what...the.....leave me!! She said struggling.

"I said...show me.. He said trying to open her fist. Wait-!!! He suddenly left her hand.

"What's wrong with your temperature? He asked worried.

Hazel (Point of view)

"Heck I was feeling dizzy before hand and on top of that he applied force on me so I lost my remaining energy as well but than he suddenly left my hand and asked that "What's wrong with my temperature?,"I was going to answer him with some harsh wording but...

Sinclair's (point of view)

"I saw her hiding something so I asked her to show me but (As y'all know she have a habit of giving no response) so, I forcefully tried to open her fist ,but I felt that her body temperature was hot...I mean not normal so I asked that what's wrong with her body temperature but...very next moment she passed out giving me no response this time as well..."

" For a few seconds I got scared that what happened to her?!

She was about to fell on the hard and cold floor but before her body could touch the floor I held her in my arms tightly. I picked her up in my arms and made my way to the room.

"I laid her down on the bed and covered her with duvet goodly so she don't feel cold...than I touched her forehead if it....really was fever and...yes!!!,

Her temperature was quite hot but I wanted to know exactly!!(Doctor you know)

"I looked at her if she was covered goodly than I left to take the my medical kit.

"Well there that is" It was in the kitchen on the slab where she had left it.

*Crch crch*I stepped onto something....so I moved my foot to see and..panadol???

"Oh so, this was the thing which madam were trying to hide from me"*He said picking it up*

(Back to room)

"I put thermometer in her mouth and waited for some seconds.

"What?....'104"?! The Heck!!!

"I was expecting something like this after what happened yesterday!!!,but somehow my heart was still refusing to believe that she could do something cheap like that but...I can't ignore what I had seen with my very own eyes!!

Somehow Sinclair became very anxious about her condition.

"okay so relax, Sinclair!!!

First I need to give her a drip shot of minerals so her body can maintain the energy level than for reducing her temperature..."Injection"!!!

"Ah no no...first should do that wet cloth process(Well, I don't know the exact name) and than if her temperature will still remain the same than I'll inject the drug of reducing temperature hmm!!

"He went to pharmacy and bought the drip and stuff he wanted than he hurried back home asap"

Hazel wasn't fully out of her consciousness.

"He managed to hang the drip with a wall hanger than he slid the needle of canola into her skin"

She sobbed as she felt the pain.

"its okay Hazel, its alright....you'll be fine soon" he said holding her small hands in his bigger one.

He soaked a kerchief in the bowl of cold water and put it on her forehead.

He did it several times. He was worried for her but he also wasn't sure that why even! His eyes weren't able to take off from her doll like face. Her rosy lips were somehow inviting. Her hazel eyes under her long lashes, one would love to stare into them for hours, he thought. Her button like nose and light pink tint on her cheeks make her look like a small lovable child. He read every single feature of her as she was unconscious.

This process went a little for long.

*Time skip*


He was still doing that process,than he noticed that the drip was over so he slightly removed the canola while holding her hand softly.

A bit of blood oozed out but he rapidly but softly whipped that with an alcoholic swab.

He touched her head, again, to check if fever had become any less but...still no difference!

He glanced at her face.

She was sleeping now~

"I think I should wait a bit more" "She is sleeping now so, I should make some poridge for her,it will help her to get better", He uttered to himself while looking at her.

(Than he left the room)


Hazel P.O.V.

My eyes flicker opened. I was still feeling cold but not as before.

"B-but...the...l-last thing I've remember is that,I...I was standing in kitchen and....was arguing with Sinclair!

How come I end up here?? She asked herself, looking around

"A-and this wet cloth on my....forehead? She questioned herself, clutching the wet kerchief into her hand.

Suddenly she felt a jolt in her mind and she came to remember that she had passed out that time in kitchen.

"It means "Sinclair" did all this-! -so what"!!..it doesn't matter to me that what he did or not because...because he's the one who's responsible for my this condition!!!" At first her heart felt warm at his action but very next moment her tone changed into a sarcastic one as she thought that he was responsible for her this condition.

"First he "humiliated me" and now... he's tryna be a good one, my ass,Humph!!" She thought in anger.

Meanwhile door opened and Sinclair came inside the room holding a tray with his both hands.

Hazel glanced at him sarcastically and than turned her face to the opposite direction.

"A-...you up!!! He managed to ask.

*Ofcourse no response*

He put the tray on the side table and than he sat down at the bed near her.

"How are you feeling now?, he asked moving his hand forward to check her temperature but before his hand could touch her forehead she jerked away his hand with hers in anger.

"What nonsense is this Hazel??" He asked widening his eyes.

*No response*

"Look, Hazel!! What happened yesterday...just- just forget it okay! He sighed.

" You are not well so you should take care of yourself for now!!! He said calmly.

(His words forced Hazel to speak)

"Wow "Sinclair Grace"- "Just wow"!!

No one never dared to scold me even neither my father and you- you litterly fucking slapped me in the front of that "Bitc-

"Watch your words Hazel", he warned her angrily.

"Why- why I shoul-

She was talking but he suddenly grabbed her both hands with his one hand and with his another hand he touched her forehead to check her temperature ,Totally ignoring her babbling.

"What the F-

"Your temperature is not coming low so I think...I need you give an injection!!!,he said cutting her off.

"YOU-...."W-What?!!! Her mouth fell open as she heard the word "Injection".

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