11 Fate stay night: They see me rollin they hatin

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

Shirou-"Alright now read the old mans journal it will answer to the why did i hide until now"

Rin-"Okay there it goes... (she's reading it out loud) after seeing the power of the golden king and saber's injury i decided to take down Tokiomi instead of his servant... when i finally got inside the mansion i found him dead it appears he got betrayed by someone he trusted but can't be his servant... Kotomine Kirei the defeated Assassin's master is seen with the golden king it appears i found who killed him... Saber is fighting berserker it appears she will lose i need find his master Kariya and i located him in a deserted church... fuck this shit is messed up it appears Kariya strangled the wife of Tokiomi she's breathing but not responding and Kariya is gone crazy, there are fucking worms under his skin eating him for prana i guess that's how their magecraft works sigh, i heard Tokiomi sold his younger daughter to the matous too bad it's too late for the poor girl now i just have to get the grail and there will be world peace and she will be free too... IT'S GONE DAMMIT THE FUCKING GRAIL IS CURSED sigh let's see i fought Kirei and i killed him, put a origin bullet to his hearth for to be sure he's messed up in the head, then grail accepted me as the winner, i asked for world peace all i got was destuction i had to kill life like versions of my family to get out... i had saber use her sword to take down the grail, it won't stop the Avenger but it will give enough time to warn people, if they listen to me in the first place.... shit shit shit saber took down the grail but some of it's contents spread to the city everything is burning fire doesn't just kills them it makes sure they suffer and i'm it's cause i need to save at least one person out of this otherwise my heart can't take it... after running around for hours i found a little red headed kid his eyes are empty but i was glad to see his eyes light up when he saw me thankfully someone is still alive. "




Gesturing the popcorn i have in my hand towards archer i asked

Shirou-"Want some?" and he took the whole bag, asshole

Rin/Saber-"How can you be so relaxed emiya-kun/ Shirou"

Shirou-"I'll have you guys remember i was in that fire and i had time to get over it but i almost freaked out when Kirei came to my house to give church flyers how is he alive? "

Rin-"I don't know but he killed my dad i will have his head and he had the face to look at me after what he done and Sakura *sobs* what did they do to her *sobs*"

Saber-"It seems my wish will not be granted but i will help you take down the grail" thats good but you have pudding smudge on your cheeks, so cute

Archer-"It seems my master made her choice, now what Emiya Shirou "

Shirou-"You keep doing that for dramatic effect right?, anyway i had my familiar run around the city to gather intel, i know some of the servants here's the list" ( I really did this stuff to double check on my meta knowledge)



-Lancer: Cu Chullin ( Master : Kotomine Kirei)

-Caster: Medea of Colchis ( Master: Soichiro Kuzuki) Based at the temple

-Rider: Medusa ( Master: Matou Shinji or Sakura)

-Assassin: Sasaki Koijiro ( Master: Caster) Guards the temple entrance

-Berserker: Herakles ( Master: unknown)

Golen boy(Blonde, snake like red eyes) living in the church possible ally of kirei my enemy for life


Shirou-"I found the original master of lancer dying in the edelfelt mansion and got her to an hospital but she's in coma other than that this is all i have"

Rin-"You just finished the war we just have to take them out, what's your familiar?"

I just willed my tiny phoenix to come out well archer's freaking out, he couldn't do stuff like this.

Saber-" It's a holy flame, and who's this golden boy he reminds me of gilgamesh"

Shriou-"Yeah it has some uses but can't use it for the grail i tried barely worked on kiritsugu won't work on the grail, and the goldie is a private target but i don't know his name " Saber please don't look that sad, ah it seems Rin got a hold of her self

Rin-"Anyhow, we got to report to the church of you joining even though kirei already knows we have to keep up the apparances"

Shirou-"Alrgiht you two get ready then and saber there's a suit in the next room it would be better if you wore something different"

I accutualy got the suit she wore in 4th war but that's just bonus real stuff is that i got books about her life only the good stuff i want her to see them

Rin-"You guys took your time where's saber? what why the suit? "

Shirou-"She can't use what i have with her armor, Tohsaka can you get some clothes for her later by the way, i like the suit but it would draw attention to me"

Saber-"What do you mean shirou? Does my armor has no use?"

Shirou -"Not like that it's just a pet project *Whistle*"

*Vroom* There she comes i figured a way for it to recognize my sound inside the main bounded field

Saber-"Shirou this motorcycle isn't this the?"

Shirou-"I worked on it for myself but it looks like you'll be riding come on we don't have all night"

Rin-"Then what about us?"

Shirou-"You have a heroic sprit to carry you you'll keep up, let's go saber" and we're off like a light, i love shocking them so much that i forgot i'm holding my waifus waist

Saber-"Shirou during fights may i ride this alone, i don't want to sound rude but i can't go at full speed with you on my back"

Shirou-"Don't worry about it, in servant terms my worst stat is D rank STR and before you ask how, we can talk about it later in private, so you may use full speed"

did i just see her smile, yes she's smiling ahh what a heart warming smile, anyway we arrived at the church then waited for 10 minutes to Rin to catch up with us before entering

Rin-"Kirei i brought the last master just need him to register"

Kirei-"Ahh Emiya Shirou it seems you're following your fathers foot steps, but it is of no concern let's see if you can win the war"

Shirou-"It's been years do you still remember me?"

Kirei-"The spiced tea child, it left a memorable taste, i must thank you for sharing but let's get to your register first of all what do you know of this war"

Shirou-"My old man told me what's this about i just didn't know it would be this early but i can't let someone whit bad intentions to get their hands on it"

Kirei-"Are you going to become a hero of justice like your father?"

Shirou-"Well it seems my family has a thing with hero complexes"

Heh we're smirking, if he wasn't such a horrible person i wouldn't minded to be friends

Rin-"Are you guys finished i want to sleep, learning him being a magus was enough for me tonight"

Kirei-"Yes we're done here, Yorokobe shounen. Kimi no negai wa, youyaku kanau."

I just raised an eyebrow and left the building now that i think about it wasn't illya supposed to come before i summoned saber did something happend to her. Anyway i agreed to walk Rin to the crossroads just in case Berserker appears.

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Called it.

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