
[DROPPED] God of genjutsu

[DROPPED] God accidentally kill a guy with good karma in an extremely painful way. So he decides to let the guy choose if he wants to go to heaven or reincarnate. [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Giant bees!?!?

"We shall begin our journey, now let's go off to the former land of whirlpools and then we take a boat to the island turtle because you can not run on the water there" - Said Clan head (Murakumo)

"Okay, I am ready to go" - Said Katagishi

Then Clan head (Murakumo) used Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu E-rank) on both of them and they both got darker skin and blondish hair along with them both being taller and looking more aged. The journey with the island turtle seemed fine so far. Until one hour in they had accidentally come in contact with three giant bees, but the giant bees were not normal but giant bees that have absorbed chakra when young.

"These bees do not have complicated enough brains to use genjutsu on, but you can use them as senbon practice also watch out they probably have some venom in their stingers" - Said Clan head (Murakumo)

Then Katagishi takes out three senbon from his ninja pouch and throws one towards each bee. The first senbon goes into the center of the bees head and it dies almost instantly. The second senbon hits the back of the bee and pieces the heart. The last senbon hit the crop (Crop transports and storage of liquid foods) of the bee and then see it fly towards Katagishi and he tries to throw another senbon, but the bee was too fast even when wounded and so Katagishi got hit on the shoulder so small he didn't even notice.

Katagishi then cast Fūton: Kihō (Wind Style: Air bubble D-rank) and it hit the giant bee head on and it was blown back one meter. After that Katagishi threw one senbon into the giant bee's head and it fell to the ground dead.

"It seems you need to get more accurate with your senbon and learn more wind style jutsu" - Said Clan head (Murakumo)

Then the Clan head (Murakumo) taught Katagishi the Kage Senbon (Shadow Senbon D-rank) and Katagishi learns it easily because of all his previous training in using senbon. Also, Katagishi asked the clan head if he could teach him the sound-based genjutsu he used in their previous spar, the Clan head (Murakumo) taught it to him and told him it is Onton: Metarukurasshu (Sound Release: Metal Clash D-rank.)

(AN: Made up jutsu I made it D-rank because it only makes the sound of a metal clash, so it can only be harmful at very close or high decibels.)

After the Clan head (Murakumo) and Katagishi continued onto their path to the previous Land of Whirlpools. Every once in a while they had encountered giant bees and other chakra animals, but the first day of their journey had gone fine and the Clan head (Murakumo) and Katagishi had to camp out for the night.

'It seems that fighting animals is completely different compared to sparring with Dad and the Clan head (Murakumo), but it seems that I have grown more than compared to sparring.' - thought Katagishi

*The next morning*

"Let's continue on our journey in a few hours we should reach the previous Land of the Whirlpools, but I am low on chakra because I had to use the Kori shinchuu no jutsu (Sly mind affect technique C-rank) to protect us when sleeping" - Clan head (Murakumo)

Then the Clan head (Murakumo) and Katagishi continued to go on their path to the Land of the Whirlpools and encountered only a few animals when they found a swarm of giant bees coming right towards them.

"These are far too many giant bees for you to deal with on your own so I will take on seventy-five percent and you deal with the other twenty five percent." - Clan head (Murakumo)

Then Clan head (Murakumo) casts Fūton: Shinkūha (Wind Release: Vacuum Wave B-rank) and kills around seventy-five percent of the giant bees. Katagishi then casts Fūton: Reppūshō (Wind Style: Gale Palm C-rank) and uses it to push out around twenty senbon, but only fourteen of the twenty senbon hit giant bees and kills the bee.

Then six giant bees fly at Katagishi and he uses the rest of his leftover chakra to cast Fūton: Kihō (Wind Style: Air bubble D-rank) to block the giant bees and delay them for a little bit. The six giant bees attack the Fūton: Kihō (Wind Style: Air bubble D-rank) in the same area of the bubble and it almost instantly popped and sent the giant bees back one meter and two giant bees die from this because they were hit by a senbon previously.

Katagishi seeing the Fūton: Kihō (Wind Style: Air bubble D-rank) not being able to block the bees for long enough jumps backward and throws one senbon at each one of the giant bees. But two giant bees were able to dodge the senbon and rush at Katagishi and he dodged one of the stingers, but the other was aiming for where he dodged and his chest got hit directly by the stinger.

Katagishi barely feels the stinger because of adrenaline and grabs a kunai from his ninja pouch and stabs the giant bee in the head and throws his last senbon at the other giant bee. After this, he realizes the big wound in his chest and casts healing technique D-rank on the wound, but since the healing technique was only D-rank he couldn't heal it fully and the stingers were venomous and so the healing technique wasn't very helpful.

The Clan head (Murakumo) then runs towards Katagishi and notices he fainted, but he has barely any chakra left from using Fūton: Shinkūha (Wind Release: Vacuum Wave B-rank) and Kori shinchuu no jutsu (Sly mind affect technique C-rank) for the whole night. With this little chakra, he could only cast Saikan Chūshutsu no Jutsu (Delicate Illness Extraction Technique) for a few seconds and barely extracted any venom.

Then the Clan head (Murakumo) went towards the bee and grabbed out a kunai and cupped some of the blood and told Katagishi to drink some in case it can cure the venom, but it appeared to barely have any effect. But the Clan head (Murakumo) realizes this by pouring blood into Katagishi's mouth and sees Katagishi's face getting less pale and knows this blood may be able to cure Katagishi.

Everyone I am planing for Katagishi to meet either the sage of six paths or the ball of light again or should I just let him wake up and realize his body has adapted to the venom (May be he could become a bee sage in the future lol)

Comment whatever you guys find wrong or what you want me to do in the future.

SilverSerpentcreators' thoughts