
[DC] Watch The Fire!

It was a simple day, the people sauntering about their mundane, that is until it shifted to fire and brimstone. Collapsed upon her knees, a young Suyeong watched as the world around her collapsed. The sky was painted in blood, screams filled the air as the world crumbled and shrieked. Fire spiraled into the sky, smoke billowing after it. This was all a forthcoming event, and it was orchestrated by one individual, a spiteful man, a man who took the life of her dearest friend, a man she would hunt for the better half of her life. The hunt after the man had led her to this moment, ascended into the sky, a dragon that dwarfed all present slithering in the skies behind her while her golden eyes glared down on the collective heroes of justice, the Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and the Caped Crusader stood tall at the forefront, staring her down. Her eyes shook in confusion, but she still roared lightning wrapping around her, "You've decided to stand in my way, so I will do what I must."

Pasithea_Midnight · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

0.1. Appearing Characters

Dragon Maiden I.e. Suyeong Willhouse Solstratos [MC] :

Dragon God :

Wonder Woman I.e. Diana Prince :

Cheetah I.e. Barbara Minerva :

Charles Dubloque : 

Iron Eagle :

Deathstroke I.e. Slade Wilson :

Circe :

Characters who've appeared in the story so far.

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