

Dying and reincarnating isn't a new concept, but it was still fiction, no matter how much he wanted it to be real. Apparently, it wasn't as fictional as people thought and this was the proof. Standing before a goddess, he received a task to defeat the great evil that plagued the world he was about to be sent to. The only problem was... He didn't want to have anything to do with it. Deciding the best way to handle it was to let others do it for him, he settled down in the beginner's town, hoping that he would have a peaceful life with a moderate amount of excitement... Oh, how wrong he was. ___ I own nothing but the OC's.

Zeckan · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter Two

Pierce looked at the "adventurer card" in his hand with amazement, though it didn't show on his face. The way this thing worked was frankly amazing, if he remembered correctly, it worked like a system. Points to upgrade and learn skills, level ups raise the stats while the class determines one's future skillset.

On the back of the card, there was one word written: Quest. If he took a quest, it would be reported on the card, and completing it would make it disappear, indicating a completed quest. It was a very simple concept to understand. The only problem is... It showed no level limit and progressed to the next level.

He also had to pick a class but that was beside the point.

His options were limited but some of them were advanced classes from what the receptionist told him.

Master swordsman, a Crusader, a swordsman, an assassin, a Rouge, a thief, and an Adventurer.

"So, Master swordsman, Assassin, and Crusader are advanced classes, right?"

The receptionist, Luna, a short blonde-haired woman wearing quite a revealing outfit, showed her cleavage, which was weird because there were no straps to hold up her... Bust.

She was also wearing a bow around her neck, it seemed like it would be uncomfortable, looking like it would move at the slightest movement.

Anyway, this card, which was the size of a credit card from his old world, was not free, he had to pay for it, and since he didn't have any money, considering it was his first day in this world, he would pay after he completed his first quest.

Which was killing five frogs, it was a beginner quest, that every new adventurer took to get enough money. When he asked, the pay would be enough to get a few days in a decent hotel.

[Pierce White: Lvl. 0


Strength: 12. Dexterity: 17.

Constitution: 14. Intelligence: 21.

Wisdom: 27. Luck: 20.]

He hummed at the stats, and even though he held the sword, the stupid buff was not shown on the card. Passives may not be shown on the stats, or it could mean that one point of Strength for him was worth more than normal.

Either way, he would find out as he went. Nodding at the receptionist, he started walking to the destination mentioned on the map after choosing the Master Swordsman class. His strength was raised to 27 after and he did.

Humming at the buff, Pierce walked along the path, observing the buildings around him. It was as he expected, houses made of stone, chimneys lining every one of them and they actually had glass windows.

Walking out of the walls, he tossed a passing glance at the two guards at the entrance. Humming, he walked out of the town and into the field. Enjoying the clear sky for once, due to the pollution, was a rare sight. He couldn't wait to see the stars at night, knowing that they would be even more magnificent than this.

"... Holy shit, they have birds."

Yes, he saw birds. Truly, a world full of wonder.

He walked for an hour, a very peaceful hour until he arrived at the destination. How hard could this quest be, it was just some... Frogs.

The ground rumbled as he looked at the... Very, very big frog. It was Giant. That was a frog?

Indeed, it was a frog, by his estimates, it is comparable to a two-story house. Hmm... Can he re-think that quest?

Sighing at the situation, he unsheathed his katana and started walking to the giant frog. The weird part was that it looked normal, as normal as a frog could get, it was just abnormally large... and pink.

Sighing, he lowered his center of gravity, the muscles in his legs coiling in preparation for the next action he was going to take. The frog noticed him, turning its head first, followed by its body, and jumped.

The ground trembled again as it landed and his eyes narrowed as he jumped back slightly. Judging by the distance of that jump, if he had remained there, it would have landed on top of him. Now, however, it would give him an opening.

As the giant jumped, he watched closely. Waiting for the precise moment to strike. It came as the Frog landed. It couldn't jump immediately after, even as the earth beneath his feet shook, he swung his sword and it dug into flesh.

As the limb was severed, the giant lost its balance and started dropping on its side. Pierce backed off, just in case, and watched as the giant frog connected with the ground. Moving closer, he noticed its mouth twitching and his eyes widened.

Acting on instinct, he jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the tongue that was coming straight for his legs.

Skidding on the ground after he landed, the teen glared at the downed frog that was trying its hardest to get up.

Moving fast, he neared the head and raised his sword in preparation for a stab. With a quick thrust, the steel pierced flesh, then bone, and finally entered the brain, killing the creature instantly.

Releasing his sword from its new sheath, he flicked it, clearing it from all the blood present on it, and sighed. Four more of this and he would be done.

... He looked to the left, where there were two frogs jumping towards him like they noticed a delicacy.

"... This will take time."

Killing one frog seemed easy, too easy. This quest was mostly taken by groups of beginners to distract the frogs and kill them safely. He had a sneaking suspicion that no matter how good his blade was, it should not have been able to cut through bone with his current strength. So it must be the strength boost working its magic.

Flicking his sword one more time, to get rid of the last droplets of blood that remained, Pierce turned to the two approaching frogs.

Hopefully, all the RPGs he played would pay off.


"Oh, you're back, hope you're hunt went well, Mr. White."

The said teen looked at the blonde receptionist with a blank face. Parts of his body were covered in slime and blood that was not his own. He blinked owlishly and dug into his pocket, dishing out his adventurer card and presenting it on the table.

The quest didn't disappear as it was explained, so he came to the conclusion that he had to turn it in for it to be of any use.

"... I hate frogs."

That was all he said to the giggling Luna and waited for her to do her thing. Idly wondering what was the problem with frogs of this world.

What kind of frog dug itself in the ground long enough for grass to grow back on the surface and waited for the perfect moment for someone or something to step on top of it?

And why was he the poor bastard that stepped on the said frogs hiding place?