

This is a story of a System in a forgotten dropped novel by a young author becoming true, ruining his listless life and stealing his sleep. [Notice. The creator has been found] Creator what? [Notice. Akashi Records initializing.] [Good to see you in good health Big_Boob_Loli.] Hey, my taste has long developed. [Congratulations [Origin Skill: Administrative Authority] has been acquired.] What's this? [Congratulations [Unique Skill: Phantasmal Fantasy] has been acquired.] I don't know what's going on? [Congratulations [Sloth] has been acquired.] [Congratulations [Empath] has been acquired.] [Notice. Your body will now begin its integration with the Akashi Records blessings.] Fuck that was painful. Can't you tone it down a bit. [Unfortunately not.] Damn- -----World Travel----- Main World/Country (Earth Philippines) ---Other Worlds--- - Danmachi - Demon Slayer - Black Clover - Fate - SAO - Tensura - Solo Leveling

Big_Boob_Loli · Anime und Comics
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Terminology Part 2

True Name: Kanzen Shiro

*Kanzen (perfect) Shiro (white) perfect white.*

Name: Kent Santos

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Nationality: Filipino (Filipino/Japanese/Russian)

Primary Race: Human

Secondary Race: Primordial Doppelgänger


[The Creator] A title given to the one and only creator. All creations will received the blessing of Source Origin elevating the level of creation into the level. Every item in the possession of the user will have their values elevated.

[The Author] A title to the one who realizes the Source Origin. Perfect immunity to all natural concepts, and natural laws of existence and nonexistence.

Kind: [Singularity] You can only exist in a single branch line of time and space.

Eye Color: Brown Black (normal)

- Vibrant Golden Blue (Awaken State)

Hair Color Black (normal)

- Glossy Silver White (Awaken State)

Height: 5'11

Weight: 58 kg




Free Attribute Points [302]

Strength: 60 [+170%] (262)

Agility: 60 [+170%] (262)

Dexterity: 60 [+170%] (262)

Vitality: 60 [+170%] (262)

Intelligence: 60 [+170%] (2,620)



--- Lesser Existence ---

[1-99 mortal] [100-199extraordinary] [200-299 elite] [300-499 master] [500-1000 grand master]


[1,000-1,999 Sage] [2,000-3,999 Great Sage] [4,000-5,999 Saint] [6,000-6,999 Epic] [7,000-7,999 Legend] [8,000-8,999 Mythic] [9,000-9,999 Heavenly]

--- Intermediate Existence ---

[10,000-99,999 Lesser Divine] [100,000–999,999 Intermediate Divine]

[2,000,000-1,999,999 High Divine]

--- Higher Existence ---

[2,000,000-19,999,999 Immortal

[20,000,000-100,000,000 True Immortal]

[Domain] {{ In this realm, a person creates a domain that embodies themselves and starts to synchronize and integrate with the laws and concepts he/she uses. }}

--- Supreme Existence ---

World Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates a world and has the power to weaponize the laws of that world. }}

Star Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates stars. }}

Nebula Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates a Nebula. }}

Little Oblivion Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates a black hole. }}

Galaxy Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates an entire galaxy and will have the power to weaponize all the laws of that galaxy. }}

Quasars Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates a Quasars. }}

Universe Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates an entire universe and will have the power to weaponize all the laws of that universe. }}

Great Oblivion Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates a super massive black hole. }}

Cosmic Monarch {{ In this realm, a person creates an entire cosmos and will have the power to weaponize all the laws of that cosmos. }}

Supreme Oblivion Monarch {{ In this realm, a person becomes one with the void. }}


*Strength measures one's physical force, attack power, and penetrative power.*

*Agility measures one's movement speed, attack speed and reaction speed.*

*Dexterity measures one's control over the body, quickness, and evasive maneuver.*

*Vitality measures one's overall defense, resistance, and recovery speed, regenerative speed.*

*Intelligence measures ones mana reserves, thought acceleration, analytical speed, comprehension speed.*

*Every single intelligence stat is multiplied by 5 = OE.*

*OE – overall energy.*

*Primordial Doppelgänger [Supreme Intellect] (passive) – Perception speed, thought acceleration, analytical speed, comprehension speed, parallel thought process, information storage. (×10 intelligence stat)*

*Primordial Doppelgänger racial advantage 50 points and +150% in all stats.*

*Primordial Doppelgänger racial advantage 100 free attribute stat points*

*Human racial advantage 10 points +20% in all stats.*

*Human racial advantage 10 free attribute stat points*

*Earth Human racial advantage 10 free attribute stat points*

*Primordial Doppelgänger [Energy Manipulation] (passive) – The power to freely manipulate the surrounding energy. (×5 Overall OE)*


OE: 810 [+170%] (13,100)

Luck: SS

Charisma: A

Charm: S


• Bloodline Traits:

(Earth Human)

[Omni Elemental Affinity] – The ability to wield all basic elements.

[All Rounder] – The ability to learn things much faster and adopt to changes easier.

(Primordial Doppelgänger)

[Power Mimicry] (active) – The ability to copy, replicate, and recreate the power of others.

[Omni Shapeshift] (active) – The ability to take any form.

[Energy Manipulation] (passive) – The power to freely manipulate the surrounding energy. (×5 Overall OE)

[Matter Manipulation] (passive) – The power to freely manipulate the surrounding matter.

[Bio Codex Creation] (active) – The power to create, modify, purify and enhance life.

[Supreme Intellect] (passive) – Perception speed, thought acceleration, analytical speed, comprehension speed, parallel thought process, information storage. (×10 intelligence stat)

[Infinite Resource Regeneration] (passive) – The ability to recover from anything either it is material damage, spiritual damage, or existence damage. The ability to regenerate lost energy resources 0.1% per second.

[Omni Parallel Existence] (manual) – The power to exist in multiple places at the same time.

[Universal Sense] (passive) – The power to perceive everything perfectly within a wide radius.

[Awaken State Lv.1] (active) boost all basic and special stats by 100%


• Skills

[For every skill level increase 1 free stat point will be added.]

[Basic hand to hand combat Lv.5] [Cooking Lv.9] [Fishing Lv.4] [Hunting Lv.2] [Writing Lv.2]

• Noble Skills

[For every noble skill level increase 5 free stat points will be added.]


• Special Skills

[For every Special skill level increase 10 free stat points will be added.]

[Empath] – The power to read, control, alter, sense, erase and absorb the emotion of others.

[Sloth] – The power to control sloth, control dreams and control space.

• Unique Skills

[For every unique skill level increase 100 free stat points will be added.]

[Phantasmal Fantasy] – The power to realize projected desire into reality. The power to manipulate realty.

• Ultimate Skills

[For every ultimate skill level increase 1,000 free stat point will be added.]


• Primordial Skills

[For every primordial skill level increase 10,000 free stat point will be added.]


• Origin Skills

[Administrative Creator]

Prime Function: The power to freely create, modify, wish someone from nothingness. One must have a clear image of one's desire. This effect is heavily dependent to the amount of OE used. OE resource recovery speed will be 10 times slower after using the Administrative Creator. This power cannot affect others unless they've established a deep connection to you.

Secondary Function: The power to freely travel to all and any reality or dimension you liked without any restriction. Your completely transparent to the prying eyes of high dimensional entities. The worlds travel into will always blessed you with great fortune similar to it's chosen protagonist. You cannot be bound by any existing laws of the worlds you traveled into.

Pocket Dimensional – A private dimension beyond source origin separate from all known existing planes of existence and nonexistence. Only people that had established a soul connection to you will be able to enter.


You will receive × 1 [90% OFF virtual shop coupon] every year. You will receive OP - 1,000,000 every year. You have a Diamond Privileged access on the Virtual Shop.

*[90% OFF virtual shop coupon] does not work with the shop privileges.*

For every 1 year the user is able to freely use the [Administrative Creator] Prime Function, freely without any cost.

You're perfectly immune to all types of mental and spiritual attacks.

You're perfectly immune to all types of appraisal abilities.




True Name: Shiro Kai

Race: Human [?]

- Doppelgänger [?] (new)

Title: [The Creator] [The Author]

Stigma: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Blessings: None


Free Attribute Points [302]

Strength: 60 [+170%] (262)

Agility: 60 [+170%] (262)

Dexterity: 60 [+170%] (262)

Vitality: 60 [+170%] (262)

Intelligence: 60 [+170%] (262)


OE: 810 [+170%] (13,100)

Luck: SS

Charisma: A

Charm: S


Skills: [Hand to hand combat Lv.5] [Cooking Lv.9] [Fishing Lv.4] [Hunting Lv.2] [Writing Lv.2]

[Special Skill: Empath] [Special Skill: Sloth]

[Unique Skill: Phantasmal Fantasy]

[Origin Skill: Administrative Authority] [?] (×1 free)


Virtual Shop [?] OP - 3,000,000 (Diamond Privileged)

Virtual Auction [?]

