
•You can't do that anymore•

~Still a Flashback~

Xx : Huh?What happened to your eyes little babe??It doesn't matter you are going home with me...

~Few minutes later~

Xx2 : NO!I said no!I won't accept some random thing from the street ! Take it back where you found it right now!!

Xx : But....babe you know we can't have kids ....why not ....this kid still needs life we can't just leave it on streets...

Xx2 : Just how his parents left him that's how you can leave it too!You have nothing to do with that kid neither me!!

~Xx2 took the kid and Xx and went to orphanage...~

Xx2 : I would like to leave this thing here ...

Ms.Anna : Sir.... don't call it a thing after all it's your child ....why did you even decide to leave it here...?

Xx2 : SHUT UP...that's not my kid!My wife found it on streets ...so we felt bad to leave it there now it's on you .... goodbye!

Ms.Anna : poor child ....you got kicked out by 2 familys....it must be hard for you ...Huh?What happened to your eyes?

~Kid's eyes were different colours....one of his eyes was green/blue while the other one was black/red ~

Ms.Anna : Ah god....I guess it will be hard taking care of you little baby....

~6 years later~

Leo : Ughh but ms.Anna I wanna go out and go to school like normal kids!!

Ms.Anna : Leo...I understand you , you want to have friends like normal kids but it will be hard you know everyone got...scared when we went to school for first time ...you don't want to cry again right?

Leo : ....no ms.... sorry for asking again....

~Another 6 years later~

Xx : STOP you little thing!!

Leo : Noo ...you will never catch me old man!

Xx : ugh this kid again....he keep stealing at young age....what will happen to you when you grow up poor child...


Ms.Anna : LEO! Mister John came again and said you stole his stuff again!Leo you know you can't do that....You can get arrested for that you know??

Leo : but.... ms....I just took some toys because Nathan lost his toys!!

Ms.Anna : Leo...he is one year older than you , he can take care of himself,he doesn't need toys anymore even if he does need them he would say it to me ok?So don't steal ever again ok!?

Leo : ....ok I'm sorry...


Nathan : You little!!Did you actually stole from mister John again!?I told you I don't need any more toys...

Leo : b...but you are sad when you don't have toys with you ,so I thought you should get as many toys as possible!!

Nathan : Ah my little brother come here *he hugged him* the toys aren't why I am sad ok?So don't worry about me and never steal again!I can take care of myself ok??

Leo : .... alright than...I promise that I will never steal anything except if you tell me to do so!!

~ 3 years later ~

Ms.Anna : LEO!!NATHAN!! I've got a good news for you two!!

Nathan : ??Um what is it ms..?

Ms. Anna : I've finally found a school that will accept you two to go together!And they know about your eyes Leo and they don't care about it ,you just need to behave well and study well!!

Leo : ...are...you serious right now ms!? I'M FINALLY GETTING TO GO TO SCHOOL!?

Ms.Anna : *with teary eyes* yes my little baby you can finally make friends and study with others!....oh I forgot to say also you are starting to go to school tomorrow actually...so I'm going to take you guys to buy some stuff for school alright?

Nathan : Yes yes yes ! Shopping after a long time!!

*After that they went and bought all stuff they need for school and went back to their rooms in orphanage*

~9pm that day~

Ms.Anna : Hey ....Leo?Are you ready for tomorrow?

Leo : yess ms!I can't wait to find out how does it feels!!

Ms.Anna : I'm glad ...so um I've bought you something for you to put ....* She gave him one eye patch mask* you see you should put this on your black and red eye hah ....I know you will probably feel uncomfortable with it,but I think it would be the best ..

Leo : Alright ms!! I will wear it and only take it off when I come from school!!

Ms.Anna : Alright go sleep now tomorrow I will wake you up...

*Tomorrow morning*

Nathan : Yaas!Let's go I can't wait!

*They came to the front of school with a car*

Leo : woooah....such a big school!!

Ms.Anna : hah yeah baby you see that's where you will spend 4 years!!

Nathan : woah...but where are all people?Are we late!?Did we miss something!?

Ms.Anna : don't worry,the president of school told us to come at this time so he can introduce you guys to your class while everyone is there ok?

*They went to principal and finished all the paper so principal started walking towards the place they will have a class*

Principal : Actually you guys have to be separated...since Nathan is older than you Leo he will go to other class while you will go with another...

Leo : What!?You mean I'm supposed to be all alone in here!?With a random people!?

Nathan : shh Leo it will be ok ...only 8 hours every day then we will go together alright?

*Principal started knocking at one of doors*

Xx : Come in!!...ooh principal,kids get up!Why are you here principal did any of my kids did something already??

Principal : uh no mister John...I actually came to bring a new student for your class!Come in!!







Another part coming soon!!I hope people can support my work till the end since it doesn't sound interesting for now...does it hah?

~Black Rose~