
~The greatest Emperor of The Byzantine Empire~

Constantine Xll the conqueror of the Aegean Sea and Anatolia, aristocrat and dictator of the Romans. Constantine was born in the year 1429, son of Constantine Xl, Emperor Of the Byzantine for 3 years before he died of an illness in 1452 and his heir assessed to the Throne only 1 week after his father's death on January 7th of 1452. Constantine was a prodigy and pioneer of battle tactics and equipment for his troops.


Constantine was at war with the "Great" Mehmed ll of the Ottoman Sultanate, but Constantine won with the help of his lifelong friend, Skanderbeg the King of Albania, and the Crusade that the Church helped proved to destroy all of the power that the Ottoman's have in the Balken/Greece world. The Byzantines took all of modern-day Greece and Turkey for their own in a year and a half, and they had lost almost zero men in the wars besides the Siege of Constantinople. The Byzantines let all of the ready Crusaders kill and fight the Ottomans, and they swept off all the rewards of the wars. Constantine won all 23 major battles that he fought in and finally fought and killed Mehmed ll in the Battle of Ediren in Thrace leaving the Ottomans in shambles after the Crusade and now succession issues and civil war, nor do they control all of the land they did in the beginning of the war, but now the ottomans control only 35 percent of the most Eastern part of the sultanate by the year 1458. Constantine by the end of his life had kicked the Ottomans out of Europe and western Anatolia. And in 1471 Constantine mobilized all troops and went to war with Naples and won effortlessly against the Naples people Constantine was one step closer to restoring the great Empire that his forefather "Justian the Great" had built during his reign as Emperor of The Romans. And at the end of his life, he had won nearly 45 battles on the field of war against many different people from many different nations. Constantine had control of the Black, Aegean, and Eastern and Southern Coast of the Adriatic Sea.


The death that all of Europe grieved for was Emperor Constantine Xll of the Byzantine Empire, also known as the "Shield of Europe" by many people. Constantine was known as "The Blessed" by the people of Europe, but to the Islamic people of the Middle East, he was known as the "Constantine The Wicked" the killer of many Muslim men during his reign. Constantine had killed or Exiled nearly 95 percent of all Muslim people in Anatolia, the Balkans, and southern Italy and the rest had run back to the Middle East or had gone into hiding.