
Flight To New York


I'm being chased by these 3 men, feels like it's been hours of running. I end up running near a cliff, my heart is racing and I turn around only to see them walking up closely to me. One of them walks up to me and says "you shouldnt have interfered us with that girl" I shout at him "you guys were hurting her!". He stands right in front of me, hes got these cold dark eyes and all I hear is him saying "now you will pay the price". That man had pushed me off the cliff, I feel free and know I'm about to die.

*wakes up on the ground*

I slowly open my eyes looking at my bed, I stand up holding my head. I start heading over towards my dresser and take pain medicine because now I have a headache. there's a mirror on my dresser I look into it with disgust. I'm not pretty like those other girls, I'm heavy weight with long red hair and my eyes are as blue as the sky. I take a look in my dresser and pick out this really pretty dress, it's white with rose peddle pattern on it. I try it on and look in the mirror, once I saw how I looked in it I removed it and tried on this other dress it's a simple red dress that flows to my knees and I really like this dress so I matched it with a pair of heels and smile in the mirror because for once I feel beautiful.

Once I got ready for the day to start I look at the time and gasp, I'm gonna be late for my flight to New York. Quickly I grab my purse and keys then I head for my door only to find my boyfriend outside. His name is Markus and he's 6'2 with black hair and grayish eyes, he is also really slim. I walk up to him and ask why he is here.

Markus: "Hey Athena need a ride to the airport".

Athena: "you are a life saver babe, yes please hurry and take me there". He looks at me and smiles, then he opens the passenger door for me and grabs my luggage from the porch. He drives my to the airport and gives me a small kiss on the cheek telling me to be careful on the plane. I grab my stuff and waived at him for goodbyes, then I immediately run inside. After I got checked in and through security I run towards my flight. With a little luck I made it and was the last one to board before the flight attendant shut the door. I walk down the plane trying to find my seat, once I find it I put my luggage up to and ask the gentleman if he could move so I can sit in my spot.

Guy next to my seat: "well I wouldn't have to get up if you didnt weigh this much". He says as he gets up to let me in and my heart sank after hearing those words...

A few hours goes by and the flight attendant walks up to us asking if we wanted to order anything. The guy said to just grab him some water and she looks at me waiting for my answer I asked for a sandwich and a glass of Pepsi, the guy looks at me and says "do you really need to eat that with how you look".

Athena: "you know what, water will be fine ma'am thank you" I say that and look down.

Flight attendant: "so a sandwich and glass of Pepsi, on its way ma'am" she says that as she glares at the guy in his seat.

Guy in his seat: "you really should have some dignity in yourself and loose some weight not gain more". I stay quiet as he continues to insult me more, the flight attendant shows up with our orders.

Flight attendant: "here's your water sir" she says as she spills a little bit on him.

The guy: "what the hell is the matter with you!" he yells as he sits up straight.

Flight attendant: "oh my gosh, I am so sorry here's a towel", she smirks a little bit but trying to keep a straight face then she hands me my order and says "and for the lady free of charge it's on me". As she walks away I start eating my food and smiles.

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