1 Chapter One: Death

Sean tilt his head to the side, leaning against the tinted windows. He stared outside at the busy highway with an unexplainable expression. After all these years, his father only wanted him back when he found out that the young boy became famous throughout the world. A sigh left his pale lips as his slivery blue eyes shifted from the window to the middle-age man sitting next to him.

"How much further into our destination? What is taking you so long!" The man snapped feeling irritated with the useless driver. The driver's eyes flashed in annoyance before disappearing as a thought appeared causing a smile to grow on his sweaty face.

Sean noticed but didn't seem to bother wondering more about it. The car suddenly took a u-turn, driving right into the truck behind them. Sean's body jerked backwards flying out of his seatbelt and out the back-window. He survived with a few broken glass in his arms and a nasty wound on his head due to his training. His slivery blue surrounded the mess in front of him. The car and truck were smashed together, instantly killing drivers.

The middle-age man crawled out from under the crushed car in agony. Sean ignored him turning to stare at the sound of an approaching black car. Something about the car seemed to set off his danger instincts. Blood spurt out of his pale lips causing his body to freeze in shock.

He reached a hand up to his wounded chest right on the left side hitting his heart. His eyes narrowed onto the men inside the black car causing them to shiver as fear rushed through their veins. Sean eyes closed as his soul left his body.

[System SugarPlum loading in 5 seconds ...5...4...3...2...1]

'Silence would be appreciated,' Sean thought with his eyes closed. He knew that his soul floated away and will soon join the Yellow Springs. He wasn't worried.

[Hello, Host Sean! My name is System SugarPlum.]

Sean was calm despite the child-like voice in his head. 'Hello, who are you?' he asked.

[SugarPlum is an ancient Trap System that has been waiting for Host to awaken it's powers!]

Sean didn't know what the word 'Trap' meant but nodded along with what the voice inside his head said. He already dead so he wasn't bothered with going along with this voice.

[Please open your eyes, Host! You have arrived at your new location. Call out 'Status' to understand better your powers.]

Listening to the voice, Sean opened his eyes only to notice a land filled with trees. He also noticed that his body was bare. He ignored that at the moment and softly said the word Status.

{Name: Lysanthir Qihorn aka Sean Bruderschaft

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: 49% (Human), 51% (Unknown)

Class: Trap (Unique)

Profession/Job: N/A

Titles: N/A

Primordial Energy (PE): 0

Experience (EXP): 0


Strength: 100

Charm: 69

Intelligence: 98

Agility: 78

Will: 56

Luck: 18

Endurance: 100


Pain Endurance: Level 13

Seduction: Level 4

Aura Reader: Level 7

Magic Siphon: Level 1

Energy Siphon: Level 2

Sexual Impulse: Level 1}

For an unknown reason, Sean felt his left eye start to twitch in irrational. He could understand a certain amount of skills but some of them confused him. He couldn't bother to ask his system.

"What's my first mission," he asked. He suddenly wondering if this system gave mission.

[The first task for Host is to find coverage for a giant rainstorm will appear in six days. Host has six days to find coverage before the rainstorm.]
