
the smart girl i been like

hi there my full name is Zurich Switzer and my age is 19 soo am from collage so welcome to my life well for me life is boring because everything I do am getting bored but I did not know that it will change because of the girl that I did not know well it is my first time going to school and I was soo not bored when go in school I thought it will be great but I did not suspect that the girl was riding a book 📚 and my eyes are just cannot move because when I first see her in my eyes I feel so good and I thought that she don't have a boyfriend yet I wanna ask her out but I feel embarrassed so I think it will be better if I get away a little distance the girl name: Eliza obelia. smart age:18. like: Luke frost.

when it getting come and comes my heart are racing when I everyday I see her like it can't not stop

Zurich Switzer: ummmmm hello there Eliza