
Chapter 1 Zuko Sozin

Deep in a alley way in New York

a teen wakes up with new memories.

"Ahh, my head!

a few minutes later


So I was dropped in Marvel with the body of Zuko with both his and Azula's skills and knowledge. This should be interesting.

I look through my pockets and find an ID, wallet, and note. I read the note first.

(to Zuko Sozin )

My condolences for your demise. I accidently killed you, so to make up for it, I have sent you to a mcu alternate universe in your favorite character's body with a bank card with 2 billion dollars on it and a legitimate ID.

have fun in your new life.

Love Rob


A nice real estate agency is right next to the alley you are in. I suggest you buy a house.

hmm, well, I guess I know what I'm doing first.

Next chapter