
Zone 16. ( bts x reader)

.A story about you and bangtan sonyeodan as psychopaths. Will everything go on well?

elenix16 · Celebrities
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

All I know is that I woke up at the hospital,and my hands were handcuffed.

Doctor-Hi Park Y/N, you are located at a mental hospital in South Korea, you were in a car crash, and we need to know if you remember what happened, don't try to hurt anyone or else we will have to inject you with drugs to sleep you.

Y/N- What? Did I get in a car accident? When?

Doctor- Y/N, do you really don't remember anything?

Y/N- Where is my Oppa?

Doctor-I'll explain everything to you. Y/N, you are the sister of Park Jimin, right?


Doctor- You and your brother have killed your parents one week ago, you were escaping from the police and you got into a car accident.

Y/N- What?

Doctor- Yes, Y/N, we will put you into zone 16 of the hospital until you finish your therapy.

Y/N- Therapy? What therapy?

Doctor- Your brain and your brother's brain have been damaged, and you don't remember anything apart from your personal stuff like name,age and location, and that you are brothers. We will need to do therapy so you remember what happened in your lives and why you killed your parents,also your brain is damaged, which means that you could have impulses of killing or traumatic nightmares.

Y/N- Why would I have that huh?

Doctor- There are studies that say that loss of memory can be recovered but the process requires flashbacks and strange comportament. If in your past you have commited kill, you will have the necessity of doing it again to remember.

Y/N- I don't think that is true.

Doctor- Well, you will have to go to zone 16 to prove it.

Then two guards came and grabbed me to zone 16.

Y/N- Yaah! You pieces of shit leave me!

They just ignored me and we arrived at zone 16. It was a big living room with eight rooms around it, all walls were white with soft material, almost like pillows, before entering at the door I saw a board that said: psychopath treatment zone 16.

So now I am a crazy psycho girl… Well, I don't believe the doctor, I won't kill anyone. I just know one thing, I want to see my brother.

The guards drove me inside the big living room, there were lots of cameras and three security guards inside.

Guard1- Everyone come here!

Suddenly all the doors were opened, I guess that the person behind the cameras opened them, and seven boys came out of the rooms, one of them was my brother.

I tried to run to him but the guards didn't let me.

Y/N- Let me go you asshole, I want to go with Jimin oppa!!!

Guard1- Not yet patient 008.

Y/N- I have a name you know?

Guard2- Everyone, this is patient 008, named Park Y/N, she will be the last one to join zone 16, don't you dare to do something to her or else we will increase the injections to all of you! She is like you, the fact that she is female doesn't change anything, so be good boys and don't do stupidities. We want to introduce you to her now, number, name and causes!

Namjoon- I am patient 001, named Kim Namjoon, found in a forest, mental therapy, nice to meet you.

Jin- I a patient 002, named Kim Seokjin, intent of suicide due to job stress, mental therapy, you can call me Jin.

Yoongi- I am patient 003, named Min Yoongi, assassination, mental therapy, I don't like stupid people.

Hoseok- I am patient 004, named Jung Hoseok, attempt of suicide, mental therapy, I wish we can be friends.

Jimin- I am patient 005, named Park Jimin, assassination,mental therapy, hi sis, I will explain everything to you later my life.

I felt a little tear falling though my dimple, why do they act like…robots?

Taehyung- I am patient 006, named Kim Taehyung, found on the street with mental problems, mental therapy, we can talk later.

Jungkook- I am patient 007, named Jeon Jungkook, assassination,mental therapy, darling you and me will have so much fun,just advancing.

I blushed a bit, what does he mean?

Guard 1- Patient 007, don't even dream about doing stupid things with patient 008. 008 introduce yourself.

Y/N- I-I am… patient 008, named Park Y/N, ass- assassination, mental therapy.

Guard 2- Alright, you can stay in the living room until we bring dinner, after that as everyday you will go to your rooms.

All the Guards left but two of them stayed at the door, I could see it before it closed leaving me alone with seven crazy boys.

I wasn't handcuffed anymore so I just runned to Jimin. I hugged him so hard that he almost went without breath I was crying so much, I was scared.

Jimin- Don't worry, don't worry my mochi, let's sit and I will explain everything.

We all sat down and they were all looking at me.

Y/N- Since when have you been here?

Jimin- Two weeks ago, I woke up before you.

Y/N- Do you remember anything?


Y/N- And what now?

Jimin- Nothing, we have to be treated and that's it, we can't do anything else.

Y/N- What? But we don't need any treatment.

Jimin- We killed our parents.

Y/N- We don't even know if that is true!

Jimin- Y/N, did someone explain to you about the effects of memory lost?

Y/N- Yes, but it's not true, I don't feel like killing people or something.

Jimin- You just woke from the coma a bit hours ago, you haven't felt it yet.

Y/N- What do you mean? Have you felt it already?

Jimin- Everyday, and we better not talk about the nightmares.

Y/N- Is this for real oppa?

Namjoon- I don't want to disturb the family problems, but, Y/N, I want you to know he isn't lying, everyone in this room has killing needs sometimes, and Jimin too.

Jin- At night wwe can hear him screaming because of the nightmares.

Y/N- B-but…I-i thought…Do you all have these symptoms?

Hoseok- Well, killing needs everyone, nightmares some of us, but Jimin's ones are harder, then each of us has some unique symptoms, I need to dance once a day or else I totally dyscontrol.

Jin- I sometimes start to shout without reason.

Jungkook- I have sex necessities or else I need to kill.

I made a confused face.

Jungkook- Yes, that's related to my past, I was strapped at my toxic ex house and… Yes. Don't worry, the boys help me with that.

I made a even more confused face

Taehyung- What the hell? Are you subnormal or what?

Jungkook- Just kidding, I find ways- He said after winking at me.

Yoongi- I don't think that was necessary you pervert human.

Jimin- Well, you will meet doctor Soyeon soon and she will explain all the possible symptoms to you in your case.

I was about to cry, but I tried to hold it inside.

Y/N- And how is life here?

Yoongi- Not as bad as you think, I promise you.

Jimin- It's like a normal house, but with white fluffy walls, there are some cameras but they aren't always activated because this hospital is a piece of shit and can't afford the fact of having cameras 24/7, but the guards are always at the door listening just in case one of us discontrols, so this is the living room, and the personal rooms are all around the living room, the personal rooms are not that bad, they are like normal adolescent student, but with white and fluffy walls again.

Y/N- So you just live as if you were, normal persons who live together ?

Jimin- I like hearing that from you my mochi.

Y/N- Why?

Jimin- Because that means that you have accepted that we aren't normal anymore, we are crazy psycho assassins, but we keep going, and that's it.

Then two guards entered and gave us dinner. They didn't even say something, they just entered and gave each of us a plate with food.

Y/N- When are the cameras activated?

Jimin- The living room at night and from 1PM to 6 PM,and the rooms from 8 AM to 1PM and from 6PM to 8PM. At 8 Pm we have dinner and when we finish we have to sleep.

Y/N- So cameras aren't on now?

Jimin- Right, but guards are listening.

Y/N (Whispering so low)- I don't think they will hear me like this, listen Jiminshi, i won't stay here so much, I don't want to be here, so I will think of a way to escape.

Jimin ( whispering)- Are you sure it's a good idea?

Y/N( Whispering)- Of course, are you all with me?

They all noodeed.

Y/N (whispering)- But I advert that It will cost so much, at least five months.

They all nodded again.

After that a voice could be heard.

Voice- All the patients from zone 16 should be ending dinner and going to sleep.

I woke up from the sofa where we've been all the time and hugged everyone one by one.

When I hugged Jungkook he picked my hand and softly kissed it. I could feel his delicated lips touching my little hand and also his piercing rocking my skin.

I was a bit speechless so I just ignored it and hugged Jimin.

Y/N- Where is my room mochi oppa?

He pointed to a room and I nodded at him. I bowed at them all and went to my room. In tere I saw that Jimin was right, it looks just like a normal adolescent room with normal stuff. I guess that the doctors entered my last room and searched for the things I like since the room has a lot of purple stuff (my favorite color), and also a poster of Itzy, one of my favorite kpop groups, I didn't expect that…

I was about to go see the books at the armory ( I love reading), but I heard the boys speaking so I tried to listen through the door.

Jimin- Yaah! You Jeon Jungkook, I understand that you have sex symptoms, but don't even dare to touch Y/N, listen?

Jungkook- Ok,ok, but you should know that at the end she is the one who will come for me.

Jimin- Shut the fuck up!

I heard that someone ( Jimin I guess) woke up and grabbed something from the table.

Wait, is it that Jimin is discontrolled? I heard the guards entering and calming Jimin I guess.

Jimin- S-sorry Jungkook-ah, I didn't mean going so far.

Jungkook- Don't worry, it's your need to kill if you are annoyed I guess.

Jimin-Just, don't do anything to Y/N.

Jungkook didn't respond.

Jin- Are you dancing now Hoseok?

Hoseok- I didn't remember to do it later, so I will do it now and you will shut up and leave me fucking alone.

Yoongi- Alright,alright, calm down you are supposed to be the cute one…

They all laughed.

I could hear the door opening and someone approaching my room, so I just turned around and pretended to look at the books.

Hope you are liking it. I will try to upload in not much time. Sleep and eat well 😘

from: wicked 🐰

to: you 🌺