4 What is hidden in the light

Adam was shocked that he had ended up running all the way to Mary's house. So shocked that a scream of utter frustration escaped him. Strong chill crept up his spine as he tried to hide himself. Why had he not thought this out, a graveyard would have ghosts, this he was sure of, and he was extremely cowardly at this moment.

When he saw Mary Anne her eyes were calm and cold, and he saw their future burning to ashes. Not one second after he thought this that she fainted.


It had been an hour since Mary Anne fainted. Adam, being a gentlemen brought her inside and laid her down on the plaid couch. He was so nervous he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. Every five to ten minutes Adam would leave Mary's side to go to the kitchen. After which the whistling of the kettle would disturb the silence.

When Mary woke up it was to the sound of that horrible banshee like noise. Her feet were frozen. Actually her whole body felt like it had been encased in a ice block for a dozen years.

As she adjusted herself on the couch she took a look at the familiar surroundings and calmed her heart down. The room was dark except for the faint gold light coming from the hallway.

Adam was still shaking when he handed her a mug of boiling hot herbal tea. Mary gratefully excepted the mug that was filled with what could only be described as diluted blood. She raised an eyebrow as she recalled the earlier scene.

Adam's clothes were still bloody however, the blood on his hands and face had long since been washed away. He sat on the rocking chair beside her. "I didn't mean to scare you."

'Then why are you stalking me?'

"I...I...wanted to know you better. I just wanted to be near you and protect you."

Mary raised both eyebrows at the absurdity. Adam moved his eyes away as he pulled out a crinkled sheet from his bosom.

"From the first moment I saw you smile, I knew that you were the only woman I'd ever love for the rest of my life."

'I have read a few romance novels back in my day but this utter mess of a proposal must be the stupidest thing I've ever encountered. However, I should have honestly expected that the first boy to ever propose to me to be covered in blood.'

"I'm sorry that I've made such a ba-"

'Explain your behavior today.'

"Well my family has had this profession for generations and basically I was trained into this at a very young age. You see my family...is...was..s...were hitmen. So we grew up in a cold environment, lacking in emotional sentiments. Then I saw you and your smile lit up my heart like gentle sun rays falling upon a dying land. Illuminating what was once hidden."

'Listen, I meant concisely explain why you are here right now.'

Adam abruptly stood up and walked near the only light source, his profile softened in the glow and his eyes weary.

"Well it all started yesterday, when my only friend Frank. You know Frank don't you?"

'...The one with the square jaw.'

"Yes, he plays soccer!"

'No, it's table tennis.'

"Yes, yes, yes you're quite right. So Frank discovered I was gathering Intel on you, definitely not to kill you...well he told me that if I wanted to win your hand in marriage I should write you a love letter."

At this point Adams face was five shades lighter then the colour of blood.

Marry Anne: ...*flips table*

"So I returned home with a mission, ah it was such a lovely day, you remember don't you? Well anyway I saw my grandfather up on the roof shooting cats."

'So you're covered in cats blood?'

"No,no,no I went inside to write to you, then when I went downstairs for supper I ate some meat and carrots. It's a pity my mother has never been a good cook, but then we realized that there was someone who hadn't eaten. That person being my grandfather. It turns out he fell to his death off the roof and onto my fathers car."

'So you're covered in your grandfathers blood?'

"No,no,no. As I was saying- my grandfather died. Oh have I told you my family kills people?"

'So you killed someone?'

"No,no,well yes? You see I've killed people ever since I was eight, every year, almost every other night- its why we are so rich. Well anyway apparently the last man I had to kill had a lover, this I of course knew but his eyes reminded me of you. So I left him alive and turns out he is an assassin. So today he killed everyone in my family and then when he tried to kill me I tried very hard to live because, well because of you. I couldn't possibly leave you widowed. So I killed him after much effort, it was even harder then chopping him to pieces. I wanted to bury my family so I came here."

'So it's the assassin's blood?'

"NO,no,no, this is the blood of the assassin's father, I met him on the way out of the house."

'My mother always told me marry a stupid man that is capable. You seem to fit. Lets get married, but first where are the bodies of the assassins?'

"I got rid of the evidence already."

Marry Anne:....finds another table to flip

'You really are the stupidest man I've ever met, your body is full of evidence.'

"I knew my sweetheart wouldn't judge me."

'How can I when my family are assassins.'
