
Zombies And Nanomachines

A man was just living his life Until that event where he met someone who calls themself 'ROB' and 'ROB' gave him a chance to live his second life in a new body with a very little but many helpers to help him on his journey in a zombie-apocalyptic world Will he, now she became who rules and dominate the world Or will she became just another brainless zombie that can be found anywhere? Lazy synopsis: A 22-year-old guy meets ROB gets japanazing beam, became girl and is reincarnated to parallel earth with a BS nanomachines. ¶¶¶ Warnings: There will be strong language and gore first chapter is bad Note: I upload this on Wattpad too ¶¶¶¶ [Novel Status: Indefinite hiatus] [Author Status: Alive but lazy and tired] [Update Date: Irregular or 1/week] [Word count/chapter: 1K words (there might be an exception)] ================ (front picture taken from google) I'm open suggestions for the writing or story, but please don't make it into a conflict, thanks! Don't expect much on this fic since I usually put what's on my mind for the story (so be ready for info dump) and trying to not create a plothole and/or contradicting the plot, and for that reason, I tend to burn out writing, but I have motivation on this fic so I will upload chapters. My world building pretty suck so please bear with me as I am still improving I use Grammarly to help. My writing is not the best but definitely readable Oh, and also English isn't my first language ================ Extra Tags: #Genderbender #Genderbend #Zombie #Nanomachines "Speaking" 'Thoughts' {POV changing} *timeskip/action/sound effect* (Me talking)

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12 Chs

The Meeting (edited)

{Third Person's POV}

Earth, Year 2222, 2nd February, City M, ???'s house.

"I'm home!".




"Let's just go to the kitchen".

A girl with short white hair and dead fish-like black eyes entered the kitchen.

From her looks, she is tall and has a buff body, with big breasts and wide hips, compared to her buff body, she has a cute face, but when paired with her buff body and dead fish-like eyes, it gave a scary aura.

This is Mahiro, our protagonist.

While preparing the ingredients, she spoke to herself.

"It's been what? 22 years since I reincarnated?".

"And I still don't have my nanomachines...".


In a certain place, out of nowhere, a white but transparent ball appears.

"Oh? What's this?", a being spoke, it gets closer and closer to the ball and not long after, he arrives.

"A soul? let's see". The being poked the ball with its finger and memories of the previous life of the soul came to his head.

The being continued, "Umu, I decided, he deserves my reward".


&@%¢¥^ later.

The floating ball's color became much whiter than it was and this change didn't get unnoticed by the being.

"Ah, you're finally awake!", The being spoke.


'Who am I?'.

'Where am I?'.

'Who are you?', the confused man said, instead of memories getting wiped and getting reincarnated after it, like what he believes will happen after death, he instead found himself in a strange white place.

"Calm down, you can call me ROB, and you are currently in my personal judgment space", the being said, or rather ROB (Random Omnipotent Being).


"No no no, ROB"


"R O B, ROB!"




'Why can I speak when I don't have a mouth? Also, what do you mean by personal?', asked the floating white ball.

"You are currently a soul and I allow you to speak telepathically here, about my personal judgment space, you don't have to know", the being replied

"Anyway, as for why you are here? Maybe take your time to remember". While changing the subject of the conversation, the being continued.






Suddenly a surge of memories entered the mind of the soul.

'I died trying to save people?'

"Yes, and now I will give you a chance".

'Why? I don't think saving a couple of people is enough for your 'chance', also what is the chance?'.

"The people you save will have a massive good contribution to the world in the future, if not for you, another world war might happen on earth, and there will be many unnecessary death".

'WAIT WHAT!? REALLY!?', the shocked man shouted, he didn't expect that his influence can change how the world will go in the future.

"Yep, but you don't have to worry anymore"

'I still have some questions'

"Later, let's get started shall we?"


Suddenly three massive golden wheels appear out of thin air.

All three massive golden wheels of them have signs that categorized them.

The first wheel's sign said "WORLD"

The second wheel's sign said "POWER"

The third wheel's sign said "APPEARANCE"

"Do you want me to spin it or yourself?"

'No, I'll be the one to do it'



In front of the man appeared a small golden lever, the handle are big enough to circle the man's hand.

Without hesitation, the man pulled the lever, and the three massive wheels instantly spun.



A few minutes later, the three massive golden wheels slowly stopped one by one.

The first wheel stopped at Zombie Apocalypse

The second wheel stopped at Nanomachines (comical)

The third wheel stopped at Random Appearance

"Oh! Well well well, you are a lucky one!"

'Can you please explain?'

"Let's start with your appearance"

"About your random appearance, don't worry, at worst you will be average looking, with the average being on the same level as your previous life"

'Will I get psychical deformities? I hope not, especially in a zombie apocalypse world'

"Haha, don't worry, you won't"

'That's great'

"Next, is the world you are going into"

"At the start when you were born, you will have 15 years of freedom, after you are 15, the zombie apocalypse might happen at any moment, be sure to use that time to improve!"

'Of course, I will'

'Also, will the world be futuristic? Since I have my nanomachines, it might influence the world I will go into right?'

"No, it will be at the level of a good functioning prosthetic arm but not to the point of hologram".

'So, will it strengthen us like in cyberpunk?'

"No, actually, a bit stronger than a normal arm"

'I see'

"Next, is your nanomachines"

"You will get it one day after the zombie apocalypse happened"

'Why not before?'

"Because yes".



'What can it do?'

"It can create almost anything just from a low amount of resources with the help of your imagination, you can even upgrade your body and it will be painless unlike in cyberpunk so don't worry"

'No blueprints or details needed?'


'That's sick!'

'Can I create sandevistan?'

"Yes, but with enough resources, it can even remove the side effect of frying the brain or cyberpychosis, and with enough resources of course".

'How much?'

"It's yours to find out"

"Any more questions?"

'No, I'm good'

"Well, off you go!"

"Oh, and there is a big surprise on the nanomachines"


A Vortex suddenly appeared behind the man and suck him inside.


Only a few seconds have passed and yet, the man feels like he is there for eternity.

A moment later, he is out of the vortex.

'Where... Am... I?'

Noticing that he is out of the vortex he tries to look around... But failed miserably.

'Why can't I move my head?'

'And is that... A fence?'. Even if he can't move his head, he can see a tall fence.


'I'm inside a cradle!?'

'Well, at least I'm not in that hell like the place anymore. Remembering the pain he suffered in the vortex, he shivers with cold sweat.

Inside the vortex, he felt the pain of his body twisting and turning.

Now relaxed, the man, or now the baby, started to drift off to sleep.


The next day...


The baby slowly tries to open his eyes, he succeeds but all he sees is blurs.

"Hello, there sleepy head".

A kind woman's voice entered his head, he feel some sort of familiarity in it.

'Is this person my mom?'

"You should be hungry right?"

'Well, I saw this coming I guess'

Moments later, the woman lifts her shirt and her bra, revealing a pretty big breast.

'Oh damn, it's big'

"It's time to eat!"

'Let's do this'. Determined, the baby gets closer and sucks on the woman's breast.

'It feels... Bland? That's fine'

A few minutes of sucking later...

The baby let go of the woman's breast

'I'm full now, thought the baby while burping

"You eat more than usual, that means you're going to be a strong girl in the future!"

'Huh, Girl?'


This is the moment he knew, he or now she fucked up.

{The Woman's POV}

'If my baby grows to be a strong girl, wouldn't that mean she will be a tomboy?'

'Hmm, let's just decide with her choosing her toy'

'If she chooses a doll, she will probably be a feminine girl and if she chooses a toy car, she will probably be a tomboy'

'Yes, let's do that!'

{Third Person's POV}

"Mahiro, do you want a toy?", the woman said.

"Wait a moment, I'll get it for you"

The woman put the baby down on the sofa.

Trying to observe the room, the baby once again tries to turn her head around and yet still failed.

'Well I guess this is my fate for now'

A few moments later the woman came back with two toys, one is a rabbit plushie and the other is a toy police car.

"Here you are, which one do you want to pick?"

'The bunny looks cute and the car looks cool, well why not both?'

The baby tries to reach both of the toys and grabs them.


'Why does she look confused?'

"You pick both huh..."

"Alright, you can keep it"


{The Woman's POV}

'I guess she will be a feminine tomboy?'


'I can't imagine it'

'I should be both clothes when she grows up'

'Yeah, let's do that'

{Third Person's POV}

'Why does she give me toys this early anyway, I can't even move my head and she already gave me toys??'.

'Also, where is my father?'

'I don't see him anywhere'

'*gasp*', The baby realized.

'D-Did he goes out to buy milk? Poor mom', The baby thought with a sad face.



First chappy

What do you think?

If you found some problems with my writing, just tell me!!

And if you have any idea about the story, let me know!!

Also, the start of the story would probably be started in the second half of chapter 2 or chapter 3.

I will try to make each chapter have 1K words.

This is an edited chapter