
Zombie Exorcist

Being a slave xin qin was depressed as all slaves should be till *Boom*!! The sound of an explosion could be heard the apocalypse began and zombies,animals,insects,even mythical creatures were in this world how would qin survive? Guys this is my second novel so they might be some grammatical errorhhj

emmzycluas_255 · Fantasy
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8 Chs



[young scholars high school]

Young scholars high school is a school which motto is to educate young scholars all over the world.

Having great arena used for training the scholars,and up-to-date facilities,not to mention of the huge buildings scattered everywhere.

[Among all this collosal buildings]

[The girl's domitory]

[3rd person pov]

A girl is seen in one of the domitory staring through the window, having a pink hair, crystal blue eyes and pure pink lips,her curves were placed at the right places,having a great physique,a voluptuous front side,as well as a voluptuous back side she was what they will call a model,(as she stared through the window)"Isabelle Bron" as she heard her name,she turned her head only to see a girl having a brown hair,she to had a great physique,but was what they would call a lolli.

"Elizabeth,I already told you to not address me as Bron"Isabelle said, Elizabeth was Isabelle one and only friend that she made at her stay at this school,and was the one who knew all most all of her secret ,"sorry Isabelle xin" Elizabeth said raising her hand up.

"By the way Isabelle why did decided to use xin instead of Bron?"Elizabeth asked Isabelle.

"Well,I told you if anyone knew about me being the only child and daughter of Bron, they're gonna give me the spotlight and you know I hate that,besides xin is a better name", Isabelle said with a smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Elizabeth who shook her head,"you really haven't gotten over your childhood crush have you?", Elizabeth said as she told her hand across her chest.

"Hehhehehe,I told you that I only think of him as a best friend and nothing at all"Isabelle said as her cheeks got red and she looked away not wanting to let her friend see her flushed cheeks,"yeah,his just a friend but you haven't had a boyfriend since i knew you,you don't even go to clubs because of fear of gotten drunk and ending in a man room,have you even confessed your love for the boy?", Elizabeth said as she raised an eyebrow as she put a questionable expression waiting for an answer from Isabelle.

"Well,I was planning that the next letter-"


Before Isabelle could even finish her sentence an explosion occurred,both Isabelle and Elizabeth stared through the window wondering what was that,which made such an explosion.

Little did they know that this explosion would change the world forever.


A boy could be seen he had black and red striped hair which reached his ear,and and some streak of blood coming out of his black hair with dried blood there,he held a blood stained wooden stick in his hand,his clothes were tattered,and had a can of spray strapped to his side,and a match stick stuck to his pocket of his tattered pants,his face showed no expression as he walked through the empty hallway,of the big mansion this was no other than xin qin,,even though the hallway seemed empty,he(xin qin)knew better that this place lingered with humans, though not live one but pure abomination,some without eyes,some without legs no matter how disformed they are xin qin knew that they were all dead and needed cleansing for the world.


[Xin qin pov]

"Xin qin help me!",I turn towards the direction I heard my name only to see Dax being surrounded by 3 males wearing tattered clothes but I could see they were more than normal men cause of their disfigured faces,'hmmm,should I help him?,nah', even though I wanted to help Dax by killing the corrupted humans,but.....


Ever since he came out of his room he killed to more corrupted humans,which he will now call, zombies.

He turned towards the hall that Dax was and just waved his hand at him,"Xin qin you son of a-!!",Dax tried to talk but the corrupted humans didn't let him complete his sentence,'too bad'.


Staring at the door I can't believe my own plan,"if it were before I would never try it,but oh well if I want to help Isabelle I would need to do things I would never have thought of",my hand reached the door handle to open it.

"Raaaaaa!!","I guess this can wait" I mumbled before turning my side,'two!',they were too much,I only fought one at a time but,two,'i better hurry up',even if this zombies don't have brains,they are really sensitive to sound, especially from their kind.

"Raaaaaa!!"both of the zombies ran towards me with their claws,'trying,to kill me like that', Even if they were sensitive to sound they are still dumb.

I jump to side....


'shit that's gonna hurt',I watch as one of the zombies collided with the door leading to the room I was gonna enter,but I didn't have any time to reminise for the zombie before the other one ran towards me,with it's claws out intending to strike me.

Not a chance,I brought out the insect repellent, digging my hand inside my pocket I also brought out a match box,I lit the match stick,place it at the front of the insect repellent,and science.

"Raaaaaa!!!",the zombie who lunged towards me screamed in a high pitch voice as it got burnt to death,I really need to thank Isabelle.



Whew,now zombie one is gone it remains zombie two I removed my eyes from the already burnt zombie,and look towards the door,"whow"I said as I jumped back,nearly escaping the grim reaper scythe(to be precise,the zombie almost stabbed him).

Then with all the strength I could muster I swinged, the stick towards it face.




Two things Happened,my stick broke into two halves and i also killed the zombie.



"Whew, finally" I said as I moved towards the room which the zombie had broke the door.

The interior of this room was,nothing to scoff at.At the far end of the room,a brown table filled with piled up files,and behind the table was a chair(brown in colour),and the only source of light was coming from the big window behind the chair.

There was also a table-drawer, at the side of the room,and on the top of the table-drawer,had a picture of a man who had yellow coloured hair,blue eyes and a still developing beards,he look to be around 34 years or so,by his side was a woman,who had pink hair, crystal blue eyes and a perfect pink lips,with curves adorning everywhere in good places,she seemed too be around 30 of age,at the center of this two was a girl she had a pink hair, crystal blue eyes and pure pink lips and she seemed to be the daughter of the man and woman.

I knew who where this people,the man was Isabelle father while the woman is Isabelle late mother the girl was Isabelle,"she really look like her mother,huh?.

I stared at the picture for a couple of two minutes before walking towards the table-drawer seeing it was locked using a padlock,he had to keep things safe being the senator and all,"if I'm correct being the senator",I didn't need to talk to much as I used the stick to break the padlock.


The padlock broke with force I opened the drawer using the handle and I couldn't help but bring out a big smile.

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