
Chapter 1 ~ The Balance Of Human

~ July 23, 1124

On the continent of Avelanche, in the Kingdom of Zenon, there exists the renowned Libra family.

The Libariars, in particular, are known for their extraordinary abilities to control gravity, energy, speed, and various other inexplicable phenomena.

On Sunday, July 23, a red solar eclipse occurred. Suddenly, the world spun faster than usual. Clocks malfunctioned, spinning aimlessly.

At exactly 00:00, a boy with white hair and red eyes named Ausgelich Libariars was born. He is the son of Javos Libariars, a famous businessman, and Kanza Libariars, an adventurer.

5 years later

~ October 12, 1129

At Javos Libariars' residence

11:00 AM

Gelich was reading a book titled "Balance Of Human." He asked his father, "Father, what is balance?" Javos replied, "Balance is complex. It is a state where various elements support and maintain harmony, creating a condition of alignment and tranquility. However, achieving balance can be challenging in life's journey. In moments of deep sorrow, everything can feel heavy and dark. But in that darkness, a strength emerges."

"When we feel broken and in despair, that's when we have the opportunity to grow. Life often teaches lessons through sorrow and challenges. In those tough moments, we can find motivation to strive harder. Like a flower growing in barren soil, we can rise from adversity."

"On the path to balance, it's crucial to remember that every small step towards improvement is a meaningful achievement. Despite obstacles and setbacks, each step towards balance signifies resilience and strong determination."

Gelich pondered, "But father, what happens when humans lose or fail to find their balance?"

"When humans lose balance, they may face complex consequences. Emotional loss of balance can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression, affecting interpersonal relationships and the ability to cope with life's challenges."

"Mentally, losing balance can disrupt focus, concentration, and decision-making abilities, impacting productivity and goal achievement. In the broader context of life, it can lead to a sense of directionlessness and questioning one's purpose."

"However, despite the adverse effects of losing balance, it can be a starting point for change and growth. Faced with such challenges, humans have the opportunity to seek support, reflect on their values, and design strategies to restore balance in various aspects of life."

"So, losing balance is a serious challenge, but it can also be a stage where humans respond with perseverance, intelligence, and determination to restore harmony in their lives."

"Essentially, when humans lose balance, they feel shattered, confused, not knowing what to do," said Javos.

"How can one achieve balance?" asked Gelich.

"Balance cannot be achieved by mere 'wanting.' Imagine balance as an elegant dance on a thin rope between dreams and reality. On one side, the dance is fueled by your passionate desires, radiant dreams, and boundless ambitions. On the other side, the dance is grounded in steadfast reality, obligations to be fulfilled, and connection to the world around you."

"In this dance, you are not a spectator but the main dancer. You are the creator of the perfect rhythm, keeping your steps in beautiful balance. As your ambitions propel you forward, remember to keep your roots strong in the real world. And when your responsibilities pull you back, let your dreams lift you to the sky."

"Achieving balance is an art that needs refinement, like painting with gentle strokes or creating a song with your own notes. And like art, there is no wrong way. What matters is making each step a part of your unique life painting."

"So, keep dancing on this tightrope of balance with courage and determination. Let each step mark your extraordinary journey. And remember, in this dance, you are the lead actor capable of bringing harmony to different worlds," said Javos.

"Thank you, father," said Gelich.

"Gelich, you are the heir of the Libariars family. Find your balance; Libra will guide me towards equilibrium."

10 hours later

It was 9 PM, time for dinner for Gelich's family.

"What is mother cooking?" Gelich asked with curiosity.

"Mother is making fried fish, dear," Kanza replied.

"Yay! It must be delicious."

"What is Fani doing?" Gelich inquired.

"Big sister is working on something," Fani replied.

"What is big sister making?" Gelich asked.

"It's a secret," Fani chuckled.

"Hmph," Gelich exclaimed.

"Children, dinner is ready."


"Enjoy your meal."

Meanwhile, on the other side,

"Javos, Alan has started implementing his plan. We must be cautious of his actions; don't underestimate him. He is an unpredictable man."

"Alan, I thought he had given up, but it seems his plan is still ongoing. For now, we must be more careful of the threats from above. According to Libra's Library, they are expected to descend to Earth around the year 1140."

"We still don't know how to deal with them. The only solution is to awaken them and unite them to become him."

"Are you foolish? He is far more dangerous than them. Even if he protects us, the battles that will occur could destroy the entire universe!"

"That is the only way."

"There is another way. Listen to me; in the future, there will be a battle among five individuals far more terrifying than we can imagine. The battle will happen soon, and it's possible that those individuals can defeat them. For now, all we can do is hope."

"How can humans be that powerful?"

"It's true; believe me, the abilities of humans in that battle are much stronger than the Rulers of Zenon, the sixteen demon monsters, even my powers are just a speck of dust compared to them."

"The fate of the future of this world is determined by them."

Next chapter