
Checking some stats

"Eat up big guy."

Zieg rubbed the neck of his spirit steed Torrent while seeing if he would eat the bucket of berrys from this world. He ran out of Rowa fruit some time ago, and was seeing if Torrent could eat anything else.

"Not bad right?" He patted torrent as it ate from the bucket. It looked like he wasn't a very picky eater.

Although Zieg didn't find much use for Torrent anymore since he could teleport and fly. He still tried to take care of him whenever he could.

"Does it really need to eat when it's a spirit?"

"I imagine it's similar to heroic spirits. While they don't need food, doesn't mean they can't enjoy it."

Zieg responded calmly, casually glancing at Raynare who showed up without his notice again somehow. He was beginning to think she had some sort of passive stealth ability to be capable of sneaking up on him this frequently. It's not like he had his senses on full alert all the time, but even if he didn't have his guard up, she shouldn't be able to sneak up on him this often.

Now that he thought of it, he should probably check up on her status. The familiar system he stole from his counterpart Gold Aversis gave his familiars a status page that he could view.

"That reminds me, I never checked up on your status."

"Ah, there's no need for that!" For once, Raynare actually looked flustered and visibly worried.

"Nonsense. I should have checked up on it when I picked you up. Might as well do it now. Stats." Zieg spoke out the words, unsurprised as a blue screen appeared in front of him.

Familiar 1

Name: Raynare

Level: 139

Race: Fallen

Title: Feathered Sadist / Honorary Succubus / Honorary Crimson Demon / Explosion Master / Crazy Bitch / Ex Megalomaniac / Goddess's Drinking Partner

Class: Adventurer

Strength: 650

Agility: 840

Endurance: 390

Resistance: 530

Intelligence: 150

Magic: 2300


1. Fallen Angel - Due to your race. You are capable of some natural bonuses, such as wings that can shoot feathery projectiles. Light based manipulation, natural fallen based magic, and some shapeshifting.

2. Honorary Succubus - Due to being recognized by multiple succubus for your abilities. You have gained a natural attunement towards dream-based magic and illusions.

3. Honorary Crimson Demon - Due to being recognized by multiple Crimson Demons for your abilities. You have gained an increased affinity towards magic.

4. Explosive attunement - Due to influence from someone, you are capable of making all your attacks EXPLODE, literally.

5. Ex Megalomaniac - Although your days of evil machinations are behind you. You still can't help but cackle maniacally sometimes.

6. Goddess's Drinking Partner - Due to frequently sharing booze with a certain water goddess, your holy powers increased tremendously.

Spells/Skills: Click to view list (this is due to having over 100 spells or skills)

Feelings towards Master Zieg Aversis: Respect, Hero-worship, Obsessive love. You have a literal shrine in your room dedicated towards him. You own a body pillow with his picture on it. You steal his clothes just so you can sniff them when he showers. While you try to act cool around him, you secretly relish the feeling of just being in his vicinity.

"..." Zieg's expression didn't change as he silently read through the status page.

"Um, that's..." Raynare tried to speak but words wouldn't come out.

She looked like a statue that had cracked out of sheer embarrasment. Her ears had a hint of red and she felt like she was about to break out in sweat. She always knew Zieg was capable of viewing her status, but hoped he wouldn't since he was always so busy all the time.

"Raynare." He finally called her name.

"Yes!?" She jumped at being called out.

"I should let you know first before it's too late but. I can't return your feelings." Zieg bluntly stated, looking her in the eye.


"Now let me clarify. It's not you, it's literally me."

He held up a hand to stop her from immediately going into depression or something.

"I am incapable of loving normally. When i say I love war, I really do mean it. I'm a monster like that." He wouldn't lie to her, he would be honest because he just couldn't handle relationships. "I generally only get boners when my blood is rushing in the heat of battle or my life feels like it's in danger. The last time I had sex, was to a girl who's entire body was poisonous to the point that I wasn't completely sure I'd be okay having sex with her, even with my poison resistance."

"That's... we could figure something out. I think?" Raynare tried to think of something but was just given a bland look from Zieg.

"I appreciate you for still wanting to try, I really do. But that's not the only thing. I don't know if you think I'm joking about past lives and shit. But I really do mean it. I have A LOT of baggage. That I can't let go of, even if I wanted to."

Zieg finished his confession after that. Although he left out a few details, he believed he got the point across. He was pretty sure he had a conversation like this in another life before. He couldn't remember how that ended with his memories fractured. Although he vaguely remembered burning alive.

"I still want to try."

Zieg felt an annoyed tick form somewhere as he heard her response.

"Did you not listen to what I've been saying?" Zieg deadpanned at her.

"I did and I don't care. I want to try." Raynare retorted, standing up with her arms crossed. She leaned down to him with a finger pointed at his face. "Don't forget you said you'd take care of me. I expect it."

Zieg opened his mouth but couldn't come up with a response. He was legitimately speechless.

"I can't help but feel like my words keep backfiring on me lately." He sighed, giving up.

"Well you have a way with words." The girl smirked at that.

"Well let's get this awkwardness out the way." Snapping his finger, the two appeared in the middle of an empty field. "Alright, try to kill me."


"I need to personally see how far you've progressed so I can gauge your stats." Although the numbers looked big, he didn't know how they translated into life.

"I don't want to kill you though!"

"Look, I'm not easy to kill. Hell I'd be overjoyed if you were able to. Would give me a good fight."

"Still, I don't think I can bring myself to really try and hurt you." Considering her feelings for him, it would be difficult to really try and kill him.

"Fine, let's try this then. I told you earlier that I don't really get erections unless I really enjoy a fight or my life is in danger. If you can manage to get my blood pumping enough for that, then I'll have sex with-" He didn't get to finish as he was forced to dodge a spear of light that broke the sound barrier.

*BOOM sfx* A massive explosion ensued, knocking Zieg into the air in surprise.

"Huh..." Zieg turned to the sight of the giant mushroom cloud reminiscent of a nuclear explosion.

He turned to the sound of sizzling light to see thousands of light spears hovering above him. For a moment, his heart began to beat faster, his blood rushed through his veins as a small smile cracked on his countenance.

"Heahahahahahaha!" Raynare began to laugh maniacally like an insane villain.

"Oddly enough, that's kinda hot." He blankly muttered out loud as the thousands of explosive spears rained down on him.

Within another world.

Kokabiel hovered in the air with his legion scouting the area.

With his face well known in the supernatural world of DXD. He was relegated towards gathering some materials that Zieg requested.

The Fallen Cadre moved his red eyes to the night sky of Terraria. Supposedly the target of his hunt was in the sky, but where?

"Hm!?" The stargazer widened his eyes at the sight of something monstrous on the moon.

"Hoh, well I guess I can't complain about this being too easy." Kokabiel began to cackle after noticing the dormant form of the moon lord.

In Kyoto

"By any chance do you have anything more fresh?" Emiya asked the shopkeeper, staring at the sight of most of the fish beginning to clearly rot, judging by the smell.

"What you see is what you get." The Shopkeeper lazily grunted out, gesturing towards everything on display.

"Hm." Emiya crossed his arms in thought. On one hand, he was pretty sure none of his current associates would be affected by something like old fish. On the other hand, his miniscule feeling of pride as a cook prevented him from purchasing it. But on the other hand, it was stupidly cheap.

*BOOM sfx* An explosion erupted in the vicinity behind him.

"What the hell!?" The fish seller exclaimed in surprise as everyone around them began to scatter in fear.

"Could I get a deal if I bought a set of 10?" The Counter Guardian asked, completely ignoring whatever the hell was happening behind him.

"Behind you!" The fish seller shouted, a finger pointed towards something in the back.

"Ahhh!" Before Emiya could speak, the fish seller ran off in fear. His fish stand ruined by falling debris.

Emiya stood there with a blank expression. He finally sighed after a moment and turned to see a bunch of hooded figures causing destruction with spells flying everywhere.

"Damn E-rank luck." Emiya cursed before submitting to his fate, a pair of married blades appearing in his hands.

Somewhere in an undisclosed underground location.

A group of 3 figures were inside of an odd dungeon filled with glowing runic sigils, some machinery built into the stone walls, and a large spell formation in the middle.

"Hm, this is odd." Slane hummed aloud, checking the large map in front of him.

"It smells of human mysticism." The red haired biker grunted, sniffing the air.

"Where are we?" The blond dhampir girl asked in monotone.

"Well according to the map, this should be a shortcut to America!"

The bipedal lizard man with glasses declared with complete confidence.

"May I see that?"

"Of course friend Valerie!"

The female dhampir named Valerie Tepes, took the large map from Slane's claws. Her eyes scanned over the contents blankly for a moment in silence.

"This is drawn in crayon." She bluntly stated out loud. Surprisingly this was the closest her tone had come to displaying any form of emotion.

"Indeed, Map-making has been a skill that I have honed for generations! I see you are capable of gleaming it's true value if you are able to conclude the tool in which I used to create such a work of art! As expected of one that I recognize as a companion!"

Slane exclaimed with pride, while the red haired biker man nodded with arms crossed.

Valerie stared at them with the same blank expression she had on her countenance. Finally turning her gaze away from the two, she took a look at the odd contraptions around the room.

"These smell human made, it may have something to do with those glowing things."

"There are some levers, but we do not know what they do."

"Worry not! For I am a certified puller of levers!" Slane declared, pulling out a certificate from his silver armor. The sheet of paper read [Certified puller of levers], along with being signed by Zieg Aversis.

With one single tug, the bipedal lizard pulled down a random lever. The ground shook for a moment and some rocks started to fall from the tremors.

"You have freed us! Thank you for your timely rescue!" In the center of the room where the large spell formation once was. A large group of robed humans appeared, in mostly bad condition.

"Think nothing of it! I am Slane, the dragon knight!"

"Ah, where are my manners. I am Tresdin Woodman, a First Circle Magician from the Golden Dawn. I am descended from William Robert Woodman." Tresdin bowed towards the group despite his haggard condition. However he snapped out of it and jumped in recollection.

"Oh dear this is no time for pleasantries, we must make haste to America and stop that traitorous Uther Pendragon and those fanatics from Chaos Brigade!"

"You said you were headed to America? Well so are we! Allow us to combine forces and together I am sure we can deal with this Pendragon and find the holy land of Comic Con!"

"Excellent, then we don't have a moment to waste!" A teleportation circle appeared beneath them all, transporting the group to another place in the world.

Slane's quest to find Comic Con continued.

Author's note: Oh man, I've been gettin real tired with work and classes lately. I actually almost submitted my Cloud computing notes as the chapter instead by accident.

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