

Yibo P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone when mom entered " Bobo can we talk for a while" she asked.

"Sure mom" She sat on the bed and I sat up straight "Bobo as you know our company is on the verge of bankruptcy" I nodded.

"One of dad's friends is willing to help but he wants our bond to grow more strong" I looked at her, confused "they want their son to marry you" I was totally shocked.

"B-but I am just 18" she sighed, "I know baby but we don't have any option" I looked down and thought maybe its for good thing "Ok then I am ready" she hugged me.

"Thankyou my dear son get ready they'll be here for dinner today they'll be here soon" she said and left. I got ready and after 1 hour they came.

When everyone was sat mom called me and I went downstairs nervously. "Hello" I greeted them politely.

A/n P.O.V.

"You are so polite my boy* Mr Xiao patted yibo's head. Yibo smiled shyly. "You grew up so well yibo" Mrs Xiao hugged yibo.

Yibo was just looking down shyly all the time. They started eating dinner while talking about the wedding arrangements.

Yibo kept glancing at Xiao Zhan. But suddenly their eyes locked and yibo immediately looked away blushing hard.

Xiao zhan just smiled.


Wedding Day

Yibo was now walking down the aisle with his father nervously and shyly smiling

Xiao Zhan was looking at the angel and when Mr Wang handed yibo's hand saying "please take care of him" xiao zhan nodded "I promise"

The vows then started

"I Wang Yibo promise to be with Xiao Zhan in rich in poor in Happiness in Sadness in Heath and in Sickness till death apart us" yibo said and slided the ring in Xiao Zhan's hand

"I Xiao Zhan promise to be with Wang Yibo in rich in poor in happy moments and in sad moments in Heath and in Sickness till death apart us" zhan said and slided the ring in Wang Yibo's soft hands

"You may seal your vows with a kiss now" the priest said.

Yibo nervously looked at Xiao Zhan. Zhan leaned in and pecked yibo softly. Yibo was a blushing mess while Zhan smirked at his reaction.

[Time skip]

Everyone was wishing Congratulations to the new wedded couple when haikuan came towards them as he was Yibo's elder brother and Zhan's Bestfriend

"Congratulations didi and Zhan pls take care of this little piggy and also help him with his home work as my little piggy bo is dumb" he said .

"Gegeee" yibo whined "I am not a piggy and not dumb too" he pouted making kuan chuckle and Zhan smile.

"I will take care of him " zhan said


They were now going to the new mansion gifted to them by their parents. On the way yibo fell alseep.

When they reached Xiao zhan smiled seeing yibo sleeping like a little kid. "Yibo we are here" he said softly.

The younger stirred up and got down the car silently going inside followed by Zhan.

"You can go to Our room for freshing up" zhan said. Yibo nodded and went to THEIR room. Ofcourse they were married now and yibo didn't feel uncomfortable with zhan.

Yibo first layed on the bed but when Zhan entered he immediately sat up straight staring at what the elder was doing.

Zhan first ignored the stares but he kinda felt wierd as why his wife is staring at him so intensely so he went and sat on the bed but yibo moved away making him frown.

"What happened" xiao zhan asked softly as to not scare yibo more.

"Actually I searched about you on google as to k-know you more but the info said that you are a very cold and scary C.E.O" he replied fidgeting with his fingers.

Zhan chuckled "I won't do anything that scares you and I won't even behave cold to you okay ?" He said softly.

"O-kay I will go fresh up now" he said and left cuz he was very shy which made Zhan chuckle.

Yibo P.O.V

The moment I entered the bathroom I screamed and ran out jumping on the figure I saw.

"Roach ! T-theres a roach in there" I snuggled into his chest trying to hide from the coackraoch.

Zhan P.O.V

I chuckled when he said he saw a roach I thought it was something serious I just couldn't help but to laugh he looked at me with a pout.

"Why are you laughing" he said trying to glare me but it was so cute to be scary.

I finally controlled my laugh " You are scared of a Coackraoch seriously?" I giggled again making his pout grow bigger.

"Don't laugh !!! And Coackroaches are scary okay " he sulked. "Wait here I'll throw it out" I said but he hugged me tighter.

"No no no What if that coackroach grow bigger and eat you?" He looked terrified making me laugh more.

"Your imaginations are so cute just like you" I put him down and threw the coackroach out.

"Go now" I said and he went in.

[Time Skip after they both were done showering]

A/n P.O.V

The Couple was now laying on the bed about to fall asleep. Well for Zhan he was sleepy but on the other side Yibo couldn't sleep.

Thanks to his habbit of cuddling that he can't sleep without cuddles.

He was just laying there looking at Zhan's back trying to sleep when suddenly zhan turned around and their eyes locked.

"You aren't asleep" zhan asked in his deep voice not breaking the eye contact.

"Uh I c-can't s-sleep without cu-ddles" yibo stuttered.

Zhan sighed and pulled yibo closer . Yibo stiffened and looked at Zhan blushing very hard but zhan just smiled "sleep well"

Yibo blushed and hid his face in Zhan's chest. Soon both fell asleep cuddling each other.

[Next Morning]

Yibo woke up slowly and went downstairs after his morning routine "hmm as my school will be started from next month I guess I should be a good wife so I will cook now" he giggled in excitement and went to make pancakes.

Soon after Zhan woke up and came down to see yibo singing and dancing while cooking he asked "what's going on here?" Tho it was a normal question but his morning voice made it scary that yibo jumped hearing the voice but that's not it !

When yibo jumped the pancake he was turning was thrown up in the air and well......it landed on Zhan's head !!!!!!

"S-sorry sorry" yibo panicked seeing the older's blank face. Zhan took the pancake and threw it in dustbin before walking near yibo. Yibo got nervous and kept walking backwards.

But oh ! how bad he wanted to destroy the table who stopped his way and zhan blocked his way by his two muscular arms. His breath landing on yibo's face . Both were staring at each other and were leaning in slowly.

And their lips met. Zhan kissed yibo deeply while yibo kissed back feeling himself lost in Zhan.

They kept kissing untill the ring of oven brought them back and Zhan pulled away. Yibo was just looking down blushing so much. Zhan smirked and pecked his forehead before going in his room.

Yibo was processing what happened right now soon he came out of his daze and cooked the pancakes.

He decorated the plate and Called zhan to come down "here" yibo said and gave the plate to Xiao Zhan.

Zhan made him sit beside him then first fed him and ate after him.

Yibo got ready for his university and zhan got ready for meeting.

"I'll leave you to the university" zhan offered "No no why are you troubling yourself I'll manage" yibo denied politely.

Zhan huffed "you are coming that's it" at that yibo slowly nodded and went with zhan.

[Time skip when they reached at university]

"You can leave me a little far from university" yibo said while fidgeting with his fingers.

Zhan frowned "why ?" He asked and looked at yibo who was still playing with his fingers. Zhan internally coed at the younger's habbit of fidgeting with his fingers when nervous.

"Its you know like I am married so you know they would um make fun of me" yibo stuttered and looked down.

Zhan chuckled " no one would dare to do that baby " he said and stopped the car in front of the University gate.

Yibo got off and zhan got off too. Yibo looked at him "Why d-did you get off?" Zhan came near him and kissed his forehead.

"Study well and I will send a car to pick you up so wait for it" he said and left leaving a flustered yibo behind.

[Time skip - after yibo came home]

Yibo went in and plopped himself on the couch " I am home" he said with closed eyes.

Zhan sat beside him and caressed his hair "welcome home" yibo was startled after hearing his voice. Yibo blushed again "Can I ask a question" he asked shyly.

"Ofcourse you can" zhan replied smiling at his cute little husband.

"Did you marry by your will?" He asked zhan smiled.

"Did your parents told the reason of our marriage?" Zhan replied with a question.

"Mn, mama told bobo that your company was ready to help us but your dad wanted the family relationship to grow stronger" yibo told everything sincerely.

"Its not only that" zhan said and yibo wiggled his eyebrows "then?"

Zhan smiled "well I think you don't remember me but when you were a baby around 1 year old I first time saw you and I liked you very much so I came near you and surprisingly you came to me too but when I was leaving you weren't ready to let me go so I used to visit you till you turned 8 after that I went out for my studies but the last conversation we had is the reason why we married" zhan explained and yibo was shocked.

He then had the Flashback when zhan was leaving

8 year old yibo "gegeee" yibo was crying hugging the elder boy tightly "Don't weave bobo" he sobbed. The whole family was looking at the cute scene when the 15 year old zhan took him to the garden and sat down on a swing while placing the younger on his lap.

Zhan wiped his tears "why my bobo is crying?" He asked the younger who was sobbing.

"Becuash gege is weaving bobo awone" the younger said.

"Gege will come back soon bobo and when gege returns we will marry each other and bobo will be my wife" zhan said trying to calm the little one.

"Wut ish wife ?" The younger asked.

"A wife is the person we love the most zhan said while pinching the little one's nose.

"Then ish gege bobo's wife awso?" The little one asked and zhan shook his head making the younger tear up "but bobo wuv gege the mosht" yibo said

Zhan chuckled "but gege will be bobo's husband" he said making the younger one srcunch his nose

"Wut is hushban now" he asked, annoyed.

"A husband is who the wife loves the most" zhan explained and chuckled at the annoyed little baby.

"Sho bobo ish gege's wife and and gege ish bobo's hushban?" Yibo asked finally getting what zhan meant.

Zhan shook his head " but this will happen after marriage" zhan said and yibo jumped up "then wets malliage" zhan chuckled at the little boy

"Bobo and gege are small so when they both become big then they will get married okay?" zhan asked but the younger one pouted.

"Pwomish bobo" he said pulling out his little baby finger and zhan intervened his little finger "promise"

Yibo was blushing so hard after remembering it he looked down too embarrassed to say anything

Zhan chuckled and pulled him close "so to fullfill my promise I made to my little wife I married you" zhan said.

Yibo blushed more when zhan called him Little wife. "But I guess My lil bobo don't love his gege anymore" zhan said pouting sadly.

"No no its not that bobo loves gege too" yibo said panicking but when he saw Zhan's smirk he looked down shyly.

Zhan pulled him on his lap making the younger squeak.

"Aww that was so cute bobo" he said making the younger Totally red. "Gege" he said and hid his face in Zhan's chest making zhan chuckle.

"So wife loves husband now?" Zhan asked at which yibo pecked his lips "yes wife loves husband so much".

-The End-


the plot is really common so if the things in this are related to some other books then it's just a coincidence and nothing else.