
The Psycho Psychiatrist

[ NOTICE : This story contains usage of strong words which might not be suitable for few readers, so read it on your own risk ⊙.☉ ]

"So , should I adress you as Zack Erons or as Zerons ? " Asked the Psychiatrist.

"Zerons is fine." I answered .

"So Zerons, where did we left our session last time ?" she said while interfering with my silence.

"Isn't this what you are paid for ? It's my deal to ask questions and yours is to answer those questions , right doc ?"

I questioned.

"Fair enough then. This our 4th session and we have had no progress , well it's practically because you haven't opended up to me yet .

So what is that you are holding back ?

Zerons : Sighs

"Oh I see , I am questioning you again.

Ok then, to share secret's your first need to know other person's weakness that's your belief after all .Then let me tell you my secret first and then you will do the same , how does the deal sounds to you ?" She was asking for a confirmation to the deal and willing I said ,

"Only if the secret is worth it !"

"Well , we will see that. It happened back in highschool around when I was 17. We had this newcomer in our class, she was always isolated and pathetic looking , you know what I did to her ?

I choked her cat , trying to scare her ass off but unknowingly I killed it and she cried her eyes out . I stillll didn't stop and then made my friends to physically assaulted her with the bucket in the washroom. We used to put that bucket in between her thighs during her period cramps and then we used to make her walk the hall during the lunch break. How fast it was to make a joke out of her after all it was me who moulded her into one. A bully now a psychiatrist , Can you believe it ?

but you see, I regret all of this , I was not in my right state. Being assaulted by my father had a great impact on me but now I am as normal as any other human beings and I know you deserve to be too !" Said the Psychiatrist.

"Aren't you one hell of an hypocrite ?"

I asked

"What ?" and she laughed the fuck out of it.

"Just cause your father assualted you , you did all of those things and now you feel superior just cause you helped few depressed kids.

Well , doesn't that make you a hell of a dick?" I said .

"Well , you were assualted and so was I ,

I don't think that makes the two of us any different ? You have done bad things as well , way worse than this.

So now , Let me tell you this. The last suspense of my story , My real name isn't 'Nika Martian'

it's actually "Nykee Martian" ,

Nika was the girl I bullied and Nykee was the one who bullied her . So what do you make out of this story Zerons ?"

Asked the psychiatrist .

"It was funny how you and the woman outside at the reception almost shared the same name , Ha !

So actualky Nika is that woman and Nykee is you , Ah I see so this mental behaviour must be geneic. But I don't even think you were assualted by your father by seeing how easily you said this . Were you worried that I might would've been recording your words so you tries to make yourself a little more pathetic, like the victims do ?

lmao , aren't you one little devil yourself huh ?" I said.

"Yea , I am . You sure are smart so tell me this ,why do you think we exchanged our name then ?" She confidently asked.

"Cause you were the top student of your school and she was like the sole of your shoes ? If I think more deeply , your parents must've disliked her cause they were all doctors and they must've wanted you two to be doctors too."

I answered

"How did you know that I was the topper of my school?" The psychiatrist asked as my words made her curious

"Well , if you see on your side wall , there are a lot of pictures hanging . Among those, three of them belongs to your highschool days. The one in the centre has two people in it . One is you and the other one must be your school principal . I can say that he's a principal just by looking at his clothes and the stuff kept at his table specially that stamp. Although it isn't clear but stamps are usually kept in the offices where the principal sits .

It was a simple guess as he's too old to be a teacher so either he can be someone belonging to a higher post or someone a little too inferior but the. you hate inferior things." I told her .

"Well aren't you a little too smart for a kid. You are correct !

My parents allowed this since I was the only one on whom they could depend upon in the future .

Since my pathetic sister had reported me to police, I came to had a criminal record but then it was all thanks to my brain and my parents that I came to have a normal life like this.

How rude of me , I should give you a chance to speak too !

So now your turn Zerons , We need to know each other's secrets to keep our mouth shut , don't we ."

Thats how the psychiatrist finished her story and I was ready to begin mine's

I could see her excitement , it's the same excitement as a murderer has while committing crimes for she able to stop words from coming out of her thick lips but failed to hide her mouth from smirking .

"It all started with a party during our highschool and we killed someone ...."