
- Chapter 23, History and Time -

I am quietly following Kyou from behind. As close as I can behind him. Intended to not rising too much of the un-needed suspicions. I don't want to make any future troubles which may makes him spouted the truth over the things I'm hiding. And still, I prefer for it to be still hidden. With that in mind, I followed him obediently.

We walk with our own feet towards the western gate. The gate where Fuyumi, Grim and me passed through with the carriage before. He waved at the militia whose standing guard near the gate. The guard nodded. Soon after, the wooden gate opened and we passed through it without saying a single words. I bet Kyou is already acostumed and well known in this village. We turn right, right after we passed the Gate doors. The doors slowly closed again as we walked out from there.

We walk alongside the wooden wall entering the forest side. After some distance, Kyou make a turn, entering right to the inner side of the forest. I followed him. The vegetations there shown like this path has been used by some times as we walk. The spaces they made, in between other plants, seemed like a pathway entering this forest of the Spirit. We walk deep inside, until we finally arrived at an open and wide field like an arena. Surrounded by Trees. On the far end on my right side, a river flows its stream. With a cliff after it as a wall, making this open wide field with short grass spreaded and filled evenly up to the side of the river bed, seems like a practice area? an arena? a hangout spot? I'm not sure. Not to mention, I'm still locking my lips following him whose taking turn to the right, going after the river bed.

We walk without a single words out until we reach the river side. He hoped on a big stone by the river, turn his back at me and sat down on that stone while looking at my direction from there. I stopped and standing still in silence, looking back at him.

"Hmm.", he mumbled while rubbing his chin with his right hand's finger.

"What?", I asked. Feeling a little bit annoyed.

"Calm down.", he said as he still rubbing his chin while staring at me with a plain expression. "You have not yet choosing your [Deity's] Path. But why do I feel Gaeana-sama essence on you?", he asked plainly.

I'm shocked. Calling out my [Black Ayakashi] from my left hand's white [Sphere], holding the very edge of the scabbard with my left hand and taking a stance while moving my right hand to the top of the hilt. Strengthening my resolves as I did those.

"Why do you want to know?", I glared at him as I ask. Pushing the [Blade]-'s hilt out from its scabbard with mu left thumb. 'Click!', a feint sound from it can be heard. He noticed my intent.

He snapped a little. He didn't reply me right away while removing his left hand's [Skin gloves]. Showing me the back of his left hand. "Look at this.", he said as he channels some [Mana] around him to his hand. A densed [Mana], colored in light blue color, like it was combined with white color, spinning and enveloping his left hand. Then after, a glowing in bright blue color sign showed up on it.

The sign has a rounded circle as its base. Inside it, a [Y] like symbol connected to it evenly. It's not just a simple capitalized [Y], instead, the upper part has 1 more line on it. Like a combination from an [I] and a [Y]. Like a trident, to be easier.

I maintaoned my composure and stance as I saw that. "So? What's about it?", glaring at him still in a stance, ready lo [Leap] at any time.

"Hmm.", he mumbled while maintaining the pose of his left hand. "[Chrono Stacias], [Time stasis].", he said as he stands.

He walks toward me in a casual way. My eyes can follow his movement, while my body can't move an inch like the time itself stopped. It took 5 seconds until he reached me and holding my right hand on the hilt while pushing my [Blade] back inside the scabbard.

'Click!', a feint click sound heard as the hilt of my [Blade] met its scabbard and the [Time?], goes back to normal.

"Wha-..", I was shocked. Stayed in silence and starting to rasing up my awareness.

"It was [Time Stasis]. A gift of the selected envoy of Chrono-sama, and Stacias-sama. The God and Goddess of [Time] and [History].", he explained with a calm, but still, plain voice. He closes his eyes as he said those words. No malice, or any killing intent related stuff came out from him. I'm starting to loosen up my awareness level.

"So?", I asked blankantly with no idea from what's the point of him showing and telling me such.

"Hmm?", he snapped as he opened up his eyes. A suprised aura can be looked on his eyes. "You don't know?", he asked.

"No.", I replied him immediately. "Should I?", I implied with question towards him.

"Sigh.", he sighed. He pulled his hand back, and turns his back. Walking away from me towards the river side infront of me. He squat down as he reached the side of the river bed. Reaching out both of his hands into the flowing river, and splashing the water on his face.

I lowered my guard and stance. Standing still casually while looking at him waiting for a reply. He's just squatting down there with his face turned down looking at the surface of the flowing river's water calm stream like in a deep thougt.

'Ahem!', I coughed intentionally to call him back to himself. He raises his head, turns his head back facing me, and making a gesture with his head movement which like was calling me over to his side. Then, he turns back his head forward and throw his gaze onto the river again.

"Sigh.", I sighed and shaking my head with my right hand's palm closing my eyes. Then, I walk to him casually and squatting down next to him. Looking at the river flow as well.

"So?", I asked.

"Gaeana, the [Bringer of Balance], is a close friend of my [Deities].", he said plainly as he's gazing into the river.

"So?", I asked again without turning my face.

"That's why I wondered, why do I felt Gaeana's essence on you.", he replied plainly. "As far as I know, Gaeana's envoys consisted only of Assassins from the [Shadow guild], and [Templars of Balance] which consisted of 3.", he implied.

"Assassins?", I asked plainly. Hiding my curiousity.

"Yes.", he replied shortly, immediately. "Assassins from the [Shadow guild] is different from any other [Assassins] guild tbose existed. They don't work for coins. Instead, they're preserving the [Balance]. Taking an action when they felt like they needed to meddled in. Living by the [Codes] of the guild. The guild exists, fundamentally to serve Gaeana-sama herself.", he explained more.

"So what does it do with me?", I asked.

"Well, you do have [Assassin]-'s moves and traits. That's the very first reason that I jumped to conclution in which I was about to ask you. Second, I felt Gaeana's essence on you like I felt on those [Assassins]. Third, your actual level is higher than mine. Fourth, you have so many unknowing of this world.", he said. I heard him attentively without saying a word.

"Could it be..", he paused himself a while before proceeding his next words. Talking in a plain tone, while eyes gazing silently into the river bed. "You are a [Reincarnated]?", he asked blankantly with a plain tone without pulling his gaze from the river. I'm suprised by his question. Unintentionally turned my head facing him, speechless in silence. He closed his eyes as he realizes my behaviour.

"I see, that's correct then.", he said. "You not need to worry. I won't say a word about this.", he implied.

"You serious?", I asked, feeling unsure.

"Yes.", he replied immediately. "You see. I'm the only selected person who can wield my [Deities]-s gift. While the other [Assassins] from the [Shadow guild] are envoys to my [Deities]-'. Mostly transferred since Gaian-sama's death. Gaeanna's pair. But still, your case of [Reincarnation], is absurd.", he explained. He opened his eyes. Dropping down his bump on the stones grounding. Leaning his body backward, placing his hands a little backward as holding to maintain support his body. He looked upside, gazing again. We're not on the sun striked area. We're on the shadowy in which shadow came from the cliff.

"Absurd [Reincarnation]?", I bent my head a little to the side while looking at him. Confused. "What do you mean with absurd?", I asked.

"You see?", he's gazing into the sky as he talked. Felt like he's telling an old story. "Even those heroes whose reincarnated here, have their respective families of their own from this world. By any means, those who're receiving the [Reincarnation] to this world, always started from a baby, or a toddler. Giving more natural adaptation to this world.", he implied with further explanation in plain tone, in casual pose. Sometimes, he picked a small stone, and threw it into the river bed. My eyes following the stones as he threw it.

"Eh?", I bent my head. With my plain sleepy eyes, feeling a bit confused. "So basically, they started off from scratch?", I asked in wonder. Hugging both of my knees with both hands as I sat on those rounded rocky grounding.

"Yes, that's correct.", he nodded plainly. He looked at me.

"What?", I reacted to his stare with my plain sleepy eyes face.

"No, nothing.", he shaked his head. Then, he turns his head back, to the front, gazing back into the river. I got a little bored. I stood up, and move over to the bigger stone next to the river bed. I [unequipped] my stockings and flat shoes as I reach there. Savint them into my [inventory]. Then, I sit down on the stone. Letting both of my feet into the stream of water. Kyou just looking at me by turning his head a little to the right. His eyes have been following my movements since I stood up from beside him.

'Splash! Splash!', the sounds made by the water as I kicked my feet in it.

"You know?", he started with a question. "Based on your knowledge, and behaviours..Can I take it that you were recently [reincarnated] to thid world?", he asked.

"Hmm?", I mumbled responding his first question. I reponded him in a carefree manner while splashing the water with my feet. "Mmmhmm.", I mumbled again as an answer which showing an agreement taken as a 'Yes', carefreely.

He just plainly stayed in silence knowing to my answer for some seconds. "Is Gaeana-sama the one who summoned you?", he asked again as he picked a small stone beside him and throwing it into the river bed.

It took a moment for me to answer his question. I stayed in silence, stopping my feet movement. Thinking about should or should I not answer him. Based on how he know the hidden truth of my actual informations, the stories he told to me, and the way he brought me here before saying and asking everything, I decided that he's a trustworthy person. I took that bet.

"Yes.", I answered shortly.

"I see.", he responded plainly, still throwing stones into the river. "Now I know why you didn't know much.", he implied.

"Why is that?", I asked. Turned my head to look at his direction. I feel curious on why he said so.

"Gaian and Gaeana.", he said. "The [Ruler of Balance] and the [Bringer of Balace]. Like a [Shield] and a [Sword] who preseve the balance between the good and evil. Since the death of Gaian-sama, Gaena-sama becoming a little more strict to herself. Gods and Goddesses are exist in a pair. Like my [Deities], Chrono and Stacias. The [Seeker of History] and the [Keeper of Time].", he explained.

"Well, I want to say 'I see' as my reply to that story of yours just know. But the problem is, I literally have no idea regarding Gods and Goddesses. It's literally useless for me right now. Sigh.", I ended my complains with sigh.

"Ah yes. Sorry.", he apologized. "I was dragged when I talk about [Deities]. So, to answer your question as to why, Gaeana-sama is strict. Even to those [Assassins] whom loyally see the world for her. So I bet that she make you learn this world by yourself, and make your choice by your own choice as well. Despite the fact that she's the one who brought you here.", he said while standing up.

"Hmm.", I get up from there as well. "I wonder if I chose to be a bad guy. Will she resent me?", I wondered while [Re-equip]-ing my stockings and shoes from my [Inventory].

"Probably not. She's a fair Goddess. I believe so.", he turns his body as he talks. He started to walk back, I followed him.

"Hoo, I see.", I nodded as I rub my chin with my hand while walking after hopping down from the stone.

"But, she might just send down an oracle to her envoys hunting you down. If you're suffering this world's balances too far.", he implied while walking towards the bushes where we're from.

"I see. But..", I delayed my next words intentionally.

"Hmm?", he mumbled as he turns his head to me while walking.

"I wonder why you're so talkative now. I thougt you were somekind of a loner, anti social, or an aphatetical type of a person.", I said in plain tone, giving a wondering impression intentionally. I saw Kyou acted like there are [Blades] thrusting him as I uttered each of those impression I had.

"Ugh..", he groaned while holding his chest with his right hand, still walking. "Your words felt like [Blades] on me.", he complained.

"Yeah! You deserved that.", I replied him casually. "Still, I wondered why?", I still insisted to be getting on an answer.

"Ah, fine.", he face palming himself as he agreed. "You see, I was a member of the previous [Hero]-'s party. He was a [Hero] from the [Sun Goddess]. To keep it short, some people tend to get closer to me trying to get some fame for themselves. Trying to get my affections and recognitions for better life prospects from their prespectives. Affections from me, won't help you against those strong opponents. That's why I'm keeping it strict when it comes to people. But you, I acknowledge you. But since you're trying to stay low, I'll hold myself to get closer to you in public.", he said and explained as we walk through the bushes pathway.

"I see. I really appreciate that thougts. Thank you, Kyou.", I thanked him sincerely with my words.

"No worries. People have their own circumtances.", he implied.

"Eh?", I murmured. "Now you sounded like Fuyumi-san.", I judged him.

"Fuyumi?", he lifted his head a little higher. Like trying to remember something. "Oh, that [human] man whose always together with that goat [beast kin], was not it?", he asked.

"Umu.", I nodded. "He's a nice person.", I said. With honest opinion.

"Indeed he is.", he turned his head back. "He's not combat proficient back then in the front lines. Despites he's just a quite far below A ranker, his experiences in [Spear] is quite troublesome. Not to mention, he's focusing his [Magic] in [Dark] elements. Truly a troublesome feat. But now, he's just lost his resolve as a warrior though. I felt sorry for him.", he said.

"Oh, he's that good in the past? Wow, I'm suprised.", I replied in awed. 'I wanted to ask what happened to Fuyumi, but I feel like It maybe impolite to talk about his, probably, tragic past without knowing about him directly from him.', I wondered in my mind as we walk.

We kept our silence as we're closkng to the gate. Following the same trail as we came from. The gate opened as we're walking close to it because the militia whose guarding the gate spotted Kyou walking towards the gate. We entered the village back, the gates closed again as we reach inside. We walk back to the inn. Thinking about having lunch.

At least today, I learnt couples of new things. About Kyou, about Gaeana and her deceased pair, about a God and Goddess called Chrono and Stacias which I took Stacias as the Goddess by the name, and lastly about some other [Reincarnated] people which happened to be the heroes of this world.

We entered the [Nightingale Inn]. I put my armament in the shelves and find a table. Kyou went upstairs, probably to his room. Dan waved at me, then he turns his back, going inside the kitchen which I took that he knew that I am wanting to have lunch here. There's no one on the receiptionist desk. I am the only customer there, taking a seat on the very corner of the building, waiting for Dan to come with the foods and beverages.

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