
The Dragon Goddess' Proposition

Chapter 1

In a time long past, my true name is of no consequence. Once, I dwelled in the realm of reality, until fate led me to discover an ancient board game that had once belonged to my great grandfather. They called it "Zero 2 Hero," a tabletop roleplaying game that had garnered a reputation for superstition in the 80s. Highschoolers dismissed its players as "nerds," while the average middle-aged individual deemed it "satanic."

Yet, in our present era, acceptance reigns supreme. It seemed the perfect moment to delve into this game and experience its wonders. I crafted my own character sheet, ready to embark on a medieval fantasy adventure where the boundaries of imagination were the only limits.

With the roll of a dice, I found myself transported into the very universe of the game, akin to the protagonists of those "isekai" anime tales. I confess, it was a trite occurrence. However, as a former indie author, I had harbored a certain pride, often criticizing trends for their lack of originality and creative stagnation. The replication of existing works irked me to no end, rendering them simultaneously relevant and irrelevant.

Little did I know that living within this realm would alter my perspective in ways I could never have fathomed.

Ampier's Stats

Strength: 1

Agility: 18

Endurance: 3

Intuition: 19

Intelligence: 15

Charisma: 20

Proficiencies: Performance, Larceny, Stealth, Acrobatics

Expertise: Persuasion, Manipulation, Insight

Weapon Specialties: Daggers, Rapiers, Short Swords, Crossbow, Shortbow

Tool Specialties: Lockpicks, Disguises, Poison, Brewery

Current Episode's Achievements: "How did we get here?"

I fled across the castle rooftops, pursued relentlessly by guards, all because I had pilfered the most coveted artifact known to all races and mankind. Their shouts echoed through the night air, their desperation palpable.

"He took the draconic amulet! Capture him!"

"He must not elude us!"

"This fool knows not the power he possesses, capable of unraveling our very universe!"

Yet, I reveled in my audacious laughter, even as I found myself cornered at the precipice of a cliff. They desired the amulet with an intensity that bordered on obsession. How significant could this trinket truly be? The middleman who had hired me to acquire it offered a mere pittance of 100 Gold Pieces. Nevertheless, a contract is a contract, and I was bound to honor it.

"Toodles~!" I mockingly waved two fingers from my brow, bidding them farewell as I allowed myself to plummet backward off the cliff. A thief's dedication knows no bounds. My swashbuckler hat remained perched on the cliff's edge, while my cape succumbed to the relentless wind, carried away in the tumultuous descent.

And then, I landed.


Gracefully, I descended upon a haystack, its embrace breaking my fall. It cradled me like the most comfortable of beds, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins, leaving me in a state of tranquil exhilaration. It was a wondrous sensation, akin to drifting into a deep slumber.

Ever the cunning rogue, I ensured that those who pursued me would find no trace of my presence beyond the swashbuckler hat with its feather adorning the cliff's edge. The guards and cavalry, peering down from above, believed me to be naught but a lifeless form. My perception, honed to perfection, allowed me to revel in the cleverness of my stratagem.

Yet, for all my wit, charm, and charisma, I remained susceptible to folly, blinded by my own ego.

Before departing the haystack, I took a moment to gather myself. The guards' departure, discernible by the tone of their voices, signaled my opportunity to slip away. However, I now found myself stranded upon a beach, disoriented and unsure of my whereabouts.

That middleman, that fool, believed he could claim the amulet for himself. Little did he know, I had deceived him, keeping the artifact solely for my own benefit. I am no mere lackey, but a thief of superior intellect, reveling in the art of deception.

Employment offers a wealth of information, ripe for the taking. Curiously enough, the entire eastern coast now sought my capture, drawn to my charm like moths to a flame.

"No, my dear Ampier-kun, it is because you are a 'wanted man'," a seductive, unfamiliar voice interjected.

"Huh?! Who dares approach?" I exclaimed, a mixture of fear and rakish audacity, brandishing my rapier in my dominant hand and my parrying dagger concealed behind my back. "If there is anyone I cannot defeat, it is myself! Hah!"

"Your ego blinds you," the mistress of the voice replied. "It shall be your undoing, for it is unbecoming." To my surprise, the voice emanated from the very amulet I had stolen, catching me off guard and filling me with terror. I struggled to maintain my composure.

"Well, that is hardly a kind way to address an elder goddess, Ampier-kun," she continued, her words accompanied by a radiant light. Gradually, a figure materialized before me—a beautiful being, part angelic goddess, part succubus, adorned with horns, a reptilian tail, and scant armor that protected only her bosom and loins. The rest of her form remained exposed.

"How does such armor protect you?" I inquired politely. "My fair lady, if the most vital organs are left exposed?"

My words shattered her mind, leaving her bewildered by such audacity from a mere mortal.

Yet, she giggled, her laughter genuine and filled with delight. She appreciated my bold statement as if it were a jest. "Oh, darling, you are a mortal who cannot fathom my wisdom. The reasons behind my choices lie beyond your comprehension. However, our meeting here is no mere coincidence."

She continued, her voice resonating with purpose as I listened intently. "As you can see, I have orchestrated this reality, this meeting, for a greater purpose. It is our destiny, our intertwined fate."

"Whoa, hold on! I am still in the process of self-discovery before embarking on any relationship, madam," I interjected.

"Oh, dear me! No, no! I meant to convey that you possess great potential to fulfill a prophecy. After the war's end, a new malevolent entity has emerged, and it is your duty to stop it."

I pondered her words for a moment. "And what shall be my reward for this task? I am loyal to none but gold. I am, after all…"

"A mercenary thief," I added.

She paused, contemplating my request. "How about my eternal devotion as your loyal servant, even beyond the realms of life and death?"

I whistled, impressed by her offer. "I may be a charmer, but I hold respect for women that others may lack. I do not view them as mere objects."

"Ah, such contradictions," she mused. "But what if I were to offer you a return to the real world?"

I scoffed at the notion. "Are you jesting? I find solace in this fantastical realm. The real world holds little intrigue for me. Although, I must admit, it grows lonely to be the only one aware of the illusory nature of this existence, this simulated game into which I have been thrust."

"But there are others like you," she revealed. "If you allow me, I can guide you to find them. They are part of the prophecy, the chosen ones. And you, my dear Ampier, are the main character, the one with the Dragon Girl amulet. We are here to guide you on your most crucial quest. In the end, the choice will be yours. Return to your mundane world or bask in the glory of this realm."

"Intriguing," I murmured. "And what of this quest, what dangers lie ahead?"

She smiled, her form shifting between ethereal and alluring. "Head west to Honeywood Village. There, you shall encounter what you mortals call an 'NPC.' You will know them when you see them."

"Very well, off I go then," I declared, ready to embark on this new adventure.

Before I departed, I couldn't help but inquire, "By the way, what element do you represent as a Dragon Girl?"

"The Element of Surprise," she replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"You jest," I chuckled.

"I assure you, I am quite serious," she countered.

"So, the Element of Stealth, then?" I pressed.

She giggled, indulging my preference. "Consider it as you wish, my dear Ampier."

And so, with newfound purpose, I set forth on my journey, heading west toward the village of Honeywood. The promise of companionship and a grand quest awaited me, as did the opportunity to shape my own destiny. The allure of this simulated world, with its mysteries and challenges, beckoned me further into its depths.

Little did I know the trials and revelations that awaited me, the encounters with both friend and foe, and the ultimate choice that would determine the course of my existence. But I, Ampier, the cunning thief with a heart of gold, was prepared to face whatever lay ahead, armed with my wit, charm, and the skills of my trade.

For in this realm of fantasy and adventure, I would discover not only the limits of my own abilities but also the true nature of heroism and the power of choice. And perhaps, just perhaps, I would find a place where I truly belonged, where my skills and cunning could be celebrated, and where the line between reality and illusion blurred into something altogether extraordinary.