
Chapter 1: Home at last(?)

"Raven Chua... Sorry sir, but I can't let you in without letting the tenant know. You're also not listed in the registered guest list, so I can't let you in."

Raven simply sighed at that. He simply wanted to surprise his fiancee, May, but the lobby clerk for this condo won't let him in. He just got home yesterday after his discharge from the army, so he wanted to surprise her. He however understood the clerk and appreciated the tight security in this place, he didn't want just anyone coming in and being a possible threat to his girl.

"I understand. In that case, can I just wait down here for her? I really want to surprise her, and I know from her mom that she usually comes home around this time" Raven asked nicely. Despite being part of the military, his own family is rather well off, owning several restaurants around the city and other places, and he knows that he can go farther by simply being nice to the lady behind the desk rather than by throwing his weight around.

"Okay, but you can only stay here in the lobby, and please do not try to get past our security people. You're not the first one to try, so please don't embarrass yourself", the clerk agreed in an exasperated tone.

Raven simply laughed good-naturedly at that. "Sure. Just don't let her know I'm here so I can surprise her. I'll just buy a few things to tide me over while I'm waiting" he replied.

Good thing there was a convenience store just across the street. Raven bought some snacks and drinks, then smoked outside the store before he went back.

As he made his way back to the condo, he was only a few meters away from its doors when he stopped to appreciate a slow moving car drive past him.

He had always liked cars, and he really liked the look of the Benz that just drove past. 'Must be a new model' he thought to himself.

Judging from the size of the car, it was something that you bought so that you can be driven in it, not one to drive yourself.

Raven personally likes to drive, so despite having the money to buy something like this, he never would. He wanted the freedom of driving himself around.

The car stopped at the condo's doors, and out of it stepped the shapely figure of a woman followed by a man in a gray business suit. The woman turned around to hug the man, which was followed by a deep kiss.

The man then slid his hands down and squeezed the woman's ass.

'Damn, these two need to get a room' he thought to himself as he chuckled.

Despite all this, it was none of his business, so he then simply just started making his way towards the condo again. As he walked, the couple parted and the man went back into the car to be driven off.

However, he was frozen stiff as he recognized the woman.

'This can't be fucking happening to me. I'm not in some TV drama for this to happen.'

Yet despite his thoughts, there was no denying it.

That woman was May. His fiancee. The woman who, just a few months ago, told him that she was ready to marry him at any time, even if he never left the army.

He felt like his blood left him as he felt his body go cold from the shock. Only one word managed to leave his lips...


Her head turned as she heard her name, and her face blanched as she realized who spoke it.

She then quickly made her way into the condo, as if she could escape reality.

Raven jus stood there for a few minutes, stunned.

He then made his own way into the condo and went to the clerk.

The way this floor was set up, the clerk's desk was just before the elevators, and the clerk would surely see anyone passing by. Despite seeing it for himself, he wanted to confirm it. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating or something.

Anything to say that he was mistaken.

The clerk was looking at her computer when he came in, and he just arrived at her desk when she noticed him.

"Oh, there you are! You just missed her, she stepped into the elevators just a moment ago" she told him with a smile. "If you want, I can call her unit to confirm if I can let you in. Let's just give her a few minutes so we're sure that she's at her unit".

"I know this sounds stupid, but please tell me that the woman in the blue business dress that just went into the elevators is not May Lee in unit 2209"...

The clerk's brows furrowed at the strange request.

"But that is her, May Lee in 2209. I saw that she was dropped of by her boyfriend as usual and I saw her as she walked past me, so I know it's her" the clerk replied, wondering about Raven's words.

He then took out a bottle of soda from the paper bag he was carrying, then placed the bag on the desk.

"You can have that. I have to go. If she asks, just tell her I left."

"Anything else you'd like me to tell her for you?" the clerk asked.

"If she asks, just say that I'll take care of cancelling it for her. She'll know what I'm talking about ".

Raven didn't wait for a reply as he immediately left after that and went to his car. He tried to compose himself and drank the side before he took out his phone to make a call.

"Raven! Nice timing son, your mom and May's parents are here. We were just talking about having dinner, and your mom insists that you join us."

Raven fell silent at his father's words. "Can you put me on speaker for them dad? Please?"

Raven's father was somewhat taken aback at the strange request.

"That's strange... but sure, you're on speaker".

"Sure we can have dinner, I have nothing against her parents. Uncle and auntie have been nothing but nice to me, but for more details you'll have to ask her yourself since apparently there's a lot I don't know. I can only tell you what I saw..."

Raven's father gave a short nervous laugh at that. "What are you talking about, son? You're making me nervous here".

"The wedding is off"