
The Invitation

A week had passed since my birthday and I lay under the canopy of some trees reading a book.

Looking up to see Ella walking towards me, I smiled as she approached me.

"Your mother has asked for you milady." closing the book I stood up, straightening my dress before handing the book over to her, "Would you please put this in my chambers for me to get back to later." "Of course milady." she bowed before returning back to the house.

Strolling slowly back to the house I picked a flower from the ground, swirling it between my fingers. I wonder what mother wants now, I hope it's not another set up with some suitor.

As I entered the drawing room I observed my mother at the small reading table. A letter in hand. Noticing my presence she looked up, Excitement in her eyes. " Darling come sit down, Your father and I have just received this. It is an invitation to a ball being held at the Mistwood Estate tomorrow night."

Pretending to be oblivious about the Lord De Lioncourt's return, not wanting to reveal the fact that I had been eavesdropping on her conversation. I frowned convincingly, "By whom? I thought the Estate was abandoned."

Shaking her head as she took a sip of her tea, my mother answered, " No dear, The estate is owned by a very wealthy family, the De Lioncourt's. Lord De Lioncourt has been abroad for some time but he and his family have returned along with some personal acquaintances of theirs. This ball is their way of welcoming themselves back to Allyrion."

"I see. And will we be attending?" I said looking down at my lap not wanting to seem overly eager about it all.

To be truthful I was excited to hear this, I have always been curious about the estate and had never seen the mansion for myself, only ever going to the lake which was at the end of the property far away from the main house.

"Of course we are, we would not want to appear unwelcoming to our neighbors."

Although they weren't exactly neighbors, as their estate was situated some 5 or so miles away from ours.

"We will have to go into town to buy new gowns. Your father has a meeting with the council later today so we can take the carriage in with him."

Standing in the garment store I decided to look through the racks while mother had a conversation with two other ladies we had met in the store. As I browsed through the gowns not seeing anything I liked, I spotted a brightly colored fabric hidden at the back of the store. Walking closer to see what it was I entered a small sewing room and was taken aback by the gown in front of me.

It was a beautiful crimson gown with long sleeves and a low cut bodice, wrapped around the corset was stunning black lace that crept down the gown in intricate thin vines. The fabric was made of silk and the skirt ran down in an A-Line shape rather than the ruffled ball gowns that were in fashion these days.

"This is it. This is the dress I want." calling over the shopkeeper, I instructed her to have it fitted in my size and box it up before mother could protest to me buying it.

My mother stood next to me now with her eyebrow raised. Before she could voice her opinion I raised my hand. " I know it is not what you would have chosen but I love it." she sighed in reply, " Alright then dear."

Sitting down at one of the popular tea rooms, we waited for my father to finish his meeting with the council. Being woman we were never allowed to accompany him and mother preferred to spend the time shopping and having tea with the other noblewoman.

As I sat, sipping on my tea all I could hear around me were conversations about the ball to come and how excited everyone was to meet the Lord De Lioncourt. I was more excited about getting to see the mansion finally. Having never gone up to the mansion, in fear of getting caught.

So tomorrow night was my chance to explore.

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