
Close Proximity

When we reached the stables I was out of breath from the fast pace we rode at. Still confused by what had just happened.

Why was he so on edge all of a sudden? I hadn't seen anything but Caleb looked as if he had seen a ghost. But it was no excuse, he didn't have to get rid of me so quickly. I can take care of myself.

Frustrated by the whole situation I stomped up to my chambers and collapsed onto the bed.

I had never had someone manhandle me the way he did, thinking about it made my heart flutter.

I don't understand why he would say it isn't safe, I had been riding up there my whole life and not once did I encounter any problems.

That night I tossed and turned, struggling to fall asleep.

I woke with determination, I would go to the Mistwood Estate and demand to speak with him and why he acted the way he did.

Just then Ella knocked at my door, "A letter arrived for you milady."

Checking the letter I found the De Lioncourt seal marked into the wax, ripping it open roughly I sat down on the bed to read it.

Etched neatly in beautiful cursive handwriting;


I apologize for my behavior last night.

I'll be waiting for you at the lake.



What kind of apology is this? And to just assume I would meet him?

I crumpled up the letter and throwing to the ground annoyingly I sat back.

Ella stood silently, confusion on her face.

"Ella please will you let the stable boy know that I need Shadow ready in an hour."

"Yes, Milady." She left without question. I liked that. She would never pry in my affairs.

I stood up now to pick the letter up again, straightening it out I placed it neatly into the book on the table. I don't know why but something possessed me to keep it. It was silly.

Taking a moment to calm myself, I washed up and got dressed. As I came down the stairs my mother had just started breakfast, sitting down beside her I grabbed a piece of her toasted bread, nibbling at the edges.

"Riding again today, I was hoping you might want to come into town with me." My mother spoke condescendingly.

It was clear that my mother never approved of me spending all my time outdoors and not enough time at tea parties and luncheons.

" Actually, Mama.." I hesitated for a moment not sure if I should tell the truth. " I have been asked to lunch at the De Lioncourts" It was a small fib but I did not want her to get suspicious of me meeting Caleb alone.

"Oh?" She looked intrigued now. "Caleb De Lioncourt, He asked that I join them today. If that's alright ?" "Of course! We would not want to cause offense. Yes, you must go." I could tell she was getting the wrong impression and I immediately regret my telling her. "Mama this isn't a date. I think he just means to be friendly." I stood up now and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be home for dinner."

I took my time getting to the lake, Shadow being anxious tried to gallop but I kept him in a slow canter. He knew the way to the lake now and I didn't have to pay too much attention to where I was going, I could relax and take in everything around me.

When I got to the lake Caleb was nowhere to be seen, climbing off Shadow I fixed my hair after the wind had swept it into wild curls during the ride here. I wore it loose, allowing the length of it to fall down my back. It was long enough to sweep across my buttocks now and I enjoyed the feel of having it down.

Walking down to the lake, I bent to gather some water in my hands and wet my face. Then I spotted him walking calmly towards me in long smooth strides. The sight of him caused me to hold my breath for a moment. I exhaled calmly as I stood up to meet him.

"Hello, Zenobia." He grinned, looking down at me.

My heart fluttered as he said my name. I closed my eyes to gain back my senses.

"Is something the matter?" He sounded concerned now.

"What happened to you last night?" I blurted out impatiently.

He sighed now, "It was nothing, I thought I heard something that's all." "I don't believe that. You wouldn't have gotten rid of me so quickly if that was the case." I was getting angry now, my voice trembling slightly.

"Zenobia, please just let it go." His face was sorrowful.

"Why won't you tell me" I pleaded softly now, looking down at feet.

"It's better that you don't know, That is all I will say." I looked up at him now, staring straight into his eyes. "That isn't good enough." I shook my head.

I wanted to know what happened. I wanted the truth.

He lifted his hand, taking a strand of my hair he delicately placed it behind my ear. I was stunned by this sudden gesture towards me and stood speechless as I looked up at him.

He spoke almost in a whisper with that soft smooth tone of voice. " It will have to be for now." He smiled a gentle smile and I couldn't help but give into his charm.

"Walk with me?" He held out his arm, locking my arm with his we walked silently along the water bank. My heart racing from how close we were now. Unable to handle the silence between us I spoke, "You scared me you know, I thought maybe you had been attacked by wolves or something."

He laughed shaking his head at the absurdity of it all. "No, No wolves." he looked at me through his long lashes and winked. I felt my face turn red and I looked away to avoid the embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush." He stood in front of me now, frowning with his lips pursed.

"Do me a favor?" he gently held my hand in his, his skin was smooth and cool to the touch, "Don't go out alone? It worries me to see you out in the wilderness by yourself."

"I can take care of myself," I said a little frustrated with his treating me like a damsel in distress.

His mouth lifted at one side with a sideways smirk, " Humour me." "Fine." I sighed. He let go of my hand, pleased with himself. "Good." "Before I forget, My mother thinks you asked me to lunch with your family today," I admitted a little embarrassed. " Does she, well I guess I better take you to lunch then." "That isn't necessary,I just didn't want her to ask questions." He whistled to Shadow and the horse came galloping towards us.

Was he even my horse any-more, he seemed to take commands from this Man like he had been his master for years.

Climbing onto Shadow he held out his hand "Well?" I rolled my eyes before hopping up behind him. Wrapping my arms around him for support, we rode towards his families mansion.

As we rode I could feel his muscular body under my hands, each muscle flexing as his movements flowed with Shadow's, Taking a deep breath I inhaled the smell of him, his scent was intoxicating; It reminded me of cedar wood and frankincense. Musky and spicy and utterly delicious.

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