
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Death is sometimes not the end, and the zenith is empty. Legends rise and fall. Myths are born. Faced with death after a dismal fall from grace where glory, renown, and prominence were once found, Kieran's second chance is fueled by vengeance. It burns like a ruinous flame and drives Kieran's quest for power within and without. Though not an ingrate, he remains curious about why he returned to the past instead of dying. He has nothing but questions, but his death puts the beginning of his story into perspective, showing him that Zenith Online... is the beginning of the end — the end of the current Age. The zenith is empty and calls for someone to claim its throne, but to answer that call means to bear the consequences. Everything — especially choice — has a cost. Challenges lay in wait. The road to supremacy is wound in suffering, and to know the truth is to know madness. And so, the Maddened awakens...

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Assigned Roles, Confirmed Suspicions

Kieran had briefly touched upon the matter of assigning guild roles in the past, but at that time, there was nothing tangible for them to represent. 

After all, Sanguis Requiem didn't exist then. However, it did now, making it the most opportune time to take advantage of the circumstances.

Though Alice still had further inquiries about her recently gained scroll, she decided not to address them at the moment. The announcement that all players received just moments before interested her more than the scroll.

'Sanguis Requiem, was it? Could it be related to the blood and soul of the dead? Hmm… knowing Kieran, it may be more symbolic than that,' Alice thought, her gaze curiously falling upon Kieran.

As she stared at Kieran, Alice noticed Kieran moving his hands about in the air before him, as if tending to some interface that the others couldn't perceive. 

Naturally, this was precisely what he was doing.