
Zenar 24

(Guess what's back!? Rewrite time, baby!) Ava Kalesidia is a girl struggling with boredom and a seemingly never-changing life. That changes when she meets Karma Mye Destin, or Mye. Karma Mye Destin struggles with finding friends and hanging out with them with her social status as the daughter of the Duke. That changes when she meets Ava Kalesidia. So, what's the problem? Well, Ava is a Zenar, a terrifying creature that originates from a virus from another dimension. To make matters worse, Zenars, and the Zenar Virus, destroyed every galaxy, destroying the ruling races and bringing the population everywhere to below forty percent. Everyone lives in fear of them knowing that, if they happen upon a Zenar, their lives are most likely over. There is reason for this. Zenars are incredible strong, fast, and are extremely hard to kill. They also feel no sympathy or remorse, acting like a hive mind, and are enigmas, sometimes failing to destroy a metal wall while other times they fly through an entire ship, destroying it. Ava, like all Zenars, seem to have that same strength and viciousness. Only, unlike other Zenars, Ava is perfectly able to talk and think for herself, having what looks like no connection to any of the Queen Zenars out there. For this reason, Ava is kept in strongest stronghold of humanity, Fort Ziler. Unfortunately, no matter how different Ava is, she is still a Zenar, and still kills without reason, seeing nothing wrong with killing and eating humans, which she used to be. Yet, because of how different she is, she grows a strong attachment to the first strange girl she meets, named Mye. Yet, can such a relationship ever last? Ava, no matter how innocent she is, will never see killing as wrong, as her total lack of common sense makes her dumber than other Zenars and, to that extent, more dangerous. Mye's father, the Duke, wants her to have nothing to do with his daughter, and Ava has many more oddities besides her behavior. Why does she look like the President's deceased daughter? Why is it that she doesn't feel the hive mind like the other Zenars do? Why is it that she can speak? These mysteries need answers, and sometimes the answers are much more dangerous than remaining oblivious, especially when it means that not only will the remaining species take up arms, but the Zenars themselves, who are nowhere near as dumb as one may think. This is a messed-up love story about a monster trying to learn how to love. Hope ya enjoy!

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Extra 5: Zenar Virus 2

When the Zenar Virus first arrived, it was first viewed as a virus. Afterwards, it was considered a living organism like fungus with how it spreads, has a hive-mind and can build "colonies" similar to mould. After some more research the results now strongly suggested that it was a virus with how it acts. Of course, the argument went on for a while until most just agreed that it was a virus.

Similar to mould, the virus would bunch together and build upon each other, eventually releasing spores into the air. Unlike mould, the main property of spreading the virus is through a liquid, meaning rivers of the virus can be seen at mild to heavy infection sights. The virus does not need water or sunshine to live and it won't run out. However, just like normal viruses, the Zenar Virus, or Z-2, can be warded off if someone is healthy enough. The few exceptions are when a Zenar infects someone through forced feeding of liquid Z-2, someone is weak enough and has been seriously wounded with the black parts of Zenar, (not including wings, claws, and tails) are stupid and walk into a spore cloud without proper protection or just into a heavily infected zone in general, or they are dead or children with a heavy wound of any Zenar kind. Z-2 does not have a weakness to fire or extreme temperatures, (though they grow and spread less when in intense heat) and the only well-known way to hurt a Zenar Colony, or even a Zenar without fail, is to hit them with extreme heat, then shoot them with freezing liquids, then to shoot a plasma blast or any laser weapon at the spot. It will horribly maim any Zenar and will destroy large portions of colonies. Due to the fact that weapons that can do things such as these are unreliable and can are generally easy to avoid for a Zenar, the weakness is considered an execution method and a method for getting rid of or controlling Zenar Structures. As now many Zenar Hunters would tell you, including Darren Hawkens, "'Using blunt force on a Zenar, even if you use the method above without the laser part, is useless. The Zenar will shake it off and will only proceed to attack with more caution. While it is true that using a blunt weapon in this case if you don't have any laser weapons or high-calibre weapons only then will blunt weapons be considered effective enough. If you're lucky, you can slightly maim the Zenar enough to retreat. If not, then you better hope those few precious seconds you got are worth something, or else you are fucked."'

Zenars and the Zenar Virus are weak to a certain compound of gasses, or just one gas, called Anti-Z, discovered and named exactly during an incident where President George Toggoman found out when he was just a soldier on an asteroid. The Zenar will drawback and scratch at its eyes and hands, even spitting if it gets in its mouth. The gas is made up of [REDACTED] and can be sold commonly at most government-funded weapon shops. Any found not under strict supervision and being funded by any government is punishable by death or [REDACTED], where their family shall be next if they have had some contact with them. The effect on the Zenar Virus is it melting and shrinking back. This can be used to make a path if you find your path blocked by Zenar Structures.

If mixed with [REDACTED], it can have positively planet-ending effects. As such, anyone who is seen with any such chemicals in their possession, regardless of their role, (with he few exceptions being the higher-ups) will be killed and their [REDACTED] and bleached as well as increased and [REDACTED] before being closed up for four to eight years. These areas are guarded and anyone unauthorized will be killed on sight.