
We are Brothers

Devouring flesh is what makes the demons stronger. The nurse was being devoured by Van, not by mouth but by absorbing it.

"My power is overwhelming. Now, I'm gonna test this new strength I've just obtained."

Van saw Ace and the two on their way to a near cafeteria. He draw the sword that Demon King used in their fight and strengthen it.

Van disappeared out of the room when the nurse came in. All she see was blood on the

the wall. Her panicking made her drop the lunch for Van and ran in the hallway.

On the other side, Van unexpectedly appeared in front on the Heralds on their way to the cafeteria.

"Van! Are you okay now?"

Ace was happy yet confused how did Van got there so quick while he was recovering. And gives them ominous vibe about Van's appearance. It's hard for them to predict what's happening to them. Van raised his arm and caught the sword...

"Wait!! T-That sword was... the Demon King's..."

Jacob was knowledgeable about the things because he was an ex-scholar when Heralds were formed, and he saw through the sword that Van defeated the Demon King.

"V-Van how did you get that sword"

"Only the powerful one can strike the hardest"

Van looked to them and saw that his right eye was black with red on the center. He used the same technique that Demon King used, he striked into the air that made multiple powerful waves that cutted his arm.

"Why are you doing this to us!! Van"

Van has no expression but continued striking.

Some people and houses in the kingdom where slashed by Van's strikes.

"Ace, we need to stop him now before the kingdom is completely destroyed. We are Brothers but we need to stop him. It also hard for me to hit him but I need to."

Rindou convinced Ace to stop Van.

"I think we need to, now draw your spear and catalyst. VAN!! Let's finish this"

It was hard for Ace to fight his brother that he fought him with tears on this eyes.

Jacob supports them both by making a way to reach Van, and Rindou covers Ace by countering the attacks that Van releases and Ace will take on Van. Now that Van has the power of the Demon King, made portals and command the Demon minions to help him on his battle.

"What the heck!!? How can he summon those minions, also with that number?"

"Isn't it obvious? He has the power of the Demon King now so he can do that thing"

"Guys fight now talk later. It is hard to fight without Van on our side and fighting Van"

They continue to fight the minions. They can't notice Van's action on the back. Unexpectedly, Van's other eye was on tears. It is because fighting wasn't Van's doing it is the Demon Kings actions. Van thought he would obtain his power, he did obtain though but he also become the vessel of the Demon King which regenerated his right arm.

They've finished all the minions he summoned. In that number, they were all worn out specially Jacob because he supports them by providing magic and stamina.

"Just rest there Jacob until you recovers the energy you need. Rindou and I will take care on Van."

Rindou shielded Ace as they attack towards Van

"Their combo technique is good, we could've defeated Van if I haven't run out of energy. But

how did he obtain the power of the Demon King while we struggle on the first time we've encountered him."

Jacob was thinking on how Van defeated Demon King while looking at him. He suddenly noticed that his right shoulder has a slight cut on it.

"It must be it! Guys strike his right arm off him! He became the vessel of the Demon King!"

Ace tossed Rindou at the top and throw his spear to taunt Van's attack then Ace raised his sword...

"Sword art technique: Light Judgement"


While Van's attack was taunted to Rindou's spear, Ace slashed Van's right arm.


Van's arm was cutted again and fall, but half of the Demon King was already manifested into Van's body. He stood up as he gives an evil laugh.

"HAHAHAH. You think that your little trick will be able to stop my tyranny!?. Well, take this!!"



Demon King was on Van's right eye providing him enormous power. Thus, he regenerated his arm and resumes the battle. Van used the elemental spell that he used on their battle with the Demon King and unleashed the wrath of the thunder.


"A-Ace... we don't have a choice. We need to ... do the Phantom Ozrial to annihilate Van"

"But Van will vanish if we do the Phantom Ozrial I-"

"WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE ,ALRIGHT!! We need to do it. Van has already consumed by the Demon King, he won't be giving two thoughts about destroying the kingdom and killing us. So think Ace, Think!"

Ace was troubled on making decisions of killing Van. Ace wanted them to be together forever, he also need to protect the kingdom.

Choices are hard to make specially for the one you love and the ones you protect. Thus, Ace didn't want Van to receive the crucial Phantom Ozrial. Jacob gave all the strength and magic that Rindou and Ace.

Phantom Ozrial was a technique that slash multiple air blades and quickly but more crucial and can destroy Van.

"Ultimate Sword Art..."

"Wait! That stance. I think I know that."

"Phantom Ozrial..."

"Wait!! STOOPP!!"

"Million Slash"

Ace released the legendary Phantom Ozrial while he closed his eyes and are on tears, Rindou and Jacob also closed their eye like Ace and cried because of their brother... won't be part of them anymore.


Van received most of slashes and some are deflicted to the buildings near him causing them to collapse and break into pieces and covered him while shouting...

"I... shall have my re... revenge!!"

"Farewell... Van *cries*. remember that we were brothers"

The big battle between the Heralds have ended. They left the battlefield reported to the king. The news was now known all over the kingdom.

"Hey! Did you heard that the Heralds killed the Abyss Herald"

"It must be hard for them to loose one of the closest for you"

The death of the Abyss Herald was spreading so quick that made the Heralds feel uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Van didn't die nor vanished from the strike of Phantom Ozrial. He crawled into the forest and there, the demons pulled him into the portal to the Demon Realm. Some of the demons were strong and wise. With that kind of demons, they can heal too. They gathered the healers and healed Van because they see him as their King now after defeating Demon King. Van woke three days after he was healed.

"Where am I? I thought I died"

"Ah you're awake, Demon King"

"Demon King"

"This way please"

Van left the room and followed the Demon.

There was a big noise happening outside and there awaits the throne for the new Demon King. The demons kneeled down to the way through the throne as Van passes through.

"I see, I'm their new Demon King."

"Yes, King Van. "

They say in unison after Van sit on the throne.

"From now on, this place will be know as the Abyssal Terror"

He changed the place. He made the walls break and produces lava and, statues that spits lava. He also made a big battlefield where they do their training and preparing for revenge.

" I will give all of you some of my blood to get stronger"

Van spreads his blood and the demons evolved. They came from skinny to berserkers. And the ones who are skilled have obtained upper rank enhancements.

"Now, prepare for my return. Ace, Jacob, Rindou. I'll be the strongest of us not like before"

Next chapter