

"I'm sorry to hear that… But see it this way. Now that I'm here you don't have to do anything. I'm quite sure that I will be able to defeat Ganon and save Zelda on my own. So, if you want to, you can just find a quiet place to wait out this calamity. Not that I wouldn't want to go with you, if you even want to. But I have a feeling that I have to do complete what I was asked to do. And it would be a lot easier to do this together. Especially as I am not quite a trained soldier or anything." After hearing me she seemed to think about it. At least for a bit, before she seemed to come to a decision. She just nodded her head. And started talking.

"I don't really know what I should do beside doing what King Rhoam asked of me. And just like you I think that I will really regret not doing anything. More specifically not rescuing Zelda… So, I will, at the very least, go to Kakariko Village. And I also don't really like to let someone without any knowledge of how to fight go out alone. At least I still remember something. Some monsters, and how to fight. I should be able to show you at least some things on the way there. I also have a map which should make it quite easy to find the village." 

Right. I can't just walk into a random direction and hope for the best. A map is basically a requirement. And learning how to fight could also prove quite helpful. Although it would be a lot better if we could do this whole thing together… well I might still be able to convince her later.

"That would be nice. Really thank you Linkle. You didn't have to do anything like this, so yeah, thanks." And she really didn't have to do anything. But she still pulled a stranger out of a crater that he himself created. 

"No, it's nothing special. It was barely any bother." She started to smile. A really nice smile now that I'm looking at it. So, I did what every normal man would do…

"Now that I think about. How come I have clothes on? I don't think normal clothes would survive my crash…" Starting from her ears and then spreading to her face a blush started to spread. And…

"Ehm... well… I well… just ehm… might have given you some...." The end was barely audible, and my hearing is getting better by the minute too, so a normal person probably wouldn't even have heard her. Seems like she isn't used to being teased, but then again, would be weird if she was, what with losing her memories.

Still… she's looking so cute right now…

"You… you're teasing me, aren't you?" Seems like she noticed my mirth…

"Well then let's start our journey to Kakariko, shall we? Please do lead the way, my lady." I stated while doing my best bow and probably failing miserably. Still, I seem to have pacified Linkle. As she stood up and started laughing haughtily (she tried at least and that's what counts).

"Finally, you started treating me how you should be. Well then, my loyal knight follow me." Which I found quite ironic, considering we are on a quest to save a princess of whom she is the knight. Or is she? I guess she is… I don't think Hyleans care much about gender. She then proceeds to walk to the broken wall and pulls out her Paraglider. 

"You do know that I don't have a Paraglider do you, Linkle?" She just smirks at me and speaks.

"Well, I'm sure a strong and loyal knight doesn't need such fancy tools, as this weak princess. Let's just meet there." She points at a broken bridge which leads to a… skull? Is that normal? I remember that there are several enemy camps, filled with Bokoblins and the like. But why would she want to go there? But before I can even start to open my mouth she just jumps out of the broken wall. And starts gliding towards the bridge. 

And I? I am left wondering what to do… But then I remember what exactly I am. I am Doomsday. And I just fell out of the sky and now I was completely healed. But more importantly… I adapted. A sword broke when it was used to strike me. So how bad could a small jump be? It's just 10 something meters. And so, I, too, walked towards the ledge. And then? Then I jumped.

And I noticed something weird. I didn't get any closer to the ground… rather it got further away. Not for long, just a few seconds. But still. I was able to see the roof of the small building Linkle and I slept in. Soon after what I expected happened, I started to fall. And soon I met the ground. 

But just as I expected. I didn't feel anything. 

It seems like me crashing didn't just make me tougher but rather also made me stronger. I grinned. This is better than I expected. I really do need check how strong I am… and conveniently I just crashed into the ground and cracked the ground. So just I picked up a small rock and… easily crushed it in my hand.

I definitely got quite a bit stronger. This feels good. Very good. So good in fact that I started to laugh. Just a little bit. But still… how exhilarating. I don't think it will take me long to get there… now let's see… 

And so, I jumped again. This time with everything I got in me. And it was like nothing before. The feeling of soaring into the sky and not just because you are falling but rather because you want to be something that I can't even begin to describe. It's just incredible. 

And just as I thought, it didn't take too long to get there. After 2 jumps I landed a bit before Linkle. I swear the girl is just too adorable, that pout is something for the ages. Still the feeling of the wind in my face is something that I'm not done enjoying so, before she even has the time to say anything to me, I'm gone again, leaving nothing but dust behind. And all I could here was a.

"Why you…." Before I was too far gone to hear anything else. And soon after I was there. And although I didn't want to stop. I knew that I got to at least somewhat control my needs. And I wouldn't want to bully Linkle too much. She is after all helping me out of her own volition and we wouldn't want her to regret helping me now, would we? And so, I just sit down not too happy with but as I said, what can I do about it?

And so, I closed my eyes for a bit to relax and then I waited. Not for long but still, I waited. And soon a begrudged Linkle came to me.

"And you asked me how you should come here? Really?" Although she wasn't quite out of breath it is still quite easy to see that she tried to come here as fast as possible. Probably didn't want me to be that much faster than her…

"If I were to say that I didn't know that I could do that, would you believe me?" I answered with a small smile, and it really was the truth. 

"Yes, I would. But that still doesn't make it any better, if I'm honest... Still do you know what you are? And why you are so strong? I just didn't ask because I wasn't too interested and didn't want to make you uncomfortable. But I am quite curios now, after seeing how far you can jump." I was wondering a bit about that, but still to think that she just didn't want to bother me… she certainly is quite a kind girl.

"Thanks for watching out for me. But don't worry about it, as I said I don't really care that I lost my memories. And although I'm not too certain why I am this strong, I think that my strength is something natural for me and my people, I guess. I also think that we are not really of the same race, I don't have pointed ears like you, see?" I said and then pointed to my ears, as they really were still normal. 

She looked at them for a bit looking a bit surprised.

"I actually didn't notice that. But I guess that makes sense. I don't think there was a Hylean who could survive a fall from the sky… at least not without preparation. I am quite sure that there is some magic of some kind that would protect some."

Ah right magic. I forgot about that. If I remember right Superman was quite weak to magic, at least in comparison to everything else. I don't remember if Doomsday was weaker against that, too. Let's just hope for the best and worst case, I just need to get hit by some, without dying, and then I will adapt to it. But still, for me to forget that is really not good…

"Is everything alright?" 

Next chapter