The portal
Dad Zai: where am my?
Dad Zai:is okay
Dad Zai:im here
Dad Zai just saw one uncle
Dad Zai: excuse me..where am my,what planet is this?
Uncle:you are at cosmic planet.
Dad Zai:cos.. what?
Uncle: Cosmic planet..
Uncle:*Run away*
Dad Zai: Wait ...!
15 years later
People:hi Main character
Zai:Dad.. im home
Dad:welcome son, lunch is ready..
Zai:Yes lunch time.
Zai:~lunch time,lunch time,im coming for eat you,lunch time im coming, is lunch time~
Yey lunch time
*Eat *
Dad*i cannot show this to my son*
government:meeting time!!
Everyone think Zai is my main character
They all just get cheated.
Another gavernment:So sad
Government:i will create the real main character.
Another gavernment: what the main character name?
Gavernment:Zain Steel
Another gavernment: Sounds great,wait steel?
You want make Zain become stronger
Another gavernment:nah,if zain become evil how?
Gavernment:im destroyed..ez right?
Another gavernment:ok you win..